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The KHSAA has assessed sanctions against a crew of five football officials


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KHSAA got it wrong by suspending these guys:


Ok, the refs made a bad call. Counsel them...tar & feather them…take their measly $60.00 (If that much) for calling the game. These ERRORS happen all the time. The refs at last year's 6A championship made a bad call costing Meade the championship as well. There is no way to make the game or the refs perfect. It's been part of the game and always will be. They are human, even in the NFL Mike Herra (Fox's Ref Expert) will disagree with a call after it has been reviewed by the refs on the field and in NY.


Now I'm not saying that bad calls or interruption of the rules is ok, but why suspend these guys. This happens every Friday night across the state and these bad calls costs teams' important losses.


My problem is with the KHSAA.


1. Why isn't instant replay used at these critical games..it's available, these game are televised (This would have corrected the call last year costing perhaps Meade the 6A championship).


2.. Why doesn't the KHSAA have a head ref in the both monitoring the game. The refs on the field are busy..trying to get the call right..trying to keep the game going…listening to screaming coaches and fans. This head ref could have communication with the ref on the field to make corrections if he sees a wrong mark off for a penalty or wrong interruption of a rule. (This would have fixed the Desales / Murray call)


3. The sideline violation is a point of emphasis for the KHSAA. I have a friend that is a head ref, we discussed this he said you will get in more trouble for not maintaining the sideline than missing a call on the field (Still not sure how Coach Mckee does it he is literally on the field and no penalty). If the coach from Murra was following the rule there would be no infaction.


4. A lot of refs are older and not in the best shape causing them to be out of position to make calls or just flat out missing them because of poor eyesight. You get what you pay for. $60.00 a game is not enough to lure young people into the game. A lot of people don't want the hassle that's associated with being a ref on Friday night or for that matter on Monday for JV games or Thursday for freshman games. Especially having to deal with disrespectful fans, players and coaches all for $60.00. It's only going to get worse once these older refs hang up the whistles and cleats.

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KHSAA got it wrong by suspending these guys:


Ok, the refs made a bad call. Counsel them...tar & feather them…take their measly $60.00 (If that much) for calling the game. These ERRORS happen all the time. The refs at last year's 6A championship made a bad call costing Meade the championship as well. There is no way to make the game or the refs perfect. It's been part of the game and always will be. They are human, even in the NFL Mike Herra (Fox's Ref Expert) will disagree with a call after it has been reviewed by the refs on the field and in NY.


Now I'm not saying that bad calls or interruption of the rules is ok, but why suspend these guys. This happens every Friday night across the state and these bad calls costs teams' important losses.


My problem is with the KHSAA.


1. Why isn't instant replay used at these critical games..it's available, these game are televised (This would have corrected the call last year costing perhaps Meade the 6A championship).


2.. Why doesn't the KHSAA have a head ref in the both monitoring the game. The refs on the field are busy..trying to get the call right..trying to keep the game going…listening to screaming coaches and fans. This head ref could have communication with the ref on the field to make corrections if he sees a wrong mark off for a penalty or wrong interruption of a rule. (This would have fixed the Desales / Murray call)


3. The sideline violation is a point of emphasis for the KHSAA. I have a friend that is a head ref, we discussed this he said you will get in more trouble for not maintaining the sideline than missing a call on the field (Still not sure how Coach Mckee does it he is literally on the field and no penalty). If the coach from Murra was following the rule there would be no infaction.


4. A lot of refs are older and not in the best shape causing them to be out of position to make calls or just flat out missing them because of poor eyesight. You get what you pay for. $60.00 a game is not enough to lure young people into the game. A lot of people don't want the hassle that's associated with being a ref on Friday night or for that matter on Monday for JV games or Thursday for freshman games. Especially having to deal with disrespectful fans, players and coaches all for $60.00. It's only going to get worse once these older refs hang up the whistles and cleats.


I disagree. IF YOU KICK A RULE, it CANNOT BE DEFENDED and you deserve to receive a suspension. These guys kicked a rule as a crew therefore the entire crew is suspended. Had one spoken up and disagreed with the penalty enforcement that sole person would not have been suspended had they still went through with it like they did so that means 5 guys kicked this rule, how is having 1 more official there going to change the outcome. He could have kicked it just as easily. As to point 1. It wouldn't change a single thing in this game so why bring it up? Only thing I agree with is that if Murray's coach had been 2 yards off the field like required, he wouldn't have ended up with the penalty to begin with


Also, where are you that they are only making 60 a Friday Night?

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I disagree. IF YOU KICK A RULE, it CANNOT BE DEFENDED and you deserve to receive a suspension. These guys kicked a rule as a crew therefore the entire crew is suspended. Had one spoken up and disagreed with the penalty enforcement that sole person would not have been suspended had they still went through with it like they did so that means 5 guys kicked this rule, how is having 1 more official there going to change the outcome. He could have kicked it just as easily. As to point 1. It wouldn't change a single thing in this game so why bring it up? Only thing I agree with is that if Murray's coach had been 2 yards off the field like required, he wouldn't have ended up with the penalty to begin with


Also, where are you that they are only making 60 a Friday Night?


$60.00 is the standard Varsity fee per KHSAA, its posted on the site somewhere. It goes up a bit for playoffs but max is $75.00 for State Championships.

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I went to 12 straight friday night football games; all 12 weeks I saw coaches from each team on the field of play. If it was a point of emphasis this year, I really find it hard to believe all 5 guys didn't know how to enforce the penalty. Therefore they should be penalized also.

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I went to 12 straight friday night football games; all 12 weeks I saw coaches from each team on the field of play. If it was a point of emphasis this year, I really find it hard to believe all 5 guys didn't know how to enforce the penalty. Therefore they should be penalized also.


Then KHSAA should be consistant even during the regular season and suspend every ref or crew that makes an incorrect or wrong interruption of a rule. Ha HA..why don't they we would have no refs. Publically suspending them is over the top...just my opinion.

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With all due respect, the officials that work the state championships are not necessarily your best officials. Many of the best officials are working college games and can't officiate high school games for a full season. While I agree with Julian's suspension of the offending officials, over the years, he has watered down the talent of the officials that work the finals. Honestly, he has socialized the avocation of officiating. In most associations, each year, you can usually pick out the officials who are going to work the finals that particular year. It's become a culture of entitlement! IMO, only the best officials should work the playoffs. If that means you work 4, or maybe even 5 rounds, so be it. Because the playoff system in Ky is so ridiculous, anyone with a pulse or who can fog a mirror will work Round 1. If you don't get picked to work past Round 1, then just get better.

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