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Check Out This Meteorite That Landed In Russia...


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Meteorite hits Russian Urals: Fireball explosion wreaks havoc, over 900 injured (PHOTOS, VIDEO) ? RT


"Russia’s Urals region has been rocked by a meteorite explosion in the stratosphere. The impact wave damaged several buildings, and blew out thousands of windows amid frigid winter weather. Hundreds are seeking medical attention for minor injuries.


Around 950 people have sought medical attention in Chelyabinsk alone because of the disaster, the region's governor Mikhail Yurevich told RIA Novosti. Over 110 of them have been hospitalized and two of them are in heavy condition. Among the injured there are 159 children, Emergency ministry reported.


Army units found three meteorite debris impact sites, two of which are in an area near Chebarkul Lake, west of Chelyabinsk. The third site was found some 80 kilometers further to the northwest, near the town of Zlatoust. One of the fragments that struck near Chebarkul left a crater six meters in diameter.


Servicemembers from the tank brigade that found the crater have confirmed that background radiation levels at the site are normal."



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That would have been cool to see.


It would have been absolutely incredible to see.


My buddy emailed me the video and said it reminded him of the tornado we had come through northern Kentucky last March. He said he was standing out his yard in Independence and watching things come flying down out of nowhere into his neighborhood. They'd start out as a speck in the sky and then gradually get bigger and bigger until they turned into a 2 ft square chunk of roof falling out of the clouds.

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Did you all see the videos from personal cams, security or traffic cams? Amazing! It was the size of a kitchen table but at 10 tons, and we didn't see this coming! Good thing that it didn't hit in a major populated area. Remember the big asteroid, the size of the Whitehouse, comes past the Earth later today!


They said that there are so many videos of the meteorite in Russia because many people have dash cams in their cars, as they are worried about bad cops and want evidence if they go to court. Something else we have in common.

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