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Green Bay special teams coach and returner very smart

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Packers Kick Returner Ty Montgomery Exploits Loophole In NFL Rulebook to His Advantage (Video) | Total Pro Sports


Why most teams are not doing this is beyond me.


Former Stanford and current Green Bay Packers wide receiver/kick returner Ty Montgomery had the play of the day as he used a loophole in the NFL rulebook to his advantage. And the Packers gained a bunch of yards because of it.


During the kickoff on Sunday, the Detroit Lions kicked the ball near the 3-yard line, but instead of picking up the ball or letting it roll into the end zone, Montgomery purposely stepped out of bounds before diving on top of the ball while his feet remained out of bounds.


So instead of being at the 3-yard line or 25-yard line, the Packers were able to advance the ball to the 40-yard line following the kickoff-out-of-bounds penalty. The NFL rulebook states that if the ball comes into contact with a player that is out of bounds, the ball is considered out of bounds.



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Ever once in a while an NFL coach/team will think up the most simplistically brilliant things. The one that comes to mind for me is the Chicago Bears from a few years ago. Two players were deep on a punt return. While the ball was in air, the decoy returner starts waiving his arms signaling for a fair catch. The ball goes to other side of the field where the ball lands and the returner had an unimpeded path to the endzone. The refs were caught off guards by it as well and ended up calling the play dead.

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It's not like this would be easy to do. It took a perfect bounce for it to happen.


I guess I would know that if I could watch a video of it instead of tracking down tweets on that hot mess of a site. But it seems like every now and then a kick gets fielded near the sideline.

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