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Williamsburg 57 Jellico,Tn 0


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How long have these two teams played this series? Since Jim Black took over in '01, Jellico has only won once, 29-28 in '01. Since then, the margin of victory by W'burg has been an average of 42.4 points per game. It seems as though the 'Jackets don't get much out of this series anymore, and it would behoove them to drop Jellico in favor of a more challenging team.


If this is a long-standing series, how balanced is it? Is W'burg's domination only a recent thing? Other than the obvious geographical reasons, why continue to play Jellico?

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I agree. I think they need to go ahead and play Corbin. They did defeat the Hounds the last time they played, so why not give the Hounds a chance to redeem themselves?


I'm sure it's a financial thing for Williamsburg, but the Corbin/Wburg game would be more interesting and draw more outside crowd. You would think Jellico would discontinue this series, but then again I heard they have been charging Williamsburg fans $10 a piece when they host. Is the price of victory worth the cost? Pun intended....

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I think proximity has alot to do with this series. With the change to 6 classes I think the Jackets will have to look south for games anyway, and its not a bad thing to have a game you can count on. That being said, the Jackets exploded tonight. Frazier threw one pass that had to be at least 60 yards in the air fir a TD to will moses. Aaron Root had over 120 yards on 5 touches and scored twice. He is really a surprise at fullback and shows more speed than I imagined. Also the Jackets got to play alot of young people tonight. Ryan Moses looked good in relief of Frazier and hit Pettit on a fade route that was beautiful. Overall a nice tune up before McCreary County.

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Did the Jackets get any better from this win? Answer truthfully? They can schedule some game in the Knoxville area if they want, I know this is the truth, but why play someone who can not compete? Go get Farragut or Knoxville Cath....or Corbin...that will show what the Jackets have...

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Of course, you could always go like the basketball team and get your only wins of the season down south vs Jellico......I expect this to change this season with some new direction for the roundballers...please to do not let the football team sink that low.

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Did the Jackets get any better from this win? Answer truthfully? They can schedule some game in the Knoxville area if they want, I know this is the truth, but why play someone who can not compete? Go get Farragut or Knoxville Cath....or Corbin...that will show what the Jackets have...

I think people forget Williamsburg is I believe the 6th smallest school in the state to play football. You cant play everyone. Jellico is almost twice size of Wburg in enrollment.

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Did the Jackets get any better from this win? Answer truthfully? They can schedule some game in the Knoxville area if they want, I know this is the truth, but why play someone who can not compete? Go get Farragut or Knoxville Cath....or Corbin...that will show what the Jackets have...

Yes i do think the jackets got alot better in this game. The starters, for the most part got took out in the 2nd quarter and that gave some of the inexpierenced kids alot of PT. I think that will help the jacktets in the long run getting those kids some playing time.

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I think people forget Williamsburg is I believe the 6th smallest school in the state to play football. You cant play everyone. Jellico is almost twice size of Wburg in enrollment.

Very good point. When your that small of a school you need to stay healthy for district play, thats what counts!

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We will see if Williamsburg got better from this win when it comes to playoff time. Unfortunately, even if Jellico is bigger, it is in Tennessee. Williamsburg has to beat the teams in Kentucky, larger or smaller.

You will be able to tell come playoff time if this win made Williasburg better...I see where you got your name...I agree with Kidd 1....Jackets got a W and young Kidds got some PT....if you look at the scoreboard from tonight there where alot of blowouts

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With only 5 district games next year, you can still keep Jellirock and pick up a formidable opponent like Corbin. I remember days when Bob Rose was up there that those other games included schools like Beechwood, Woodford County, Paris, Matewan, Greenback, etc... Those weren't weak sisters by any means, and there were at least 3 of those games a year. It wasn't stacked with just Jellico's, Thomas Walkers, McCreary Central, etc. No offense, but if they want to rise back to the prominence the program had at that time, maybe a retrospective look at playing ranked teams would be worthwhile. How much respect did Harlan gain by beating Hazard and Cawood the past two weeks? Much more than if they had played other teams. Heck, even a close loss to a respected team earns more merit than a huge win over someone that everyone should beat.


As for playing young players, that's what JV and Freshman programs are for. From what I understand, Jellico is fielding a JV team this year with only 3 or so returning players (according to your announcer). Hey, I'm on your side and all about giving kids credit and confidence, but you can't stack your schedule with guaranteed wins and still expect to go to the playoffs. So take the win for what it is worth. After the past two weeks, I guess it did seem like a major accomplishment to win tonight.

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the jackets should have won last week vs KC, but the dice was not in the air so to speak. Going into this game I thought Jellico would give them a much harder game, but to be honest with you , Jellico gave up after the 2nd TD. I thought this years Jellico team woud be better than last year but I guess I was wrong. TN has some really good football programs and we'll see a true test of the burg when they go against Oneida. I know McCreary is better than last year but Root is good at fullback. He should have been running last year instead of center. I honestly think if root had been the go to runner last year the burg would have made the playoffs. They lost a lot of close games and root could have been the difference last year. The Kid has some GAME speed. The thing I like about the burg this year is that they will lay some hits on kids, it is football after all.

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Did the Jackets get any better from this win? Answer truthfully? They can schedule some game in the Knoxville area if they want, I know this is the truth, but why play someone who can not compete? Go get Farragut or Knoxville Cath....or Corbin...that will show what the Jackets have...

Remember Williamsburg is a 1a school. Farragut is 5a. Williamsburg plays 13 to 15 players both sides. Farragut plays 50 players in a game....geez get real.

Williamsburg has 109 boys in the entire high school. Sure I'd like to see the burg play Corbin again, and a Bechwood every now and again, but right now you line up and play what you have on your schedule. A point you should consider is that this coaching staff had nothing to do with setting this schedule. Yes I do think Williamsburg improved tonight as any time you get on the field with opposite colored jerseys you get an opportunity to work on timing, plays, and situations at a different speed than practice.

Also, as far as playing a weak sister from time to time, wonder why the big boys in the NCAA schedule division 1aa opponents? Auburn plays Western, Uk I think has a couple of those scheduled. Sure big money involved, but also the chance to play alot of bodies, gain experience, and develop depth. As far as you team goes, I bet they have played some stinkers in the past as well. From your posts you seem to be a Whitley guy. Being a huge fan of Jim Black I wish him the best over there, but I have seen them play a few in the past over there that didn't belong on the field with the Colonels.

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This coaching staff had nothing to do with the schedule? So When Black left, they hired an entirely new staff?


Listen, When you are Williamsburg you better get a win when you can. Jellico needs to stay on the schedule, becuase in a year or two or three, Williamsburg will be down again and numbers will be low and they may struggle or even lose to a Jellico. It is a fact of life in a small school, it runs in cycles.

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