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Kyle Singler


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K should have another impressive squad next year then. They will be losing Scheyer's three point shooting and leadership ability, but are replacing him with arguably the best point guard in this years class in Kyrie Irving. Irving is going to make everyone on the floor better, from the Plumlee's on down the line. If Nolan Smith can continue to shoot the way he did to finish the season, then they should still be able to fill it up plenty from beyond the arc. From a Duke haters standpoint, I hate to hear this, but as a fan of college basketball the defending champs will have a team that will be more than adequately equipped to defend their title.

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K should have another impressive squad next year then. They will be losing Scheyer's three point shooting and leadership ability, but are replacing him with arguably the best point guard in this years class in Kyrie Irving. Irving is going to make everyone on the floor better, from the Plumlee's on down the line. If Nolan Smith can continue to shoot the way he did to finish the season, then they should still be able to fill it up plenty from beyond the arc. From a Duke haters standpoint, I hate to hear this, but as a fan of college basketball the defending champs will have a team that will be more than adequately equipped to defend their title.


Don't forget about Seth Curry, Andre Dawkins and Carrick Felix(:sssh:).

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Don't forget about Seth Curry, Andre Dawkins and Carrick Felix(:sssh:).


Seth is who I'm most excited to see play next year, heard nothing but great things about him all year long. If he's as good as advertised, I wouldn't be shocked to see the lineup look like this next year:






Either Plumlee



I'm not expecting Felix to contribute right away but you never know. I don't know if K will go away from the two big men though since it worked well this year, but we've only got 3 bigs instead of 4 unless you count Kelly in at the 4 some.


Duke will be deep, it'll be interesting to see Coach K's substitution patterns next year.














All could see time next year, but I think the bottom 3 are out of the loop at this point.

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It will be very interesting. He has the tools and athleticism to have a very up tempo offense. For the first time in a while we shouldn't have to worry about listening to announcers claiming that Duke won't have the legs late in the year.



I am like you. I can't wait to see Curry out on the floor next year. Do any of you guys follow them on Twitter? I started Twitter when I got my iPhone and I follow pretty much all of the team. They are a very tight knit group and Seth, Nolan, Andre and Kyle work out together a lot. They are funny to follow. Especially Nolan.



Man, I can't wait......

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If Duke runs an up tempo offense I can see Felix getting on the court and providing some Top 10 moments on Sportscenter. He has 3 years of eligibility and I look forward to watching him at Duke. He's the kind of player that will flourish playing with Kyrie Irving. The Plumlees will benefit from Irving also.

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I just cant wait for Dawkins to get PT :banana:


I also can't wait to see him grow as a player. This past year all he did was stand around the arc and bomb threes (which is about all we needed him to do :lol:). I can't wait to see him become more aggressive as a player like he started to do towards the end of the year. We definitely have 4 very elite guards next year to go along with Mr. Final Four MVP at the forward position. :thumb:

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Duke should head in to the 2010-2011 season and the #1 ranked team.


They were going to be top 5 without Singler...with him, I see a repeat.

I knew a lot felt good about Duke's chances without Singler, but I thought it was imperative for him to return in order for Duke to contend for the title. That would have been 4 starters the Blue Devils would have been replacing and relying upon a lot of unproven talent to lead the team.

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I knew a lot felt good about Duke's chances without Singler, but I thought it was imperative for him to return in order for Duke to contend for the title. That would have been 4 starters the Blue Devils would have been replacing and relying upon a lot of unproven talent to lead the team.


With Singler returning, Duke should be a lot of fun to watch next year...to say the least.

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