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Danville, Boyle football game moved to Admiral Stadium

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Boyle's field sucks!

This wasn't in yesterday's paper. Where did you hear this. This makes me so mad!!!!!! They knew that the football season would start in August and they didn't make sure this field was in shape for the season. I know what everyone will say, they have to make sure the field is in shape in case we have playoff games here...................enough of that......they should have been concerned about the regular season. These kids should have been able to have their opening game at home and they shouldn't have to go to Danville and be vistors at a game that should have been at their place. I am saying nothing about Danville and their fans but this really isn't fair to the Boyle players and their fans. I suppose what these kids will be doing is playing all their games away this year. :irked: This should never happen and I think it's time some parents get together with the school system and figure out what needs to be done!!!!!!

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It is sad for the Boyle players. I knew this would be a possibility. I was curious as to why Boyle didn't try and work somthing out with Mercer about using Alvis Johnson field. Mercer has a bye that week. I know it's in another county but still it would be closer to a home game then playing at Danville.

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This wasn't in yesterday's paper. Where did you hear this. This makes me so mad!!!!!! They knew that the football season would start in August and they didn't make sure this field was in shape for the season. I know what everyone will say, they have to make sure the field is in shape in case we have playoff games here...................enough of that......they should have been concerned about the regular season. These kids should have been able to have their opening game at home and they shouldn't have to go to Danville and be vistors at a game that should have been at their place. I am saying nothing about Danville and their fans but this really isn't fair to the Boyle players and their fans. I suppose what these kids will be doing is playing all their games away this year. :irked: This should never happen and I think it's time some parents get together with the school system and figure out what needs to be done!!!!!!
I put a link to the newpaper a few post back. Your exactly right this should have never happend!
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This wasn't in yesterday's paper. Where did you hear this. This makes me so mad!!!!!! They knew that the football season would start in August and they didn't make sure this field was in shape for the season. I know what everyone will say, they have to make sure the field is in shape in case we have playoff games here...................enough of that......they should have been concerned about the regular season. These kids should have been able to have their opening game at home and they shouldn't have to go to Danville and be vistors at a game that should have been at their place. I am saying nothing about Danville and their fans but this really isn't fair to the Boyle players and their fans. I suppose what these kids will be doing is playing all their games away this year. :irked: This should never happen and I think it's time some parents get together with the school system and figure out what needs to be done!!!!!!

Its called field turf

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I thought they would play it at Centre College if they couldn't use their field.

No lights at Centre for a Fri. night game, and Centre will be using it Sat. That field couldn't handle the crowd anyway. The Alvis Johnson Field might be a good idea if Boyle has to move future games, but it's too small for this game, too.

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No lights at Centre for a Fri. night game, and Centre will be using it Sat. That field couldn't handle the crowd anyway. The Alvis Johnson Field might be a good idea if Boyle has to move future games, but it's too small for this game, too.


Alvis Johnson field is too small for Mercer, but their were plenty of lawn chairs all around the field. It's a great place to watch a high school football game.

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