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Fox News Smear?


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Even as a conservative, I tend to watch CNN more than Foxnews. I understand that most news is going to have the bias of the journalist to some degree, but I would prefer that the news I watch not come with an agenda. If I want a conservative slant, I'll tune in to Rush, Hannity or Glen Beck.

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Here's Insight's point of view:




As near as I can tell, everybody involved (CNN, Fox, Insight, Obama, Clinton) is doing more name-calling than anything else.


As far as the Swift Boat comparison, while not all their claims had merit, most liberals would have you believe that everything that the Swift Boat verterans said was a smear and they conveniently ignore the gross lies told by Kerry that were exposed by the Swift Boaters. For example, despite numerous previous claims by John Kerry, nobody still believes that he was in Cambodia on Christmas in 1968 and we have the Swift Boat Veterans to thank for that knowledge.


Now we have two sides to the story...I'd love to hear the truth on these groundbreaking stories on occasion.

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Now we have two sides to the story...I'd love to hear the truth on these groundbreaking stories on occasion.


The truth usually does become known but it usually takes time. Even if it isn't eventually known in this case it's not that important. We already know the character of Hillary. We already know that CNN and FoxNews have agendas. And we'll have plenty of other opportunities to judge Obama's character without relying on what kind of school that his father sent him to 40 years ago.

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02Ram54 -


I watched the broadcast that you hyperlinked, and I have to say that the clip was the most fair and balanced presentation of Barack Obama that I have seen to date.


When Doocy worked "cocaine" and "heroin" into the same sentence with Obama's name, I knew we were getting the straight dope.


These fine patriots on FOX will save our country, if we are smart enough to listen to them...




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Out of curiousity.......


I wonder if the school had the same appearance, student population, curricullum, etc. 30 + years ago?????


I haven't heard anyone checking into that.

Sure, NOW..it looks like this..but a quarter of a century ago, in another country...hmmmmmm.


I've looked and haven't found anything yet...but just curious if:

#1. Girls attended.

#2. Less religous mixing.

#3. More radical/centralized religious theme.


Just wondering outloud......


Wow....with a few alterations, you could be describing St. X or Trinity! :scared:

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The Insight report sought to smear both Obama and Clinton by listing the Clinton campaign as the source. I expect a book any time now, paid for by Swift Boat Christians for truth. I think the right wing may try to push the technique one too many times. They went after McCain, Chamblis, Gore, Kerry and it worked. The result was to end up with Bush. I don't think they will get away with it this time.


I understand that "that book & that movie" intended to swiftboat Hillary will be comming out soon. Dick "your fired" and the folks that organized the swiftboat attacks joined forces to show Hillary over the years....should strengthen her cause tremendously since most Americans are sick of those tactics.

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With as much attention that Hillary has had over the years, it's hard to imagine what they could find that would be new. I would be satisfied if they got her to answer a few questions that have been around for years like what happened to the Rose law firm records. However, the probability of her truly answering those questions is almost as small as making dozens of winning commodity trades in a row -- basically zero. Well, almost zero. Depending upon who you know.

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With as much attention that Hillary has had over the years, it's hard to imagine what they could find that would be new. I would be satisfied if they got her to answer a few questions that have been around for years like what happened to the Rose law firm records. However, the probability of her truly answering those questions is almost as small as making dozens of winning commodity trades in a row -- basically zero. Well, almost zero. Depending upon who you know.

Don't worry. If they can't find anything new, they will make it up.

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Whenever I hear about Fox pulling another one of these, I alwas think back to the Conan O'Brien (I think) skit where they showed the blunders of Fox News mislabeling people as Democrats, including Richard Nixon, and Leatherface, hahaha.


Yeah, I like to thank the media in general (not just Fox News) for making me extremely apathetic to politics.

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If you'll forgive me for being more than a little skeptical of anything I hear on any national news report (CNN, Fox, NBC, etc.). They all have an agenda. What I seem to observe is that people usually cite the news that spins it to fit their personal opinions. For some its Fox...for some CNN...and so on and so forth. On the flipside, they don't miss a chance to point out mistakes when a channel that opposes their view flubs up.


It's tiresome if you get sucked into it. And I've found it doesn't affect my life in any positive way...


When a big story hits I like to surf between Fox, MSNBC and CNN. It's really funny to see how it's reported so differently. The truth is out there, you just have to piece it together yourself.

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Even as a conservative, I tend to watch CNN more than Foxnews. I understand that most news is going to have the bias of the journalist to some degree, but I would prefer that the news I watch not come with an agenda. If I want a conservative slant, I'll tune in to Rush, Hannity or Glen Beck.

I rely more on the unbias and truthful reporting and oversight of the mods in the BGP P & R forum.:thumb:

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When a big story hits I like to surf between Fox, MSNBC and CNN. It's really funny to see how it's reported so differently. The truth is out there, you just have to piece it together yourself.
I prefer to get my truth straight from the MahaRushie. It saves me a lot of time and unneccessary thinking.


Being a mind numbed robot has its merits... :thumb:

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