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Who's the new Greenup County Football Coach


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I haven't heard anything. Tell us what you have heard.


Rob Rister presented a power point presentation (I have a copy he e-mailed me prior to the meeting) regarding the current condition of the field, fieldhouse,weight room and all the coaches and their assistants from 1973 to present along with their wins/losses. He said whoever they get to come in needs new and updated materials and an updated field and stands, etc. He also said the new coach needs full support, not just financially, in order to be successful. He also said it is a shame that a good man and good coach like Sammons was not allowed to succeed. From what I hear, it went over very well.

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Chris Ailster will stepdown as AD and become the new head football coach.
He hasnt coached in years, that being said I think alot of Chris, but I'm not sure he will give up the AD job for this job... I am almost 99% positive it will be someone from the outside.
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Rob Rister presented a power point presentation (I have a copy he e-mailed me prior to the meeting) regarding the current condition of the field, fieldhouse,weight room and all the coaches and their assistants from 1973 to present . . . . l.


Let me begin by saying that I do not have a child in the Greenup School system nor do I live in the area, but do still feel that Greenup is and always will be my home. I agree with the fact that the football complex is in a horrid state of disrepair. But this should not come as surprise to anyone as the only "improvements" that have occurred over the past 10 to 20 years were the replacement of some of the wood in the bleachers and maybe the blacktop placed under the bleachers. Now, the thought of repair or improvements to the facilities or even a new complex would be a wise move and a tempting one for a new prospective coach. But he too will fail as evidenced by the quote from above . . .


I say this because the creed of the Musketeers has been locked away since their early success on the gridiron and I feel possibly lost forever. To refresh those of you who are not familiar with this saying, it is quite simple and to the point; "All For One and One For All". This goes for the players on the field, the students at the school and the fans and parents in the stands. While I appreciate Mr. Rister's presentation, I do feel it is somewhat self-serving and would simply ask why not make the same effort 1 or 2 years ago.

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Let me begin by saying that I do not have a child in the Greenup School system nor do I live in the area, but do still feel that Greenup is and always will be my home. I agree with the fact that the football complex is in a horrid state of disrepair. But this should not come as surprise to anyone as the only "improvements" that have occurred over the past 10 to 20 years were the replacement of some of the wood in the bleachers and maybe the blacktop placed under the bleachers. Now, the thought of repair or improvements to the facilities or even a new complex would be a wise move and a tempting one for a new prospective coach. But he too will fail as evidenced by the quote from above . . .


I say this because the creed of the Musketeers has been locked away since their early success on the gridiron and I feel possibly lost forever. To refresh those of you who are not familiar with this saying, it is quite simple and to the point; "All For One and One For All". This goes for the players on the field, the students at the school and the fans and parents in the stands. While I appreciate Mr. Rister's presentation, I do feel it is somewhat self-serving and would simply ask why not make the same effort 1 or 2 years ago.


I don't think it was self serving at all, it was an excellent presentation that listed statistics and facts of the program. It also stated that the average life of a coach at GCHS is 3.5 years and the average winning percentage of the football program itself is 41% (somewhere in the low 40's) which shows a very valid point and that is that the support and the all for one and one for all has not been there for the football program since the Bill Trent days, that is just the truth, the stats don't lie.

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I don't think it was self serving at all, it was an excellent presentation that listed statistics and facts of the program. It also stated that the average life of a coach at GCHS is 3.5 years and the average winning percentage of the football program itself is 41% (somewhere in the low 40's) which shows a very valid point and that is that the support and the all for one and one for all has not been there for the football program since the Bill Trent days, that is just the truth, the stats don't lie.


As I stated the creed has been lost since Greenup's glory days. The self-serving comment was directed at the "sudden" interest in the facilities. If I am correct, Mr. Rister has a son that has been at Greenup for 2 years already. Why bring up the facility now and not 1 or 2 years ago when your son started to play.


Come on people, be proactive. Don't just start painting, cleaning or showing any interest when your kid may play. Take interest and participate when or even before your child is on the team. That is what winning programs have, a level of participation before, during and after a family members playing days.

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As I stated the creed has been lost since Greenup's glory days. The self-serving comment was directed at the "sudden" interest in the facilities. If I am correct, Mr. Rister has a son that has been at Greenup for 2 years already. Why bring up the facility now and not 1 or 2 years ago when your son started to play.

