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Could Marvin resign today????

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It seems Marvin wants to win.


In the Enquirer today, it said that there was some tension in that Marvin wants to restructure the front office and add scouts. Brown's want to fire coaches.


Was Marvin posturing on the firing of coaches to send a message to the Brown's that he is not on board with that.


He is meeting with them now and will be at his press conference at 3:00 PM.


If the Brown's say no to upgrading the front office and add scouts, does Marvin resign or threaten to resign to get his way?

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On Mike and Mike this morning, it was reported that Palmer said that coaching changes needed to be made. Which ones, he didn't say.


Saw the clip. He said he didn't think the present coaching staff could take them to the next level. He didn't indicate which coaches he was meaning.


Marvin addressed the comment by saying he appreciated Carson's opinion but he is a player.

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You may be right. Just kind of out of character for him.


But what SHOULD BE IN CHARACTER FOR HIM as a leader of the team. This, to me, is on the lines of what Boomer would do. Maybe the greatest team leader this franchise has ever had.


I like seeing that Carson DOES NOT want to return next season with things as is and to continue with mediocre. I LIKE him standing up and saying it. And he did it in a low key, respectful manner.


He didn't stand on the sidelines yelling at the coaches and embarrassing them.

He didn't throw specific coaches under the bus but rather answered the question and Marvin implied that he know what Carson was talking about.

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Well if Marvin is still here. Then atleast we need to get a new defensive coordinator and a new offensive coordinator. I mean not many people have said much about Bob Bratkowski, and he did a good job here for awhile. However it is time for a change on that side of the ball. We need a new coach with some new ideas for this offense, because this offense has to much talent to have struggled so much to score points this year like we did...

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Well if Marvin is still here. Then atleast we need to get a new defensive coordinator and a new offensive coordinator. I mean not many people have said much about Bob Bratkowski, and he did a good job here for awhile. However it is time for a change on that side of the ball. We need a new coach with some new ideas for this offense, because this offense has to much talent to have struggled so much to score points this year like we did...


11th in scoring in the NFL.

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