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Local guy Knipper, challenging Grimes, speech was awkward. Sacrificial lamb?


He wouldn't have made it through the primary if Grimes hadn't run.


My favorite part is Jean-Marie Spann saying her opponent is too educated to be Commissioner of Agriculture.:ohbrother:

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Is it necessary for a candidate to attend this event? It seems to me it's the KY version of "Inside the Beltway" in that only the very few of the hard core know or cares about this.


For statewide offices I doubt if it's necessary at all given the number of KY voters vs the attendance at the picnic.

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People from other parts of the state travel to this. There are fewer locals there for the speeches than out of town people.


For a while it got pretty bad as far as the rudeness during the speeches. It has gotten better over the past few years because they had to set up some ground rules for supporters.

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