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Grimes or McConnell?

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So, who should I support now?


As some of you all may already know, Grimes is a cousin of mine. I was promised a job protection her at her campaign kick-off in July, as well as 10 months ago at my dad's funeral, now I'm getting a bunch of excuses.


First excuse is that the position doesn't exist, second is it may cause some political harm as I'm a cousin. Third is that all their money needs to go to commercials and that they have only a skeleton staff.


First excuse, I was promised not once, but twice, CREATE the position! Second excuse, not buying that all all! I was told that with her dad there is political baggage as it is. Ok I can see him being a possibly political issue, but not me! I have no political past. Third excuse, I could possibly see this, but come on! With all of the millions of $ that will be spent, taking away a few commercials is going to hurt? Heck, people may enjoy having just a few less commercials!


Another relative, not related to Grimes, who is a big republican, said it's Oscar Mayer Bologna!


So I am open to suggestions, I would be willing to work for McConnell. And if they use it against her somehow, that's not my problem.


This could really catapult my career in executive protection, so to say ii'm not happy is a huge understatement!

Edited by mcpapa
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You sure there isn't a law that prohibits relatives from serving as bodyguards? That might be what this is about.
if it was state or federal money she would have to prove behind a reasonable doubt I was the best person for the job. But no such requirements here.


And this is my career, and she promised I would work on the campaign! Just as with a Secret Service agent, they just don't work for the person they agree with, they have a career and politics do not come into play when you are protecting someone.

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A politician reneging on a promise. I'm shocked.

If she'd lie directly to a relative how can she be trusted on anything?


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Hey, give her 30 years' worth of high-level influence-peddling and she may one day scratch the surface of McConnell's massive expanse of scorched earth. She does have a lot to live up to.

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Our current known quantity is much better then her unknown and with Daddy Jerry in her ear I consider her a deep insider anyway. She will be nothing more then a lapdog for Harry.

With Jerry's ties to the Clintons, ALG would be well positioned to bring home the bacon for the Bluegrass state after Hillary's elected. Mitch hasn't brought home much bacon in recent years. He's been too busy fending off the Tea Party.

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When the GOP takes back the leadership of the Senate this Fall who will be the leader ? Mitch will be , and that's good for KY.

When Mitch appeared before the Covington Business Council a while back, he told 'em to "seek a Frankfort solution" to fund the I-75 bridge replacement. Nothing like leadership in Washington.

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With Jerry's ties to the Clintons, ALG would be well positioned to bring home the bacon for the Bluegrass state after Hillary's elected. Mitch hasn't brought home much bacon in recent years. He's been too busy fending off the Tea Party.


In other words she's already bought and paid for.


Guess what, corrupt pols buying votes is what got us in the mess we're in. You just made my case why we shouldn't vote for Harry's girl.


We need checks on the current emperor in the White House. I can't think of any better way then letting him try to do anything with both houses under Republican control.

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