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Somerset AD responds to Hines’ complaints about Correll Bowl

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"Trying" to let fans know that there is no exit on the visitors side of the track doesn't make it any less inconvenient. Somerset's football program might need to think about getting it's act together. This isn't the first issue that they've had this year.

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"Trying" to let fans know that there is no exit on the visitors side of the track doesn't make it any less inconvenient. Somerset's football program might need to think about getting it's act together. This isn't the first issue that they've had this year.


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Baloney . Those were indirect shots but shots nonetheless .
What were the indirect jabs? I did not notice them. This was a great response from Tucker. The High Road. Johnny may want to get a map and find it. Super response Tucker.
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Let me say this to all posters on this thread. It is certain on here that we will all not agree 100% on this matter, for the most part those above me have been very constructive in their responses and I truly appreciate that. For those of you who have not please clean it up. After sending a Mod a PM I learned that the 1st thread os this subject was closed due to cheap shots being taken at each other. We need to keep it clean so those of us who enjoy typing in this forum can without it getting shut down.

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"Trying" to let fans know that there is no exit on the visitors side of the track doesn't make it any less inconvenient. Somerset's football program might need to think about getting it's act together. This isn't the first issue that they've had this year.
Maybe Somerset can build 2 field while they are building the Visitors side exit. I was at the Bowl and sat on the Visiting sideline it is no different than any other stadium. While PC is handing out advice for atletic programs here is one for them. THE NEXT TIME YOU GUYS GET THE DISTRICT BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT HAVE MORE THAN 1 DOOR OPEN. I stood in line for40 minutes to get in to the game. SHS is much better ran than PC.
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As to Bob Tucker's response, I feel it was done perfectly! As Hardball said, Tucker representing Somerset chose to take the appropriate road--the high road. Bob was very professional in ALL of his responses. One of my concerns is that this will spill over into a daily barrage of attacks in the opinion section of the Commonwealth Journal. I do expect to see some letters but feel that Bob's response has taken some of the pressure off from the Somerset side. There's little doubt that Johnny had/has other motives with his article. It is obvious that the loser will be him and his players which is a shame. This does little more than take the spotlight off of there hardfought and deserved victory.

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Personally, I thought the response was "appropriate". The big deal here is that Steve Cornelius and Jack McNeely of the Commonwealth Journal are trying to stir up things to create hostility within the rivalry and sell newspapers. Let's let this go and get back to each team having a successful season.


Maybe the CJ could actually work at getting quality stories about local players, teams, etc. and cover more events. They could also improve their paper by writing and editing better as well. Here's another suggestion...take more pictures of players, fans, etc. That's what a local paper is for and more people will be interested in buying it.

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:banana: Jumper one, you are getting to caught up in all this, you need to settle down just a bit.I do agree with maroonmadness on the fact that they need to cover more local sports MIddle school -youth League ect:

I can't argue that I often catch myself a bit too involved, but I think its from the love of the game. :dancingpa

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