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I'm doing a study on Revelation and I noticed that the word REPENT is used in every church of the seven. They are all told to repent. Repent ..."to change your lifestyle and turn it completely around and change your ways."


This word is also mentioned over a 100 times in both the Old/New testamnets.


Websters says...To regret one's actions as to change one's mind. Once you repent of these certain actions you are to do your best from repeating these actions. If you knowing act on these and knowing they are wrong the Bible says..."you are worse than a person who has never repented, because you knew better and had repented".


Once with the Railroad everybody used bad language, and I did some, but there are some words I've never spoken, but still I had a chage of heart and turned my life away form these words..I repented the Sin.


I'm amazed that people at my church do not come forward and repent of their ways, and confess at the altar of their sins. They don't need to go public, only to God. Revelation tell us that there is this Book Of Life in chapter 20:11 that some day we all will face...whether you are a Christian or not.


I see young people losing their lives on TV amd in the paper. Folks a lot younger than me and it makes me sad to know they will be judged someday and could face eternal doom, we have a choice, a pattern set forth.


You don't believe in the Bible, what if I am right and you are wrong? What if you are right and I am wrong?


I need to repent.

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Also, found the similarities between Smyrna and Philadelphia very interesting.


The letters to the churches typically follow the same format...a description of Christ, a commendation for the church, a rebuke of the church, advice, a consequence if they don't repent, and a promise for the overcomers.


Smyrna and Philadelphia are the only two churches that do not receive any rebuke or criticism. The descriptions of the churches are similar...both are suffering persecution. Smyrna is in poverty...Philadelphia has but "little power"...that seems to imply that both churches are poor and weak compared to worldly standards. Additionally, in both letters, Christ mentions those who say they are Jews but are not slandering the churches, and calls them a synagogue of satan.


It's interesting that, by the descriptions given, the two churches that are the most weak and poor by world standards and suffering persecution, are the two purest churches Christ addresses. Should we pray for persecution?


One notable difference is that Smyrna is told they are about to be persecuted and instructed to endure ("be faithful unto death"). Philadelphia is told that God will "keep them from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world".


Just found the parallels and differences between these two churches in particular very interesting.

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If I am not mistaken there are 7 instances in the Bible of men making the claim "I have sinned" . Of those 5 were not true repentance only two were. When we repent we are/should be tore up inside that we have been disobedient to God and desire his forgiveness above all else.


There is a huge difference in asking for forgiveness because you are truly sorry and asking for forgiveness because you got caught.

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If I am not mistaken there are 7 instances in the Bible of men making the claim "I have sinned" . Of those 5 were not true repentance only two were. When we repent we are/should be tore up inside that we have been disobedient to God and desire his forgiveness above all else.


There is a huge difference in asking for forgiveness because you are truly sorry and asking for forgiveness because you got caught.


Would love to see those instances listed and have a chance to discover what you are seeing.

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Also, found the similarities between Smyrna and Philadelphia very interesting.


The letters to the churches typically follow the same format...a description of Christ, a commendation for the church, a rebuke of the church, advice, a consequence if they don't repent, and a promise for the overcomers.


Smyrna and Philadelphia are the only two churches that do not receive any rebuke or criticism. The descriptions of the churches are similar...both are suffering persecution. Smyrna is in poverty...Philadelphia has but "little power"...that seems to imply that both churches are poor and weak compared to worldly standards. Additionally, in both letters, Christ mentions those who say they are Jews but are not slandering the churches, and calls them a synagogue of satan.


It's interesting that, by the descriptions given, the two churches that are the most weak and poor by world standards and suffering persecution, are the two purest churches Christ addresses. Should we pray for persecution?


One notable difference is that Smyrna is told they are about to be persecuted and instructed to endure ("be faithful unto death"). Philadelphia is told that God will "keep them from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world".


Just found the parallels and differences between these two churches in particular very interesting.


What are you doing a study on Revelation or something???

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Acts 2:38 Peter preached and they asked....What should we do? Repent and be baptized everyone one of you".


Acts 3:19 Repent and then turn to God.


Job 36:10 commands them to repent of their evil.


Luke 17:3 rebuke him, and if he repents forgive him.


For a new person to the the Faith to repent means turning away from his/her old self. To start a new/fresh start leaving old ways of a sinful nature. To have a clean slate kinda like quitting smoking/drinking, you have to stop and start sometime. And this a very hard thing to do.


The language thing for me was hard at first but time went on it was real easy.


Lying to people its also very hard and there are times I get into trouble and this is a daily stuggle.....Mama says just got my haircut, how do you like it? She reads me like no one else......

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Rich man on earth isn't very nice. Poor man waits until the dogs are fed and he gets the leftovers. Poor man believes in God, Rich man believes in his riches. Both die and the Rich man goes to torment, poor man in a safe place.


Rich man is shown how nice the poor man has it and questions why he cannot get any relief? He is told he gets what he deserves, and so does the poor man.


He then wants the poorman go back and warn his brothers about this place he is in compared to the poor man. He is told No, he had his chance and now so does his brothers.


You can't REPENT once you are judged.

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