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The Democrat Dream Team

Is the combination of Obama/Clinton or Clinton/Obama unbeatable?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Is the combination of Obama/Clinton or Clinton/Obama unbeatable?

    • Yes either way they would be unbeatable
    • No, they are beatable
    • The winning candidate should consider ______ for VP.

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Hillary/Obama would be unbeatable if the Republicans nominate McCain. Obama does not need Hillary as his VP if he gets the nomination. Evan Bayh would make a better running mate for Obama.


Why exactly do you think that Hillary/Obama would be unbeatable? I feel that combination would bring a great deal of conservatives to the poles that don't always vote. God knows EVERY serviceman that I have spoken to is petrified of that combination as their president.

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I think they would be unbeatable, but I still prefer Bill Richardson.


Bayh I don't think will bring much to Obama - Illinois and Indiana??


I think it should be a southerner ??? or a Westerner (Richardson) to balance the ticket geographically.

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I just had this epiphany. You want a dream team? Whoever wins the DNC Presidential nomination asks Rudy Guliani to be running mate. I know hes a Republican (more like a RINO) but he's well like, pro-gun control, pro-choice, pro civil unions. The Republicans wouldn't stand a chance against a Clinton/Guliani or Obama/Guliani ticket..

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I just had this epiphany. You want a dream team? Whoever wins the DNC Presidential nomination asks Rudy Guliani to be running mate. I know hes a Republican (more like a RINO) but he's well like, pro-gun control, pro-choice, pro civil unions. The Republicans wouldn't stand a chance against a Clinton/Guliani or Obama/Guliani ticket..


Good point, I have a question. Don't a lot of Presidential candidates choose their VP partly on where they are from? Wouldn't that mean two New Yorkers on a Clinton/Guiliani ticket? Would that alienate some southerners?

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Good point, I have a question. Don't a lot of Presidential candidates choose their VP partly on where they are from? Wouldn't that mean two New Yorkers on a Clinton/Guiliani ticket? Would that alienate some southerners?

I thought about that, and I think the combination of a black or woman teamed with Rudy would override the NY/NY problems.

I still stand by the point of name the last President that didn't come from a Southern State or California?


Someone on the ticket has to be able to land the Southern States.

When was the last time the Democrats landed many of the southern states? As near as I can remember, it was 1960.

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I thought about that, and I think the combination of a black or woman teamed with Rudy would override the NY/NY problems.


When was the last time the Democrats landed many of the southern states?





He carried Florida, Tn, Arkansas, Lousiana.


Kerry, Dukakis, Mondale and Gore carried no Southern states. Carter carried only Ga. All losses.


Bill carried Tn, Arkansas and Louisiana in 1992


The ONLY wins for the Democrats in the past 30 years have come when they could win at least 3 of the Southern States.

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Bill never got more than 45% of the southern electoral votes.


I added to my post.


Every time since Carter in 1976 that a Democrat has been able to pull 3 or more of the southern states, they have won.


They get 1 or less and it is a loss.


The Dem candidate has to be able to pull some southern states to win this thing. Remember Gore couldn't win his home state in 2000 and the Dems like to blame it on the mess in Florida. You can't win your home southern state, you ain't going to win unless you are Carter in 1976.


He was the last Democratic President to not carry nary a Southern (Eastern) State and win the election.


I stand corrected. In 1976, the Dems were red states and the Rep were blue states.


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Why exactly do you think that Hillary/Obama would be unbeatable? I feel that combination would bring a great deal of conservatives to the poles that don't always vote. God knows EVERY serviceman that I have spoken to is petrified of that combination as their president.
I believe that they will be unbeatable if McCain is the Republican candidate because conservatives will not rally behind McCain regardless of who is on his ticket and regardless of his opponent.


With both Obama and Clinton on the ticket, the mainstream media will be merciless in exposing McCain's record, which will only suppress conservatives' support further. In addition, McCain will not have conservative talk radio defending him against the legitimate attacks.

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