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Rose Hill 51 East Carter 47

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Big Bubba needs to change his name to Roy Orbison. Yes, I was at the game and yes I saw the entire game. Take off your royal blue glasses and I will sit down and watch the game film with you. To address the end of the game, you might need to change your name to Helen Keller. The horn did sound, the time on the clock showed 0.0 game over. There was a whistle that was simultaneous with the horn. The rules of the game states that if that happens and there is more than a 2 point difference in the game, the game is over. That is exactly what happened. I had a head set on and heard the whistle and the horn!


Now, I realize it has been said that I take up too much for the officials, but you must have been at a totally different game than I was at. West Carter had a game tonight, maybe that is where you saw the West Carter coaching staff.


As for the double foul, both ladies had their arms entangled in one another. No one was "slung" to the floor, they both went down. Queen did NOT have the ball when the foul was called.


To say Faulkner "needs to file a police report for the beating she was taken" I think the East Carter guards could plead "self defense" and she was not talking to her teammates when she received the technical, she was addressing an official and told him to "call something!" after Coach Euton was told that Brit needed to keep her comments to herself.


Don't take away a game that was played very hard by badmouthing officials. The game was very physical, BOTH WAYS. The teams were allowed to play which actually favors Rose Hill. Queen and Terry are great players and they play very physcial basketball. I saw several "no calls" tonight, on both ends of the floor where contact occurred, but these guys allowed it (again on BOTH ENDS).


I would hate to have read this post if Rose Hill would have lost. As an old coach of mine once said, "Win with class and lose with class" The post by Big Bubba shows me very little class. Call Mel Gibson, maybe he will star in "Conspiracy Theory II: The Big Three"



When RH plays out of this region and they are allowed to play it does favor RH but you must admit the Refs did not handle the game very well at the end. In all reality, no refs ever cost you the game. Win or lose, it is up to RH to perform. Class is having refs that calls consistent the entire game. And yes, Brit is watched and singled out more than others, and you might say that she brings that upon herself maybe so, but the refs should not be like that. I am sure that there were others making comments out there but the refs target her and dont say they dont. If they would have lost I still would have griped about the game, not because they would have lost but because officiating in this area is horrible.

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The officials did EXACTLY what they were supposed to do after game is over, leave the floor!! What part of the game did you feel was inconsistent?? Brit is watched because she is LOUD and talks to officials in ways she shouldn't. I don't know what your profession is or if you have kids, but there is no way a 16 year old girl is going to walk up to me and tell me how to do my job, nor are my children going to talk to me the way she talks to ADULTS on the floor, it's called RESPECT, look it up!


Tonight's officials were 2 of the best this region has to offer, one of which has called many state tournament games and is consistently ranked the top official in this region.

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BTW, was that Harry Carrey on the P.A. tonight, now that is real class!


The PA guy was doing his first game ever. I agree, he didn't do a very good job and was a "cheerleader" on the mic and that is not acceptable. Don't try to turn your classlessness around and put down a Youth Minister who is volunteering his time to help out kids in his youth group.

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Just for the record Mr. Class Radio, I would have felt the same way about the refs if it were two different teams playing. It's time to clean it up. Before some kid out there on the court gets hurt. Have a nice night.


And you have a great night as well. I had an earlier post that listed the website for people to obtain a request for the KHSAA Officials Test. I will be happy to send it to you and you can take the test (and pass it easily I would think) and you can start officiating as early as next season and be a part of the solution rather than the problem!

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Rose Hill would have won by 30 if the game was called as it should be but a win is a win. Britts technical was given when it wouldnt have if she had been another player. I thought that Rose Hill had way to many turnovers. Anyone know how many they had and who had them?

A good effort by Rose Hill and East but the big three for Rose Hill were way to much for East to handle.

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The officials did EXACTLY what they were supposed to do after game is over, leave the floor!! What part of the game did you feel was inconsistent?? Brit is watched because she is LOUD and talks to officials in ways she shouldn't. I don't know what your profession is or if you have kids, but there is no way a 16 year old girl is going to walk up to me and tell me how to do my job, nor are my children going to talk to me the way she talks to ADULTS on the floor, it's called RESPECT, look it up!


Tonight's officials were 2 of the best this region has to offer, one of which has called many state tournament games and is consistently ranked the top official in this region.


They seemed kinda confused as if they should have stayed?:rolleyes:

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The officials did EXACTLY what they were supposed to do after game is over, leave the floor!! What part of the game did you feel was inconsistent?? Brit is watched because she is LOUD and talks to officials in ways she shouldn't. I don't know what your profession is or if you have kids, but there is no way a 16 year old girl is going to walk up to me and tell me how to do my job, nor are my children going to talk to me the way she talks to ADULTS on the floor, it's called RESPECT, look it up!


Tonight's officials were 2 of the best this region has to offer, one of which has called many state tournament games and is consistently ranked the top official in this region.


Last time I checked Britt Faulkner is 18 not 16.

You go to school with many 16 year old seniors?

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They weren't confused, they were answering a question that Rose Hill's Assistant Coach had asked.



Go Radio, it is time we quit bickering between ourselves, you have personally attacked me but I forgive you for that. Sorry that I offended you. I hope you accept my apology and we can go on. You see things one way and I simply see it another. You think it is because I support RH but it isnt. I have watched boys games and girls games other than RH and I feel the same way.

And NO, I do not want to ref and cannot ref seeing how I can barely get around as it is. Thanks for the condescending judgmental attacks you have launched upon my character tonight. Peace!

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