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Should NBA Install a "2 Years Out of High School" Rule?


What should the NBA do?  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the NBA do?

    • Make a manditory 2 years out of High School so there will be no more "One and Done's"
    • Keep it as it is, 1 year out of High School.
    • Go back to the way it was before and have High Schoolers enter the draft.

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I have been hearing a lot that Stern wants it to be 2 years in college before off to the pros. One year does absolutely nothing. Either make it manditory to go 2 years in college, or if they don't qualify, 2 years out of High School, or make it like it used to be and have High Schoolers in the draft.


I would love to see 2 years of Beasley/Mayo/Rose/Love.

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IMO - there should be no minimum age rule. It should be up to the GM's to do their job and figure out if kids are mature enough yet for the NBA.

Another alternative I think they should offer is a stronger minor league system. They should take a lesson from baseball and provide a minor league option and an option to attend college.

The D League hasn't exactly been a place for young players to go to develop, but more of a veterans trying to hang on/get back into the league.

If a kid is ready talent wise and maturity wise, then I don't think the NBA should have a rule holding them back.

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I think it should be 2. It would give more experience, smarter, and eventually better. I guarentee that DJ Augustine will be a better guard than Rose his first few years in the leauge because he went to College for 2 years. Paul went for 2, Carmello went 1 but he and LeBron are kind of the exceptions, Boozer went a few years at Duke, Tayshaun went 4 at UK, Kobe went fron high school and struggled his first few years, so did McGrady.

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These guys would rather go straight to the league instead going to college which they know they won't complete and possibly risk injury.


It gives them more publication, it gives the GMs a better evaluation, and they might risk injury, but when you play a sport, that's the chance you take.


They don't want to go to college, but I think they need to. It helps develope them, makes them smarter players, gradually gets them ready for the NBA rather than going from bad High School talent straight to the NBA, and provides character how to deal better with the real world and the criticism that comes with playing basketball on a big stage.

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It gives them more publication, it gives the GMs a better evaluation, and they might risk injury, but when you play a sport, that's the chance you take.


They don't want to go to college, but I think they need to. It helps develope them, makes them smarter players, gradually gets them ready for the NBA rather than going from bad High School talent straight to the NBA, and provides character how to deal better with the real world and the criticism that comes with playing basketball on a big stage.


Look at Greg Odom. He would be in his second year in college sitting on the bench and making no cash and might not ever be the same player again. But instead his is sitting on the bench making millions and is supporting himself and his family. Also who wants to go to college when you have the opportunity to make millions sitting on the bench or having fun playing ball?

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I've had this conversation with friends, have the NBA expand the D-League, each team gets a "minor league" style team. Each NBA team could have 15 on the NBA roster and 12 or 15 in the minors. This creates more jobs for the players union and high schoolers don't have to go to college. In turn, the NCAA goes to a 4-yr. LOI, if you go to college, you have to stay 4 or 5 yrs and you cannot jump to the pros because the NBA, NCAA, NBAPA has all signed off on it, until your class graduates. College coaches know they can recruit players for long term, not 1 and dones. Also, the NCAA allows one transfer with no penalty of sitting out a year, in cases of coaches leaving, family problems or medical problems. Also the NBA mandates some type of summer school and helps fund it for the non-college educated to help them get some type of career guidance after their careers are over. You go to summer school part-time or no contract. Also the NCAA needs to make scholarships a type of student loan. You pull your 4 or 5 yrs. you don't have to repay it. You leave school on your own for whatever reason, flunked out, kicked off for violations, whatever, then the school calculates the number of semesters attended, room and board and books and you will have to pay this amount back and just like student loans for regular students you cannot get out of paying it back. The government or in this case the school, gets their money back. Just some pretty good ideas imho that will never happen, but would make things better.

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I'd like to see a rule similar to what MLB has...
Agreed and would put more emphasis on at least getting some type, of education. They could always go back and complete.


What about if any player leaves after his 1st year of college, they go straight into the Developmental League for 1 year. If they are going to go, make them consider this option first and then see, if they still want to go.

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