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Top Assistants

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I am not saying who is the best or who is not the best. However, I will say I think Patrick Kelsch at Bracken County does a very good job and has been at the school for a few years now. He understands the game and seems to really work hard at being a better coach.


In my honest opinion, he should have been considered more strongly after Brad Wolfzorn resigned and Molly Schultz got the position. It would have been a perfect fit, the assistant to Wolfzorn moves up and takes over the program. However, the Bracken administration went w/the unknown in Schultz. Time will tell how that works out!

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There are a couple that stick out in my mind when I think of Top Assistants. The first is Jason Butler. Coach Butler does the freshman at Mason County. Coach Butler has been a very loyal person to the Mason Co. Athletic Program as he has coached at the Junior High and High School levels. Teams under Butler are well coached, disciplined, and play extremely hard on both ends of the floor. I think he should be considered for a Head Coaching Position.


Another Assistant Coach is Brad Riley at Campbell Co. Coach Riley has proven to be successful at the JV level. Coach Riley teaches the fundamentals of the game and expects 110% from each of his players, but who dont as a coach. There is a difference with Coach Riley.. Coach Riley expects 110% and gets it from all of his players.. He is a very good motivator and has out of this world knowledge of the game.

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Coach Linda Moore at Scott High School has good knowledge of the game, and a great deal of respect for the girls, and the girls respect her as well. She takes the time when they come off the floor to explain what they did wrong. She used to coach up at Scott years ago, when the current coach used to play for Scott.

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Kandi Parker at Raceland will make someone an excellent head coach imo. I am sorry the Raceland is losing her after this school year. Her husband (Gerad Parker) was an assistant football coach at Raceland and was recently hired as an assistant football coach at U.K., so they will be moving. I was in hopes that both of them would be at Raceland and in line for the respective head coaching positions for the future and would remain for a long time. Good Luck to both, they are both fine people and will be a credit to wherever they go.

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