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Hello, Mr. Foster...It is Working


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A few weeks back NewCath's Principal Mr Carl Foster voiced concern about the way the NewCath family was acting and being portrayed in the sporting community...


Well, if he has had his talk with the football team and players then it worked to perfection last nite and I want to say how proud Iam of the way our Christian neighbors stepped up.


Apparently, after the Highlands lost last nite some NewCath kids did some social media tweeting accusing the Highlands players of "falling down the steps" tonite.


Obviously, the news of Highlands went viral in all social media outlets and the haters came out of the woodwork needless to say and everyone is pouncing and taking their shots. It was like 7 yrs of emotions just being vented, I get it, and understand the frustrations of the haters....


But wait, the NewCath Football players do not agree...Several NewCath players stepped in and called out their fellow schoolmates and friends and put a stop to negative talk being displayed and more importantly they came to the aide of their Christian brothers in need.


The latter is exactly the point and message that Mr Foster is trying to instill in his Student Athletes at NewCath and I say bravo to those in charge:thumb:

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As a rule players GET it. They have respect for each other because they all know what it takes. It's the jackball fans who ruin it. You've got guys like UKfan calling Ft Thomas "loserville." You've got kids from each school talking smack. You've got adults talking smack about other players (see UKFan/Barker).


I went to the social media world in an effort to find what you might be referring to. Couldn't find it. However, what I did find was Jensen Feggins congratulating a kid from Collins.


THAT is what it's all about.

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And this is why some (and I mean some not just one) on here will only read this thread and not post.


Simply because this message is about sportsmanship and class and there is no room in here for them :thumb:


Unfortunately the bad will hide behind their avatars and take shots at High School Student Athletes like its their job...

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I thought Big C addressed the parents, not the kids?

I have nothing but respect for the players and coaching staff of the Breds. Congrats on a fine season and way to step up and show some class on and off the field!

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I never give Likes, but had to give one to Clyde. That was right on the money. I was told that some NCC students were talking smack and that Mac Franzen and Tommy Donnelly stepped up and told them to knock it off. You are right Clyde, most of the kids get it and others simply do not. Kudos to these two boys for having the courage to step up and be leaders at their school and calling out those that get a little carried away on Social Media.

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A few weeks back NewCath's Principal Mr Carl Foster voiced concern about the way the NewCath family was acting and being portrayed in the sporting community...


Well, if he has had his talk with the football team and players then it worked to perfection last nite and I want to say how proud Iam of the way our Christian neighbors stepped up.


Apparently, after the Highlands lost last nite some NewCath kids did some social media tweeting accusing the Highlands players of "falling down the steps" tonite.


Obviously, the news of Highlands went viral in all social media outlets and the haters came out of the woodwork needless to say and everyone is pouncing and taking their shots. It was like 7 yrs of emotions just being vented, I get it, and understand the frustrations of the haters....


But wait, the NewCath Football players do not agree...Several NewCath players stepped in and called out their fellow schoolmates and friends and put a stop to negative talk being displayed and more importantly they came to the aide of their Christian brothers in need.


The latter is exactly the point and message that Mr Foster is trying to instill in his Student Athletes at NewCath and I say bravo to those in charge:thumb:


Saw some of those tweets myself. Very classy by the NewCath players.

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