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Should 14th Referees stay in for region


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The 14th has some of the best officials in the state. Why send them out to do a great job in someone elses region. We should keep our own referees right here and let them call for us like they have all year long. We know how they call and are adjusted to it after all season long, now we have to change and get adjusted to someone else in the Region. Don't like it at all. Although I agree it's a lot better for the officials, but for us coaches I would much rather see the officials that I have seen all year long. But that is just me I guess.

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I see both sides of this, however I hear bit and pieces of alot of controversy right now with the officials in the 14th. I hear it all revolves around PIEFACE making the assignments.


People must not have a problem with him (Tommy)assigning the games for Happy because he has been doing it for 2 years. If they have a problem with it then all they have to do is get it changed by voting Happy from Hazard out. I think he has done a pretty good job at giving us coaches who we want. I have heard things about some of the officials being upset, but all he can go by is ratings. I know we got someone on our PCC/B-Horn game, that we shouldn't have so it was changed, now there are 3 top officials on the game which is how it should be for such a big game.

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I see both sides of this, however I hear bit and pieces of alot of controversy right now with the officials in the 14th. I hear it all revolves around PIEFACE making the assignments.
That is several instances, I've noticed you referencing this person, by that description.


It's really not needed....:thumb:


Ref's are being rotated, in various Regions.

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