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TCM's 31 Days of Oscar


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It's my favorite time of year. College and high school hoops are about to come to a pinnacle and Turner Classic Movies is beginning its annual "31 Days of Oscar" film festival, where every movie they show won or was nominated for an Oscar.


My DVR will fill up in a matter of days leaving me to watch them as I get the chance.


Anyone else into this? I love when they show all these movies.


First up today: "Gone With the Wind".

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It's my favorite time of year. College and high school hoops are about to come to a pinnacle and Turner Classic Movies is beginning its annual "31 Days of Oscar" film festival, where every movie they show won or was nominated for an Oscar.


My DVR will fill up in a matter of days leaving me to watch them as I get the chance.


Anyone else into this? I love when they show all these movies.


First up today: "Gone With the Wind".


Frankly, Getslow, I don't give....,

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Great line-up today. Caine Mutiny, 12 Angy Men, Defiant Ones


LOVE The Caine Mutiny. Van Johnson is one of the great underrated actors of all time. I've got the DVR set for his appearance in Brigadoon, where he goes step for step with Gene Kelly.

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First up today: "Gone With the Wind".


Finally got around to watching the second half of this tonight. This movie winning Best Picture has got to be one of the more inexplicable awards in film history. Looking through the nominees for 1939, there are at least six I've seen that are better: Goodbye Mr Chips, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Ninotchka, Of Mice and Men, Wuthering Heights and Stagecoach.


Of course, I have the benefit of hindsight and a pretty deep contempt for the Confederate glorification and revisionism going on that was probably more widely popular in 1939.


It doesn't excuse that Scarlett O'Hara is just SO ANNOYING through the whole picture that sometimes it took a great moment of will power to stop from stopping and deleting it on the spot.

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When I was a teenager and had first started working Academy Award Theater was on TBS every Sunday morning, I saw some of the best movies I have ever seen getting ready for work and eating breakfast on Sunday mornings when I was 16-18 years old.


12 Angry Men, Pride of the Yankees, Patton, Old Man and the Sea, Mister Roberts and Bridge on the River Kwai were some of my favorites



DVR being emptied as we speak.

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Really good Twitter feed for anyone interested by the way is @NextonTCM. One hour before a movie is going to air on TCM, this feed sends out two tweets: one with a year and cast list, then a second with a brief description of the movie. It's pretty great for finding out when a great one is about to come on so you can set your DVR.

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Watched "Brigadoon" on the DVR last night and the first hour of the Katherine Hepburn version of "Little Women". Will finish that when I get home.


Still have "Rebel Without A Cause" and the Robert Ryan/Peter Ustinov adaptation of "Billy Budd" on the DVR.


Already set up to record over the next couple days:


"Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?"

"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"

"From Here to Eternity"

"Stalag 17"

"Julius Caesar"


It'll be April before I clear all these...

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