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Saddam Hussein is Dead!!

Guest Bluto

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Saddam Hussein is about to be hung until dead and the world just can't wait for it to happen.


Will he be executed tonight? Tomorrow? During the Haj pilgrimage in Mecca? Or after? Next week? The week after? Next month? Is he dead already and the Iraqis are keeping it secret?


In the true Age Of Video, the execution of Saddam Hussein will become the most viewed piece of historical footage in history. It will get out, of course, if the Iraqis video it, which they've already said they will.


American TV networks are right now holding editorial meetings to decide whether or not they will air any video of Saddam's execution. Is it historical, or hysterical? Justice delivered? Or a demented perversity?


Who will be the first to show the full video?


Will NBC show just a few stills?


Will Al Jazeera air the whole clip?


Will an American country and western superstar write a fast new song to background a video of Saddam's life and crimes that ends with him hanging from a noose like some Wild West bad guy who got what was coming to him?


It's interesting that there is no-one in charge of making such a decision about whether the full video of Saddam's execution gets screened on the internet. It might get x-ed from YouTube or Google Video, but that's hardly going to stop tens of millions of people from watching it within a day or two of Saddam's death.


It's even more interesting to note that one of the most history-making pieces of footage ever will be seen by more people online, in front of their computers, than in front of their television sets.


This is truly another sign of the slow, lingering death of network television news as the key means of delivering the visual history of our times.


The only regret I have about Saddam's execution is that he will not be found guilty of genocide for the gassing of thousands of Kurds and Shiites in the 1980s.


This is what a monstrous dictator deserves, and every nation who supplied him with money and the weapons to make such mass slaughter possible should have been named and shamed, and punished for their involvement.


But this will not happen now that Saddam is about to hang. Another dictator, another mass murderer, gets the easy exit. Like Hitler, like Milosevic, like Pinochet. And all those who helped to make his regime a savage, sickening reality will get to slink away, yet again.


When Saddam dies, so too will die many of the vast and dark secrets of his regime and rule that implicate Americans, French, Australians, British, Germans and Israelis in his life of crimes against humanity.


Another wasted opportunity to shine the harsh daylight of justice on all those hiding in the shadows.

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(“To hell with you!” Saddam Hussein yells as a judge reads the hanging verdict on Sunday. / Pool photo by Scott Nelson)


But in what mattered most, the trial has succeeded. It is, in fact, one of the few accomplishments of President Bush's misbegotten war of choice in Iraq. A brutal dictator has been brought to account, and more than a few others are sleeping less easily.


Path to justice

* Dec. 13, 2003: U.S. forces capture a bearded and disheveled Saddam Hussein in an underground bunker in a village south of Tikrit.

* Oct. 19, 2005: Saddam and seven others go on trial for the killings of about 150 Shiites in Dujail after a 1982 assassination attempt.

* Aug. 21, 2006: Saddam and six new co-defendants go on trial in a case involving the "Anfal" campaign that killed tens of thousands of Kurdish villagers in 1987-88.

* Nov. 5: Saddam and two co-defendants are convicted and sentenced to death by hanging for the Dujail killings.

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