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Iraq War: Congressman admits Democrats "stretched the facts,"

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I agree but it is refreshing to see a Democrat come clean on this issue.


Congressman admits Democrats "stretched the facts," misled anti-war supporters about supposed plans for ending War


"I'll tell you my impression. We really in this last election, when I say we...the Democrats, I think pushed it as far as we can to the end of the fleet, didn't say it, but we implied it. That if we won the Congressional elections, we could stop the war. Now anybody was a good student of Government would know that wasn't true. But you know, the temptation to want to win back the Congress, we sort of stretched the facts...and people ate it up." - Congressman Paul Kanjorski (D-PA)


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Combine this statement with Maxine Waters statement of the elimination of private enterprise and you finally have the real colors of the modern day Democractic Party, the socializing of our way of life with big elitist government. To these people the average American is too stupid to make it on their own. They need the guidance of big brother to lead them out of the darkness into the light. What will happen is that the elitists wiil lead us from the light into the darknessof evil of big government.

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This is a real dog bites man story, isn't it? Politicians being less than truthful.
What is different is seeing the dog confess to biting the man.


Actually, this is a case of one dog confessing for a pack of dogs mauling many victims.

Edited by AcesFull
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Democrats are using the same tactics in the presidential campaign as they used in 2006. I have always said that Obama was too smart to abruptly withdraw the troops from Iraq if he was elected. As Obama has become the presumptive Democratic nominee, his postion has steadily moved toward one that makes sense.


By the time the election takes place, Obama's position on the Iraq War will be very similar to McCain's position because even Obama understands that McCain has a better grasp on foreign affairs than he does. In contrast, McCain's position has changed little during the campaign because he was being honest about what needed to be done from the start of the campaign.


To paraphrase Congressman Paul Kanjorski, Democratic candidates lie about the Iraq War and Democatic voters eat it up.

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Democrats are using the same tactics in the presidential campaign as they used in 2006. I have always said that Obama was too smart to abruptly withdraw the troops from Iraq if he was elected. As Obama has become the presumptive Democratic nominee, his postion has steadily moved toward one that makes sense.


By the time the election takes place, Obama's position on the Iraq War will be very similar to McCain's position because even Obama understands that McCain has a better grasp on foreign affairs than he does. In contrast, McCain's position has changed little during the campaign because he was being honest about what needed to be done from the start of the campaign.


To paraphrase Congressman Paul Kanjorski, Democratic candidates lie about the Iraq War and Democatic voters eat it up.


Come on, I'll bash democrats as much as anyone but this happens on both sides of the aisle on a daily basis. If they're campaigning, they're lying. Sure there are exceptions but the only difference in both parties is the issues that they mislead us about.

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McCain has stuck by his guns on Iraq for a while now. From the time he first spoke out that America either needed to pull out immediately or propose a troop surge (He was then blasted by conservatives and applauded by liberals), to the present day after a noticable difference has occured (where he is now blasted by the same liberals who applauded him who call him "Pro War")


Come presidential debate see how many times suddenly Obama will be saying "I agree with Senator McCain"

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Come on, I'll bash democrats as much as anyone but this happens on both sides of the aisle on a daily basis. If they're campaigning, they're lying. Sure there are exceptions but the only difference in both parties is the issues that they mislead us about.
Obama made the war his top issue and he has gone from promising an immediate withdraw to a position that is sounding more and more like McCain's. I have bashed McCain on several fronts, but he has been much more consistent than Obama on this issue.
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One party lied to get us into Iraq and the other about getting us out. Wow I'm shocked.
The problem with the "Bush lied, people died" chant is that if there was solid evidence to support the theory, then Bush would have been impeached, convicted, and removed from office by this Democratic-controlled Congress. He wasn't and only the kooks on the far left (Maxine Waters and her comrades) have suggested impeachment.


In contrast, as Congressman Paul Kanjorski when Democrats promised to withdraw troops from Iraq if elected, any "good student of Government would know that wasn't true."


Unfortunately, not many voters are good students of government. If they were, our federal government would look much different.

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Just read what Bush's former press secretary had to say about it. It's on MSN.com.
I never read any of the "tell-all" books by the former Clinton insiders and I will not be reading Scott McClellan's book either. McClellan wrote a book to sell books.


McClellan's claim that the Bush administration was in full campaign mode all the time is ludicrous. Bush has the lowest job approval ratings in recorded history, so if his staff has been running a 7-1/2 year campaign, it has not been very successful.


Now, back to the thread topic. Does it bother you that Democrats lied about withdrawing troops from Iraq to win a few seats in Congress? Do the ends justify the means?

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