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what's wrong with officiating in NKY HS soccer?

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Is it just me, or is the officiating in HS soccer the worst of any HS sports in NKY? I've been following boy's HS soccer, and I simply can't believe how inept the officiating has been for the last several years. As an ex-official (baseball umpire), I can empathize with the challenges of calling a game---there are literally hundreds of acts to evaluate in the course of any game. I know it's easier to see the whole game from the stands--but I witnessed an infraction occur this evening at the HHS v. Holy Cross game that blew my mind. A complete failure by the AR (line official) to call a blatant foul resulted in the play erupting into a near melee that resulted in a player ejection (straight red card) and a yellow for another player. And it all happened with an official less than 5 yards away. What is going on?

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Is it just me, or is the officiating in HS soccer the worst of any HS sports in NKY? I've been following boy's HS soccer, and I simply can't believe how inept the officiating has been for the last several years. As an ex-official (baseball umpire), I can empathize with the challenges of calling a game---there are literally hundreds of acts to evaluate in the course of any game. I know it's easier to see the whole game from the stands--but I witnessed an infraction occur this evening at the HHS v. Holy Cross game that blew my mind. A complete failure by the AR (line official) to call a blatant foul resulted in the play erupting into a near melee that resulted in a player ejection (straight red card) and a yellow for another player. And it all happened with an official less than 5 yards away. What is going on?


Saw it all cannot explain it at all, if he makes the first call (simple foul) nothing else happens. In the end it should have been either 2 reds or 2 yellows after he blew the first call.

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I completely agree. Make the initial call and nothing happens.

In a previous game, HHS had a guy pulled down from behind in the box with seconds left in the 1st half--no call. Same game, 2nd half, same guy winding up to shoot in box was hacked from behind, 3-4 yards into the box. Ref called foul and placed the ball 3 yards outside of the box. In another game, I saw a player convert a cross by heading into the net w/ seconds left in the game to score tying goal--only to have goal disallowed....official said the player jumped into the defender. We have photos to show that the players never touched. The officials have been (mostly) bad on a consistent basis. It's a shame.

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Have you guys ever refed a HS game it is High School Soccer is highly subjective and you can only call what you see or thought you saw . the play is so fast that it is a given that a lot of calls are missed . As far as what your pictures show there is no replay in a high school game , Thank God .

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Have never ref'd and respect those that do........however, have a couple of issues:


1. Ever met a ref that admits he was wrong? Ever met a ref that admits another ref was wrong? As was stated, game is fast and lots to watch.....especially if you are a two man crew. But try to find a ref that admitted he made a mistake. OK,OK....you can't lump all into this......most


2. This year with the rule changes about the double yellow equalling an automatic two game suspension, I've have never seen so many yellows. Giving them out like Gub'mnt cheese. In the Ryle/CCH game, 6 in the first half alone.. Since most calls are subjective, there also needs to be an avenue for some type of appeal for the Coaches and players.

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The Ryle/CCH game was horribly reffed. Officials of any sport need to gain control of the game from the start, beginning with the meeting with the captains, and work with them on the field. The cards and ejections should be a last resort. KHSAA did a good thing with softball/baseball a few years ago when they implemented an option for umpires to restrict players and coaches to the bench instead of going to immediate ejection thus allowing for cooler heads and avoiding the automatic suspensions. Soccer reffing has been brutal this year, my biggest observation has been the lack of hustle by ARs to get into position for offside calls and by the Head Ref to move from the mid circle to see the action in the box.

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Biggest thing I have noticed with the refs this yr in soccer is the way they the refs are willing to argue or talk to the crowd during controversial calls or plays.

Cardinal sin of officiating, never ever talk or acknowledge the crowd ever. If you as a ref have had it with a group or a certain individual you go to the coaches or administration and have them remove them.

Some refs feel the need to make sure everyone in the venue knows they are in charge and they too forget that the game is not about them but about the kids. :thumb:

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I think the issue is that the sport is so incredibly boring that the officials are unable to stay alert.
The sport is boring?? A kid receives a soccer pass with their feet, turns and one touches it 30 yards down the field to a teammate who is in full stride and that's boring?? Some of the most exciting soccer matches that I have ever watched (and trust me, I have watched a lot of matches at all levels) have ended in 0/0 or 1/1 ties.


The problem with the officiating is not limited to NKy. It's statewide. More club soccer officials should do high school games. Lots of high school refs have never played the game. Soccer is a difficult game to ref. Imagine reffing a football game with just a Center Ref and 2 AR's on the sidelines? It would be challenging. I believe that these folks are trying, they just don't know any better.

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