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Pregnant Texas teen files suit against parents in abortion feud


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It's great IMO that life won over death, but this family is in bad shape going forward. Very sad. We are so much a "me" society. Our relationships these days are based on how they benefit us (or cramp our style) instead of genuine, sacrificial love for others.

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I agree that it is a shame that the family is split on this rather than standing together. I wonder if the parents ever considered making a move to a more liberal area. I get the feeling the ruling would have gone their way in San Francisco.

And that would have been a great win for them? It's strange how this is backwards pro-choice. Pro-choice supporters want the woman to be able to choose what happens to her body. It follows then that this 17 yr-old should be able to choose not to abort.

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My opinion is based on consistency. I believe that a parent should have to consent before a minor has any medical procedure including abortion. Current laws say that a minor does not need a parent's consent or even knowledge before having an abortion so why would she need their consent not to have one?


Your response is exactly why I asked my question that UKMF was bothered by.

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And that would have been a great win for them? It's strange how this is backwards pro-choice. Pro-choice supporters want the woman to be able to choose what happens to her body. It follows then that this 17 yr-old should be able to choose not to abort.


I must have missed where I typed that. Please point it out to me.

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I must have missed where I typed that. Please point it out to me.



I agree that it is a shame that the family is split on this rather than standing together. I wonder if the parents ever considered making a move to a more liberal area. I get the feeling the ruling would have gone their way in San Francisco.

To me, the bolded statements seemed like you were saying that the parents would have won their case if they lived in a more liberal area. My apologies if I misinterpreted your meaning.

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