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Calif. Supreme Court rejects gay marriage ban

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Because certain factions American people are some of the stupidest on the face of the Earth. They are blinded by their religious zeal, in much the same way that Muslim extremists are. But , yes, you are right on with your comment!

Am I religious nut? Am I one of the stupidest people on Earth?


Keep in mind that I am a political conservative.

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I can't understand for the life of me, with all the problems this country is facing, why gay marriages and abortion would even be this big of an issue.


So you feel the killing of 3500 unborn babies a day and over 1.2 million unborn babies PER YEAR being born is not a big issue???????


Think of that. The Democrats want to tell you how HORRIBLE it is that over 4,000 soldiers have been needlessly killed in the past 5 YEARS while defending the right for 1.2 MILLION unborn babies to be killed in 2008.


The Dems with their support of abortion rights have MUCH, MUCH MORE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS then GW does with the war.


And you don't think that is a big issue.

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Because certain factions American people are some of the stupidest on the face of the Earth. They are blinded by their religious zeal, in much the same way that Muslim extremists are. But , yes, you are right on with your comment!


So, the only argument in killing 3500 unborn babies in this country is religious zeal. You can find no ethical or moral argument to killing 1.2 MILLION unborn babies per year that is not based in religion.


You don't find it morally sickening that this country okays the killing of 1.2 million unborn babies per YEAR all the while calling for the stoppage of genocide in Darfur and ripping on GW for over 4,000 deaths of American soldiers in Iraq.


Math from your post to my post, probably more babies have been aborted than soldiers have been killed in Iraq in 5 YEARS. Think about that.

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:scared::scared::scared: And we wonder why our country is in the shape it's in. WOW is all I can say. And the ball has been dropped ... the spiraling downward now picks up speed for our nation. The book of Amos can teach us a lot right now if we read it. God bless all you posters on Bluegrasspreps. Just hold on .. It's going to be a bumpy ride. Pray for our country, it's leaders, and those who practice the immoralities God condemns. He still loves their souls and so should we. These people still have souls and should be treated as we would want to be treated.. with kindness and love. We may not condone their beliefs but still can treat them with compassion ... just as Jesus would have......

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I think that we are much closer to a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage following this decision. It is only a matter of time before a California gay couple try to impose their San Franciscan values on the rest of us and file a lawsuit to force another state to recognize their sham marriage.

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Gay marriage is coming to a state near you. It's still gonna be a struggle because the homophobic, gay-haters are gonna resist but the right thing will win out in the end. Much progress has been made in civil rights, much to the chagrin of right-wing, rednecks. I know it steams you to see gay people like DeGeneres applauded and praised. Let me promise you, there will come a day, when you will see gay folk walking down the streets hand in hand in every small town in this country. And the vast majority of people will not even blink. Better get used to it or find another planet. Homophobes,gay-haters, hypocrites...You are quickly becoming a minority . Deal with or find another planet to spread your gay-bashing bigotry!


While I am not of the gay persuasion, I do have good friends as well as family who is gay. Many of the pathetic individuals who hate people because of sexual orientation are the same sad souls who would have lynched black people back in the sixties(and probably today if they could get away with it). Fortunately, we have come along way in four decades and we are moving towards a day when the gay lifestyle will be as accepted as any other, just as it should be. I would say within the next 5 years, you will see legalized gay marriage in most every state. I look forward to the day when my sister can take the same step that Ellen and others will soon take. And thanks to the recent Cali ruling and a more accepting America(rednecks and religious zealots aside), that day will soon be here.

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Again, I just love how the left label people because they disagree with a lifestyle that's wrong to them. :lol: :lol: :lol:



What should really frighten you is that I am rapidly becoming the center of American political and social philosophy. Many in academia even consider me a conservative apologist. :scared:

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It's possible that the gay rights movement will eventually view this decision as a political mistake. The next governor of California will probably be a Democrat who would almost certainly not veto a gay marriage bill like Arnold did. Gay rights advocates could have gotten what they wanted via the legislature if they had just waited for a new governor.


This court decision is likely to galvanize opponents of gay marriage and judicial activism and could result in support for a California constitutional ammendment that would ban gay marriage. If that ammendment passes, then the decision would be taken away from the courts and the legislature. The only avenue that gay rights advocates would have would be another constitutional ammendment.

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I have a real problem with courts overturning the will of the people.


I disagree with you here, Dad. Courts are here, on some occasions, to protect us against the Will of the People.


That said, the dicta in the Opinion is seriously flawed, and based upon California precedent, not federal.


There is an inside story here regarding the lawyers for the losing side pushing the decision more quickly. The Opinion arrives just in time to motivate and mobilize national opposition just before an election. Bravo, counselors!

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Once again its the Cali. Supreme Court. Most state supreme courts are elected.


Precisely why we have such poor jurists at so many levels. Its not about who is the best jurist or best legal mind, its about who is electable and thereby accountable to agendas.

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Gay marriage is coming to a state near you. It's still gonna be a struggle because the homophobic, gay-haters are gonna resist but the right thing will win out in the end. Much progress has been made in civil rights, much to the chagrin of right-wing, rednecks. I know it steams you to see gay people like DeGeneres applauded and praised. Let me promise you, there will come a day, when you will see gay folk walking down the streets hand in hand in every small town in this country. And the vast majority of people will not even blink. Better get used to it or find another planet. Homophobes,gay-haters, hypocrites...You are quickly becoming a minority . Deal with or find another planet to spread your gay-bashing bigotry!


While I am not of the gay persuasion, I do have good friends as well as family who is gay. Many of the pathetic individuals who hate people because of sexual orientation are the same sad souls who would have lynched black people back in the sixties(and probably today if they could get away with it). Fortunately, we have come along way in four decades and we are moving towards a day when the gay lifestyle will be as accepted as any other, just as it should be. I would say within the next 5 years, you will see legalized gay marriage in most every state. I look forward to the day when my sister can take the same step that Ellen and others will soon take. And thanks to the recent Cali ruling and a more accepting America(rednecks and religious zealots aside), that day will soon be here.

I am sure that with the way this country is heading that it will be the course if God allows this country to survive that long. I personally don't think the Lord is going to keep staying back and allowing us to run free as we please. He is going to start to dish out some punishment. I pray for this country and it's leaders. It's going to be a hard fall.

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