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Top Juniors in the 9th Region


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He may very well throw that now for all I know. He darn sure didn't last season. So my next comment is in no way directed specifically at him or AlexC.


We're getting right about the time of year that every decent pitcher in the 9th throws "around 80" and every good pitcher throws in the "high 80's." I am always amused by these comments. There are VERY few pitchers year in and year out here in the 9th that CONSISTENTLY throw in the 80's, much less the high 80's. Frankly, most teams around here are lucky if they have one guy that can throw that and quite a few teams won't have any. I know it's a nice round even number to toss around, but it really is kind of funny. And high 80's? There probably aren't more than 2 or 3 kids per year in NKY with that velocity.


I'm not aware of anyone this year that will be hitting upper 80's.

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Shumate was the #5 pitcher on one of the best teams in the state last year, and did fine as a sophomore. He really improved nicely as the season progressed and did have some success. Coach Krumps had other options, and Shumate got the ball ahead of some talented pitchers. He will be a starter on a CovCath team that could be pretty good. Shumate made the Kentucky Colonels, again. Walt Terrel surely had other options. I trust the opinion of two coaches that collectively have won about 1400 games over some BGP posters that have yet to win their first at that level, that may have alterior motives for their posts, or simply have a differing opinion. I don't know if he deserves to be in the top 10, it's just preseason BS that doesn't mean anything; however, he has certainly done more at a higher level than some of the other kids on the original list. Some of those young men may be very good players, but have had very little playing time or contributions to their varsity teams. I think one young may only have one varsity base hit, no put-outs, assists,rbi's, or strikeouts. This is not meant as a derogatory comment to any of those young men or their potential; only a response to a question of "what has Shumate done to be on the list". If we have a similar thread at the end of the season, I think he'll be included.


I do agree with Cooperstown, I doubt that Shumate or any other pitcher in the 9th will be throwing consistently in the high 80's.

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You did not read my post right AC. I said he could be on the list, but on the back half. I am not putting the kid down. I asked what he has done to be on the list. In my personal observations and in talking to some involved with the U16 Colonels, there were some struggles.


I can name a few pitchers that would have very good stats pitching behind that line up. On the point of 87 MPH, sorry, I'll have to see it. If the size and speed is right, he should be drawing interest from some big time schools. Best of luck to him on landing a great school.

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I wasn't intending to be derogatory towards him. When I said "I agreed" with coachg I was referring to his statement that if Shumate did deserve to be on a top ten list, it would be the bottom half. From what I've seen, he looked to be a nice pitcher, but I didn't think he was overpowering or anything and am just not sure I would rank him as one of the top 10 juniors in the 9th. Not meant to be an insult - just one guy's opinion. Now that being said, however, I will believe he throws 87 mph when I see it myself because he threw nowhere close to that in the games that I saw him.


No problem with me, Coop. I have no dog in this fight other than I coached Adam in AAU basketball and he is a great kid with a big league body. Do you know him? Like Banana Slug, I was prompted to respond (something I really don't do very often), because I thought you, Coachg and Norm were very harsh on him by saying "what has he done"? You and I both know that is a back-handed way of saying he didn't do anything.


I think his performance last year as a Soph on that CCH team speaks for itself, and the faith his coaches had in him to pitch him in those situations tells me more about the player than anything I read on here. I talk with his coaches (the Colonels coaches more frequently) and they tell me he is a very coachable kid with a tremendous amount of upside, and quite frankly, like Banana Slug, I often question the motive of some of the things I read on here.


Of course he didn't play last year as much as many of the players on the "list", but how many of those players played behind the Senior-laden talent that CCH had last year? It is certainly no surprise to me that he played behind Isler, Darner, Maile, Nutini, etc, not to mention the very talented class behind those guys (Gerwe, Warning, Martin, Seimer, Schlagbaum, etc). (By the way, FWIW, I am told he handled his role very well last year with no complaints about playing time, etc.).


