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Why the double standard?

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Sorry it wasn't an ad but rather a question he posed. There was a discussion at some point, don't remember when, about Mormon and Huckabee asked, don't they believe that Satan and Jesus were brothers. He took some hit for attacking Romney's faith with this question.


Last night, they asked Huckabee about his name on an ad that Southern Baptists ran about wife submitting to the husband.


He answered that first, the ad was aimed at believers and that Scripture is how believers should act. And he wouldn't put his beliefs onto the country as a whole but rather the way he believes Christians should act. He said he would not ever apologize for his faith.


He then went on to address the Scripture from Ephesians. He said that a marriage works best NOT as a 50/50 deal but that it is a 100/100 deal. The husband should give 100% of himself. The wife should give 100% of herself. That is the model of a Christian marriage and that is what is being taught in that Scripture.


He had a little sermon.



The Southern Baptist Convention will be upset with him over the parsing of the message.

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Sorry it wasn't an ad but rather a question he posed. There was a discussion at some point, don't remember when, about Mormon and Huckabee asked, don't they believe that Satan and Jesus were brothers. He took some hit for attacking Romney's faith with this question.


Last night, they asked Huckabee about his name on an ad that Southern Baptists ran about wife submitting to the husband.


He answered that first, the ad was aimed at believers and that Scripture is how believers should act. And he wouldn't put his beliefs onto the country as a whole but rather the way he believes Christians should act. He said he would not ever apologize for his faith.


He then went on to address the Scripture from Ephesians. He said that a marriage works best NOT as a 50/50 deal but that it is a 100/100 deal. The husband should give 100% of himself. The wife should give 100% of herself. That is the model of a Christian marriage and that is what is being taught in that Scripture.


He had a little sermon.



Was the ad pro Baptist Faith and Message 2000 or was it against the submission statement?


To be honest, when he was a pastor, Huckabee was a lot more moderate in SBC circles than the conservative-fundamentalists who now run the convention.


Kind of like Al Mohler wasn't fundamentalist when fundy wasn't cool. (apologies to Kenny Rogers on this one.) :thumb:

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Was the ad pro Baptist Faith and Message 2000 or was it against the submission statement?


To be honest, when he was a pastor, Huckabee was a lot more moderate in SBC circles than the conservative-fundamentalists who now run the convention.


Kind of like Al Mohler wasn't fundamentalist when fundy wasn't cool. (apologies to Kenny Rogers on this one.) :thumb:


It was an ad (Huckabee said it was meant to be at believers who practice the Southern Baptist faith) about wives submitting to husbands.

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It was an ad (Huckabee said it was meant to be at believers who practice the Southern Baptist faith) about wives submitting to husbands.


Then it was an ad in support of the statement made in the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message. It's interesting because the Huckabee I recall from the 80's, the height of the struggle in the SBC, would not have taken out that ad.


For the record, if what he said is what you reported, I like that answer. I go a step farther though and point out that all those verses are interpreted by the first sentence in v. 22 that we submit to each other. I see the Pauline corpus as more a circle with Christ at the hub and all of us coming out of the servant's model. That will be for a later discussion. ;)

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Then it was an ad in support of the statement made in the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message. It's interesting because the Huckabee I recall from the 80's, the height of the struggle in the SBC, would not have taken out that ad.


For the record, if what he said is what you reported, I like that answer. I go a step farther though and point out that all those verses are interpreted by the first sentence in v. 22 that we submit to each other. I see the Pauline corpus as more a circle with Christ at the hub and all of us coming out of the servant's model. That will be for a later discussion. ;)




His answer.

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Probably because he, more than any other candidate, is playing the religion card as a reason to support him. It is undeniably a, maybe the, reason he is asking people to vote for him. Isn't it a major reason you are supporting him? It sure seems so based on your posts on here. Live by the sword, die by the sword.




I like many of his points but am getting very tired of the religion play. Some in his crowd is starting to go over the top. In the long run he will be defeated by this if it does not change.

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Huckabee's question to a reporter about whether Mormons believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers was a clumsy cheap shot, as was his press conference to screen an attack ad that he decided not to air.


These are two events that pushed me firmly onto the Romney bandwagon. Huckabee is the smiling, friendly face on what will be a dirty campaign waged by Ed Rollins.


Huckster discussing the ad you mention on the Tonight Show.



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My, my, my, it seems those that cast a stone on Huckabee being the ONLY CANDIDATE to be playing the religious card, chucked that stone a little too early.




Obama asks S.C. black voters to have faith

CHARLESTON, S.C. — One of the most striking aspects of Barack Obama's pitch in the Palmetto State, where roughly half the Democratic voters are black, is that it isn’t dominated by the issue of race. It’s about faith.


Through the psalms and verses of the Bible, Obama is seeking to connect with South Carolinians at a deeper place than the color of their skin, a place where belief in modern miracles may linger, including the election of the first African-American president.


Now, on Jan. 26, comes the first true test of his faith-infused message as the two front-runners square off here in the Democratic primary.


Obama’s strategy carries risks. More so than any his adversaries, Obama is plowing turf his party tiptoed or blundered through in 2004, allowing President Bush to capture, by a wide margin, the votes cast by churchgoing voters.


That loss to Bush became a wakeup call to all Democrats, and every one of them is talking more openly this cycle about their faith. Clinton, who has said she prays daily, has sought to organize strong support in her church, United Methodist. John Edwards, also a Methodist, has spoken about how faith helped him endure after his son’s death. For the first time, all of the leading Democratic candidates have senior religious outreach advisers.


Obama’s campaign is unique among Democrats in that it has adopted faith as an organizing tool, a tactic mastered by the Bush-Cheney campaigns in 2000 and 2004.


The effort officially kicked off in the summer after Obama delivered a major address on faith in Connecticut. “My faith teaches me that I can sit in church and pray all I want, but I won’t be fulfilling God’s will unless I go out and do the Lord’s work,” he said, linking his support for expanded health care, social justice, immigration and the environment to the foundations of his Christian faith.

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