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War protesters ?


Should the protesters, or are they  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the protesters, or are they

    • Should they keep quiet and back the USA ?
    • Are they traitors to the USA ?
    • They do not understand what is going on
    • They have a legitimate reason

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I want to go ahead and agree with Rockmom. Iraq and al-Qaeda are very loosely related. Want to take down a government that actually funds al-Qaeda? Take out King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah in Saudi Arabia. It has been established that they fund the fundamentalist Islamic schools that produce these fanatical madmen. Oh right...they're our "ally."


In reference to Clinton's goofball "peacekeeping" missions, had I been old enough to be involved, I would have spoken out on those as well. Kosovo, Angola, Bosnia...I was not a fan of any of those either, and I thank President Bush for keeping us out of those. I can also see where you're going with that. Attempting to break this into party lines by mentioning Clinton. I was NEVER a Clinton fan, nor do I consider myself a democrat. I disagree with this singular aspect of Bush's foreign policy agenda, but I am very much looking forward to casting my vote toward his re-election in 2004.

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Originally posted by PepRock01

Changes to the CIA were made by that administration that prevent assassination attempts. The current administration may change it, and it is likely they will, but until then no assassination attempts may be made by our CIA.


..and tell Santa what Youd like for Chritmas.......

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Originally posted by CheerNbHappy

It is their right to protest the actions of the government.....that is the basis on which this country is founded on.....you may not agree with them, but you have every right to stage a pro war rally. it says so in the constitution


I agree 100%. Couldn't have said it better myself.

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Originally posted by Sideliner

I guess I was just expecting a "Moderator" to be a moderating influence.....Calling people names usually means that someone doesnt have a very plausible perspective, and need to be loud to be heard.

Civil Protest ihas ALWAYS been a part of our form of government, and when it ends..we lose DEMOCRACY. The great thing about our country, is that we can demonstrate in protest for ANY issue we do not agree with...and do it without fear of prosecution from ANY source of Government...Federal ,local or otherwise.

You have the same right to demonstrate in favor of this very unpopular cause. "GO for it"


Just dont call me names for disagreeing with you.


I didn't call you names Sideliner. :( At least I didn't mean to, I was refering to the placard holders and the people who marched in Communist China and north Korean sponsered rallies mainly in Washington and San Francisco, London and Paris. If that wasn't clear or that actually does apply to you sorry.


If you read my post carefully I do appreciate peoples right to free assembly, and I think there is plenty of room for disagreement on this issue. For instance I disagree with Rockmom and she disagrees with me but I totally respect Rockmom's point of view and her right to say what she said. It was a very well thought out and well stated valid point of view.


People can protest, but I think they should organize there own protest with there own issues to voice not just join up with revolutionarys to call Bush stupid. Is calling Bush stupid what you really want to say or do you want more time for inspections? I will defend all their rights to say whatever they want to, but I think that intellegent people would protest intelligent messages like "Give the inspections more time, or War never solves anything. Not Bush is Hitler. So I think for a person to join a protest rally that wants to stop the war should know who is sponsering the rally. I think it is stupid to march in a rally when you don't know who is organizing it, or if that group is in favor of the violent overthrow of the U.S. government, you know since that is well illegal.


I am sorry you feel that way about my moderating job status, I really only moderate Outdoors forum, I do let other mods know if something is way bad in the others but I don't control them. A mod should be held higher standard though. I think I do an ok job but hey everyone is entitled to there own opinion. I do get real blunt in my statements but sometimes it is just to get things fired up a bit and get things stirring. If I have offended you then mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, I am sorry.

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Originally posted by Getslow

I want to go ahead and agree with Rockmom. Iraq and al-Qaeda are very loosely related.

This is true but then again so were FDR and Stalin, but they still got together to fight a common foe. That is very common in history. I agree evidence is weak, and we americans don't have alot of trust in our government and for good reasons, but I am willing to trust them on this one.


Some other examples, of former enemies joining to face a greater foe; The French and British against the Germans World War I and II, Mao's Communist Chinese Army and the United States verses Japan World War II. GI Joe and Cobra Commander verses Serpentor, In Arise Serpentor Arise. Elves, Men and Dwarves verses Sauron in the War of the Ring I and II..... :lol:

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these people should be protesting Saddam not Bush. If war was all Bush wanted then he would have invaded a long time ago. He has done everything everyone has asked, including now going to the UN a SECOND time. Bush is not the problem, and that is what angers me about the protesters

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Very true, if war is begun, then I agree that some type of collusion will take place between Iraq and al-Qaeda. The problem for me lies in that there is a continued claim that Iraq directly supports terrorism...that is entirely possible, and I for one agree that he (Saddam) probably does. However, one of the few countries we know for sure supports Islamic extremism, Saudi Arabia, is still looked upon as an ally. That nation produced the majority of the September 11, 2001 hijackers. I can't help but think that it's selective. Iraq has no real value to the US, we've been at odds with them for some time, the Saudis still maintain a valued trade relationship (i.e. Oil).

