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Why Am I So Fortunate


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I've often wondered why God graced me with as much as he has. I have a wonderful family, a wonderful man in my life, a really good job that pays me really good money, lot's of friends, good health and nice place to work, etc. etc. Why me? Why was I given all of this and others not. There are people who live in places in this world that no human should have to live. Why was I placed in Kentucky and those people placed in those horrible places. There are people who would give anything to walk and talk and run. There are some who don't know where their next meal is coming from. Why are some of us given so much and other's so little?

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We all have our place, our time, and our role to play. You have to believe that you're part of the grand plan, or life ceases to have meaning. You're where you are, and who you are for a reason -- known only to your creator.


We can never answer why, and waste our time trying. When someone gives you a gift, do you ask them where they bought it, or why they chose it. No, you just thank them, use it wisely, and enjoy the gift you've been given.

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Ironically, it was this same question of myself that led to my salvation experience.


There is no use in asking why, but much that can be gained by taking the blessings God has given you and running with them to honor Him and His creation. Rejoice!

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Ironically, it was this same question of myself that led to my salvation experience.


There is no use in asking why, but much that can be gained by taking the blessings God has given you and running with them to honor Him and His creation. Rejoice!


Is this not a question that most people ask themselves? I wonder why you and I have the right to so much and other's don't.

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RebelK, that could be the most disturbing avatar I've ever seen. :lol:

Yeah, and for Valentine's Day, no less. I could understand it if it was Halloween.... :eek:

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K...Its called a "blessing". Jesus has them stored up and is waiting to give them. We grew up really poor in Alabama and so we wasn't used to having much, but what we did, was use what we had. And in looking back and seeing where I've come from its only through my walk with Jesus and my Faith in his word.


They say for a man the 5 worst things that can happen to him are


Loss of his wife

Loss of his children

Loss of his parent

Loss of his job

His Illness


I've had all of them and I'm blessed. I have a great wife now, kids are OK and added two more, back with my company and better pay, Illness its fine.

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I would say that to suggest that Jesus blessed you and allowed you to have a nice car or nice house is unhealthy religion. To do so is to suggest that Jesus intentionally caused someone to get Alzheimers or CP or to be born with Downs syndrome.


To connect worldly happiness with other wordly doings I think is the antithesis of the Jesus message. That message is to pick up your cross daily and follow him - not get in your BMW and follow him.


Why would a savior who railed so much against worldly ideas of success bless someone with wordly success. That is just crazy. This is not to say that there is something you should do with all that you have but to say "God Blessed me and Gave me this" is like saying, I prayed hard so I won the basketball game.


I would say blessings from God occur in non-worldly riches.


But that is just me.

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Yeah, and for Valentine's Day, no less. I could understand it if it was Halloween.... :eek:

I thought it would scare a few and obviously my plan worked:D


I hope no one is misunderstanding me with my question. I'm really not asking this question for myself as much as I am for all of us. Why do some of us get blessed with so much when it seems that some do not? Now I do understand that there are different kinds of blessings and that most of the people, who I probably don't think have been as blessed, thinks that they have been. I've just oftened wondered why I was put in the place that I was put and others were put in a third world setting with nothing.


I don't think there will ever be an answer to my question because I am a firm believer that God has made your path for you and I think there lies my answer.

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I would say that to suggest that Jesus blessed you and allowed you to have a nice car or nice house is unhealthy religion. To do so is to suggest that Jesus intentionally caused someone to get Alzheimers or CP or to be born with Downs syndrome.


To connect worldly happiness with other wordly doings I think is the antithesis of the Jesus message. That message is to pick up your cross daily and follow him - not get in your BMW and follow him.


Why would a savior who railed so much against worldly ideas of success bless someone with wordly success. That is just crazy. This is not to say that there is something you should do with all that you have but to say "God Blessed me and Gave me this" is like saying, I prayed hard so I won the basketball game.


I would say blessings from God occur in non-worldly riches.


But that is just me.



Reasonable analogies. Food for thought.

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