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Perseid Meteor Showers - Peaks Tonight


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Tonight August 12th, and into the morning hours of the 13th should provide viewers living away from the city lights a spectacular light show. Midnight should be pretty active for those not wanting to stay awake all night long.


Tonight will be the peak of the showers, but for a couple more nights there's still a chance that you can catch some of it before it dies down.


Promising Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight: How to See It

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I am so glad I saw this thread. Just got back inside, it was very hit or miss but I saw four meteors/shooting stars. It was amazing just how fast they moved, the distance they covered and how fast they vanished. Neat experience!

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I managed to stay up late enough to try to see stuff, but couldn't bring myself to go driving at that wee hour alone into the boondocks without any real sense of where I would go, and with living so close to downtown Cincy, it would have to be a good distance away from the city. I stepped outside a couple of times to see what I could see, but because of all of the light pollution, it was a complete bust. :(


Kudos to those of you who were able to catch some of it. :thumb:

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