Come on people, be proactive. Don't just start painting, cleaning or showing any interest when your kid may play. Take interest and participate when or even before your child is on the team. That is what winning programs have, a level of participation before, during and after a family members playing days.


The part about Mr. Rister having a son playing at Greenup for two years is correct. And before Coach Sammons left his son was probably going to be quaterback next year.I'm sure who ever the new coach is will choose his quaterback with this said I don't think that wanting to fix up the stadium or the equipment for the boys is a bad thing,they are in much need of all these things.Unless brownie points are trying to be scored I think it is a wonderful idea.

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Apparently people do not read posts completely because I stated that the facility has been in disrepair for some time. Honestly, I would like to see the whole thing bulldozed and rebuilt and I wish this would have happened many, many years ago. Had this occurred just think of the kids that could have benefited. My issue is that his concerns could (and should) have been voiced at an earlier time.

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Guys no offense, but you Raceland guys have no idea what has gone on the past few years. All you know is what you have heard. We have a new super. who is really putting alot of effort into getting the athletics at GC back to where it should be. We have the talent and the support. I understand that TJ was done wrong, but that had to do with a totaly different group of fans, parents, admin etc. It doesnt represent what is going on now.


For GCHS's sake I hope that you are right, god luck to GC in finding a new coach.:thumb:

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Apparently people do not read posts completely because I stated that the facility has been in disrepair for some time. Honestly, I would like to see the whole thing bulldozed and rebuilt and I wish this would have happened many, many years ago. Had this occurred just think of the kids that could have benefited. My issue is that his concerns could (and should) have been voiced at an earlier time.


Honestly you are right it should have been done along time ago.With the renovations that have been done recently to the school I dont think we have had the funds.Now the baseball field is getting a makeover and hopefully the school will agree to the football field makeover as well.Anything that is done has to be an improvement and hopefully it will draw attention from a GREAT coach.Someone who can do the football program some good. The school since my kids have been playing has never really supported foootball they would only pay for some of the charter bus to take the boys to Letcher Co. for the game.If it was not for the touchdown club Nothing would have been done for these kids. Maybe with a new principal and super things will change.

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As I stated the creed has been lost since Greenup's glory days. The self-serving comment was directed at the "sudden" interest in the facilities. If I am correct, Mr. Rister has a son that has been at Greenup for 2 years already. Why bring up the facility now and not 1 or 2 years ago when your son started to play.


Come on people, be proactive. Don't just start painting, cleaning or showing any interest when your kid may play. Take interest and participate when or even before your child is on the team. That is what winning programs have, a level of participation before, during and after a family members playing days.


I have previously posted on the Greenup basketball thread about the fact that the school motto and the absence of it since the early '80's. But I do not think it is fair to jump on Mr. Rister. Coach Sammons was hired , what, 4 years ago and I don't think the need for a power point was necessary. However, the administration has chosen not to support the Coach and now the search is on for a new coach. I applaud Mr. Rister on presenting information to try and reverse the 'old way' of hiring a coach. The school needs to be proactive and aggressive towards finding a new coach and the new coach needs newer facilities and equipment, etc. So to question why the presentation was done now and not two years ago is not a worthy argument. The case is that no one has ever presented to or ask the BOE for the newer ways to think or had any input on how to go get a new coach. In my opinion, someone should be doing the search, i.e the AD, because they are sports related. What do any of the current board members know about coaching or who would make a good coach? NFL owners hire the new coach but they have advisors and a GM that tell them who will be a good fit for the program. So, maybe, just maybe this step taken by Mr. Rister will start the proverbial ball rolling in the right direction.

Let's not bash someone or call them names or assume alterior motives just because he took the time and cares enough about the school to put this together. I do agree with one thing, parents and school administrators and fans in general need to be more involved and trying to 'do their part' in order for the program to sustain a sucessful status. That brings up one last point, 1 winning season is not a turn around, it is 1 winning season. Sustain a positive turn around with multiple good years and add in some district crowns as well. The pieces are there, they just need someone to work the puzzle.

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In the words of the great Bob Dylan "oh the times they are a changin".


But as some of these posts show, there are still negative comments and inuendos towards anything done for the good of the program! Rob takes time to put this presentation together to educate the BOE and those present and all people can say is that he is brown nosing and sucking up. People should be wary of accusing Rob of such things, especially when are not true.

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