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Mitch McConnell versus Matt Bevin

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Rand Paul's name has been brought up a time or two in this thread. Can someone point to 1 thing he has actually accomplished other then get his name out for his Presidential run? I agree with him on most issues but he is in no position to get anything done. With McConnell as majority leader that changes.


Depends how you define "accomplishments."


Certainly your litmus test isn't "Has he passed 'meaningful' legislation. . ." If so, you'll be using that search bar on your computer quite a bit.


But if you consider accomplishments as stopping bad legislation/policy from being implemented, bridging the gap between the Establishment and Tea-Partiers, and injecting the message of limited government into the mainstream, then yes. He absolutely has.


NSA and its massive unconstitutional spying apparatus, ObamaCare, 2nd Amendment, Obama's war in Syria, taxes, etc, etc. There isn't a policy I can think of Where Rand hasn't had an influence.


Also, he's arguably one of the most powerful Senators in the country. Leadership is obviously a powerful title to have, but that doesn't mean you have supporters/followers.


Leadership means you have people following you and you can direct them to do something. Rand has that at the grassroots level. McConnell does not.


There's a reason people in "Leadership" positions in Washington are *begging* for his endorsement. From Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Mike Enzi (R-WY), to Susan Collins (R-ME).


Maybe it's because Rand has out raised any of the other prospective 2016 GOP candidates.


Rand Paul raises $1.6 million in first quarter of 2014

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Is this a case of lesser of two evils ? McConnell attempts to deal in an environment that is not "deal friendly". Bevin says he won't compromise at all, and that's not good either. I guess I have to trust McConnell's relationships more than Bevin's attitude. I think that some of the Tea Party ideas are ideologically sound, but when it comes to implementation, they lack the ability be put into action. The local (Campbell County) Tea Party guys just harrumph around about mostly non-sensiscal things, attack the items they believe they can bully down and aren't able to get real issues resolved because of their approach. I'm torn on this one…I don't want to be sold out, but I don't want a guy who is just going to make noise and no progress either.


The lesser of two evils is still evil. That's why I am not advocating for either of them.


I honestly wouldn't mind McConnell losing to Grimes (she won't) cause she would be a lot easier to take out than McConnell.


McConnell and the Republicans in the Senate habitually make compromises that are not in the best interest of conservatives. The left makes a radical demand on life or guns, the right, having the Constitution on their side, stands their ground. The right gets mocked, they get ridiculed, they get scared of looking irrational and buy into the hearsay of them possibly losing their seat. Knowing this, the left then make a less radical demand and the McConnells, McCains, Grahams, Cornyns in the Senate support the measure. This is the left winning.


If you support evil, no matter the degree, you will get evil.


Ummm. No thanks.

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