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Why the double standard?

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Any comment or harsh words that a Christian may have concerning Mitt's Mormon stance is considered inappropriate.


But people are consistently attacking Huckabee for his faith.


Even last night, Huckabee gets called out for his support of an question ran by Southern Baptists many years ago. (BTW, he handled that question perfectly and had a great answer.)


But Mitt never has to take a stance on any of the controversial issues that surround his faith. And if Huckabee makes a comment about it, (think of Huckabee's question of Mormons believing Satan and Jesus were brothers and my understanding is that Mormons do hold to that opinion. I did go to the Mormon website and spent some time reading on their beliefs but did not find this point addressed.) he is chided for attacking Mitt's faith and that has no place in today's politics.


Why the double standard?

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Which ad? I didn't watch the debates last night. But my guess would be that the issue of the Mormon belief of Christ and Satan being related is pretty much pure theology with no social or policy bearing whatsoever. Could the same be said of the ad?

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Which ad? I didn't watch the debates last night. But my guess would be that the issue of the Mormon belief of Christ and Satan being related is pretty much pure theology with no social or policy bearing whatsoever. Could the same be said of the ad?


Sorry it wasn't an ad but rather a question he posed. There was a discussion at some point, don't remember when, about Mormon and Huckabee asked, don't they believe that Satan and Jesus were brothers. He took some hit for attacking Romney's faith with this question.


Last night, they asked Huckabee about his name on an ad that Southern Baptists ran about wife submitting to the husband.


He answered that first, the ad was aimed at believers and that Scripture is how believers should act. And he wouldn't put his beliefs onto the country as a whole but rather the way he believes Christians should act. He said he would not ever apologize for his faith.


He then went on to address the Scripture from Ephesians. He said that a marriage works best NOT as a 50/50 deal but that it is a 100/100 deal. The husband should give 100% of himself. The wife should give 100% of herself. That is the model of a Christian marriage and that is what is being taught in that Scripture.


He had a little sermon.

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Sorry it wasn't an ad but rather a question he posed. There was a discussion at some point, don't remember when, about Mormon and Huckabee asked, don't they believe that Satan and Jesus were brothers. He took some hit for attacking Romney's faith with this question.
Right, so what was the question by the Southern Baptists?
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In that case, don't complain... Hucks probably benefitted from the answer, especially to the primary audience.


No doubt he handled the answer correctly and benefitted. But it seems that there are different standards on what you can say and not say based upon which candidate you are.


Pretty much it seems that the media has completely given Mitt a wash on his faith and the things he believes while others are called out on their faith.

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I'd have to say that you have at least half a point there, although clearly the question of the Southern Baptists' stance on the role of women has at least a little more bearing than the one posed by Huckabee.


They asked Huckabee about Mitt's faith. He responded with a couple of things and then posed that question.


I do think that there is some validity to the question but this is not the first time he has been asked issues on his faith.


Even he last night asked, why he keeps getting asked about his faith but no one else does?

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Which ad? I didn't watch the debates last night. But my guess would be that the issue of the Mormon belief of Christ and Satan being related is pretty much pure theology with no social or policy bearing whatsoever. Could the same be said of the ad?


Date of the article is 12/12


Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has prompted angry denunciations of religious bigotry by rival Mitt Romney as well as an official retort from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for speculating in a New York Times Magazine interview this weekend that Mormons believe Jesus and Satan were brothers.


She said the question is usually raised by those who wish to smear the Mormon faith, but she evaded a direct answer to the question: "We believe, as other Christians believe and as Paul wrote, that God is the father of all. That means that all beings were created by God and are his spirit children. Christ, on the other hand, was the only begotten in the flesh and we worship him as the son of God and the savior of mankind. Satan is the exact opposite of who Christ is and what he stands for."


But Romney interprets the question from Huckabee – rhetorical or not – to be a display of religious bigotry.


"But I think attacking someone's religion is really going too far," he said on NBC's "Today" show. "It's just not the American way, and I think people will reject that."



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They asked Huckabee about Mitt's faith. He responded with a couple of things and then posed that question.


I do think that there is some validity to the question but this is not the first time he has been asked issues on his faith.


Even he last night asked, why he keeps getting asked about his faith but no one else does?



Probably because he, more than any other candidate, is playing the religion card as a reason to support him. It is undeniably a, maybe the, reason he is asking people to vote for him. Isn't it a major reason you are supporting him? It sure seems so based on your posts on here. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

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Probably because he, more than any other candidate, is playing the religion card as a reason to support him. It is undeniably a, maybe the, reason he is asking people to vote for him.


I believe it is one of the reasons but no way the only reason. He has many other issues that he has plans and stances on.


He has an immigration plan that he is promoting.

He is firm on the Fair Tax Plan.



Here is the topic of issues:

The Secure America Plan

Faith and Politics

Sanctity of Life

Veterans' Bill Of Rights

Education And The Arts

Health Care



Energy Independence


National Security/Foreign Policy: Iraq

National Security/Foreign Policy: War On Terror

Foreign Policy: Israel

Cuba Policy


Crisis Management

2nd Amendment Rights


Vertical Politics


As you can see 19 bullets, one on faith.


Now, the media love to portray him as the Christian candidate and paint him with that narrow brush but his campaign is much more than that.


And he has tried to be more than that but everyone else wants to paint him as just the religious candidate and that is it. They limit his appeal and ability to garner the nomination IF they can keep him labeled as just the religious candidate.





On my support for him, the USA Today President matching game, I don't believe has a single question about faith but about immigration, the war, the economy, Health insurance and yet I and others have had Huckabee in our top 3 choices. And nary a point on religion.


As always, I narrow the field based on those that want to protect the lives of unborn babies and those that don't.


At that point, I begin to research the other candidates based upon their views on the other issues.


At first, I liked Thompson but then when he came into the campaign, he did nothing to continue my like for him. Went to Huckabee and have stayed with Huckabee. Although I must admit there are times that both Romney and McCain have done well.


Rudy G. no way.

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Huckabee's question to a reporter about whether Mormons believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers was a clumsy cheap shot, as was his press conference to screen an attack ad that he decided not to air.


These are two events that pushed me firmly onto the Romney bandwagon. Huckabee is the smiling, friendly face on what will be a dirty campaign waged by Ed Rollins.

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Huckabee's question to a reporter about whether Mormons believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers was a clumsy cheap shot, as was his press conference to screen an attack ad that he decided not to air.


These are two events that pushed me firmly onto the Romney bandwagon. Huckabee is the smiling, friendly face on what will be a dirty campaign waged by Ed Rollins.


I do think there is a battle of wills going on in the Huckabee camp between the way Rollins wants to run the campaign and what Huckabee wants to do.


I think Rollins won with the ad and then Huckabee's conscience got the best of him. He did clumsily handle that situation.


I don't think we will see attack ads from Huckster.

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I do think there is a battle of wills going on in the Huckabee camp between the way Rollins wants to run the campaign and what Huckabee wants to do.


I think Rollins won with the ad and then Huckabee's conscience got the best of him. He did clumsily handle that situation.


I don't think we will see attack ads from Huckster.

Ed Rollins' reputation as a rough and tumble campaign manager was well known when Huckabee hired him. Huck did not pick Rollins by accident.
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