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Originally posted by ram95

I didn't call you names Sideliner. :( At least I didn't mean to, I was refering to the placard holders and the people who marched in Communist China and north Korean sponsered rallies mainly in Washington and San Francisco, London and Paris. If that wasn't clear or that actually does apply to you sorry.


If you read my post carefully I do appreciate peoples right to free assembly, and I think there is plenty of room for disagreement on this issue. For instance I disagree with Rockmom and she disagrees with me but I totally respect Rockmom's point of view and her right to say what she said. It was a very well thought out and well stated valid point of view.


People can protest, but I think they should organize there own protest with there own issues to voice not just join up with revolutionarys to call Bush stupid. Is calling Bush stupid what you really want to say or do you want more time for inspections? I will defend all their rights to say whatever they want to, but I think that intellegent people would protest intelligent messages like "Give the inspections more time, or War never solves anything. Not Bush is Hitler. So I think for a person to join a protest rally that wants to stop the war should know who is sponsering the rally. I think it is stupid to march in a rally when you don't know who is organizing it, or if that group is in favor of the violent overthrow of the U.S. government, you know since that is well illegal.


I am sorry you feel that way about my moderating job status, I really only moderate Outdoors forum, I do let other mods know if something is way bad in the others but I don't control them. A mod should be held higher standard though. I think I do an ok job but hey everyone is entitled to there own opinion. I do get real blunt in my statements but sometimes it is just to get things fired up a bit and get things stirring. If I have offended you then mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, I am sorry.


It may surprise you to find out that there are Loyal Americans who genuinely disagree with the administration on this issue and

have every right to be heard........and Im pretty **** sure im not a "Communist Sympathizer"....I spent a lot of the late 70s and 80s as a participant in a few places that "I Never Was", defending this Country. . (as opposed to reading about them or watching them being portrayed by Charlton Heston and "the Duke", who were never in the military)

I would hope that when our government asks for the lives of our sons in defense of this Great country.........it will be because we are accomplishing something other than ....."Gol Durn it, boys, the U.S needs to "win one", and Im pretty sure it will help folks forget the hardship of $2.00 gasoline, no jobs and the worst economy since "the Great Depression", and re-elect me, anyway.

That isnt worth even ONE of our sons lives.

Bin- Laden and Al-Quaeda ARE threats......isnt it time we focused on deterring them?? (notice I didnt say STOP them, because terrorism has been with us since time began..and will be here when it ends)

Bin- Laden is pleased we are ridding the world of Sadaam. The Islamic Fundamentalists see him as being a "loose cannon" and an Islamic "Infidel"and the reason for Western intervention in their part of the world and lives. Iraq is a mere "Paper Tiger"compared to the REAL threat of Iran, Lybia, China and N. Korea.

I hope our Government will do more than issue "panic warnings" to a populace that deserves much more than being "stampeded" into plastic and duct tape purchases. there are PRESSING threats out there without creating them to distract us for Political purposes.

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Sideliner - You may be right that there are bigger fish to fry in the world of threatening nations. However, the terrorists have to be backed by rogue governments like this. We have to do something to cut their base of support out from under them. I don't think your political leamings are any reason to insult the president or accuse the administration of "wagging the dog." This is not an administration that would sacrifice young American lives for a shallow political gain. This President returned a sense of respect for the presidency to the office and would not sink to that level.

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again...I disagree....but, Please take a few moments. Write to one or more of these young men. Tell them you appreciate them. They are risking their lives..whether we agree or not....and they deserve to be told we are thinking of them.

We Wont ever agree on the "Politics " of this action.....but we MUST agree on the support our sons deserve.

Take it from me, it means a lot to have someone take time to write and just say "we know youre there"

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Originally posted by Sideliner

Please take a few moments. Write to one or more of these young men. Tell them you appreciate them. They are risking their lives..whether we agree or not....and they deserve to be told we are thinking of them.

We Wont ever agree on the "Politics " of this action.....but we MUST agree on the support our sons deserve.

Take it from me, it means a lot to have someone take time to write and just say "we know youre there"


I couldn't agree more to your post, what we did to the troops that fought in Vietnam was a national disgrace, anytime this country goes to war the troops need to know that they are in all of our prays and that we are backing them up and appreciate them for what they are doing for all of us...


Even though I am a Democrat I support President Bush in this action, I see he is not just jumping into war, he is trying to avoid it, if he wasn't we would have went n with our troops into downtown Baghdad 5 months ago. Last year when we stepped foot into Afghanistan everyone was talking about Iraq will be next, that by next autumn (this past autumn) we would be at war with Iraq, we all knew this was coming, Bush is doing everything eh can but sometime soon he has to say enough is enough and start the liberation of Iraq.


Back to me being a democrat and supporting Bush on this issue and the war or terror, I still think his leadership on the homefront lead much to be desired, and unless things change, no matter how good this Iraq and war on terror issue goes I see him being a one term wonder like his dad.

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