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Flynn Beats Brohm as Packers Backup?

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You'll have to look a little farther back than yesterday obviously. Look at any quotes from before the pre-season games or during the mini-camps and you'll see what I'm talking about.

It's all in the numbers and what you do on the field simple as that.The situation is unusual that the highter draft pick gets beat out because most teams don't want to look like their draft picks should have been reversed.

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I think the Packers are stuck with three "back-up" quarterbacks. Brohm being a three is no big deal, most RC QB's are, and it just means he won't be thrown to the wolves as quickly.


He's on an NFL roster. That ain't ever a bad thing.

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Where did you get that info?


"They" have been lieing to you...


well they are poor judges of players then!


I am not quite sure what you have been reading.


Must be wearing some red goggles, or just a Flynn hater!


Coach Mike McCarthy said he has never had a rookie quarterback pick up the mental part of the game as quickly as Brohm has, the Green Bay Press-Gazette reports.


McCarthy worked with Marc Bulger as a rookie in New Orleans in 2000, so that statement has some weight behind it. "He's been extremely confident in the huddle for a young quarterback, and that comes to his ability to pick up the offense as quickly as he has," McCarthy said. Brohm is expected to win the top backup job behind Aaron Rodgers this season.



Like I said, Brohm was getting all kinds praise from everyone early on. Obviously things changed during the pre-season games but I only said it was strange based on what was said in camps, not that Brohm got screwed over. I really don't feel like looking up other articles to justify my point but you all can get the drift from this quote.

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