As good as Conner Hempel is (and he is another great kid with a big time body), would he have played 3rd last year if Ryle had Ryan Darner? Coachg, would Josh Bertke (another great kid) have played 3rd if Darner played for the Tigers? Would the pitchers on that list have gotten many innings over Isler, Nutini, Krumme, Gerwe, etc.? Would any of them have started and won a District seeding game and a tournament championship game with all that other pitching talent on the roster? Adam was a Soph last year, so I am certain he had his moments where he struggled, but his body of work overall and his upside look pretty good to me.


Coop, I know one of your pet peeves is in regard to posts on pitching velocity. I, too, am often skeptical (I'm certain that not all radar guns are accurate), but in this instance, I can only tell you that 87 m.p.h. was what I was told by one of Adam's pitching coaches who also happened to be one of the people running the radar gun at the Colonels' try-outs last summer. This same coach also told me that Adam was invited to a showcase put on in part by Penn State and Pitt last month and was clocked in the "low to mid 80s". This was not surprising to the pitching coach because times tend to be higher at the end of a season than in the off-season.


By the way, my friend tells me that Jackson Laumann of Boone County and Vance Sullivan of Walton-Verona also need to be on that "list".

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No problem with me, Coop. I have no dog in this fight other than I coached Adam in AAU basketball and he is a great kid with a big league body. Do you know him? Like Banana Slug, I was prompted to respond (something I really don't do very often), because I thought you, Coachg and Norm were very harsh on him by saying "what has he done"? You and I both know that is a back-handed way of saying he didn't do anything.


I think his performance last year as a Soph on that CCH team speaks for itself, and the faith his coaches had in him to pitch him in those situations tells me more about the player than anything I read on here. I talk with his coaches (the Colonels coaches more frequently) and they tell me he is a very coachable kid with a tremendous amount of upside, and quite frankly, like Banana Slug, I often question the motive of some of the things I read on here.


Of course he didn't play last year as much as many of the players on the "list", but how many of those players played behind the Senior-laden talent that CCH had last year? It is certainly no surprise to me that he played behind Isler, Darner, Maile, Nutini, etc, not to mention the very talented class behind those guys (Gerwe, Warning, Martin, Seimer, Schlagbaum, etc). (By the way, FWIW, I am told he handled his role very well last year with no complaints about playing time, etc.).


As good as Conner Hempel is (and he is another great kid with a big time body), would he have played 3rd last year if Ryle had Ryan Darner? Coachg, would Josh Bertke (another great kid) have played 3rd if Darner played for the Tigers? Would the pitchers on that list have gotten many innings over Isler, Nutini, Krumme, Gerwe, etc.? Would any of them have started and won a District seeding game and a tournament championship game with all that other pitching talent on the roster? Adam was a Soph last year, so I am certain he had his moments where he struggled, but his body of work overall and his upside look pretty good to me.


Coop, I know one of your pet peeves is in regard to posts on pitching velocity. I, too, am often skeptical (I'm certain that not all radar guns are accurate), but in this instance, I can only tell you that 87 m.p.h. was what I was told by one of Adam's pitching coaches who also happened to be one of the people running the radar gun at the Colonels' try-outs last summer. This same coach also told me that Adam was invited to a showcase put on in part by Penn State and Pitt last month and was clocked in the "low to mid 80s". This was not surprising to the pitching coach because times tend to be higher at the end of a season than in the off-season.


By the way, my friend tells me that Jackson Laumann of Boone County and Vance Sullivan of Walton-Verona also need to be on that "list".


Again, just to be clear, I did not say "what has he done"? I said "I agree with your assessment of Schumate", which was intended to mean that I agreed with coachg's statement that if he is on a top ten junior list, he would be near the bottom of this list. That's all I meant. Not exactly an insult IMO. I've seen him throw maybe three times (he did get roughed up pretty good one time) and he looks to be a good pitcher. I didn't think he was some stud, but he certainly looked solid. I don't know him at all, but have heard he's a very nice young man. I know Warning and Gerwe very well, and based on what I've seen and know, I think I'd rank both of them slightly ahead of him with regard to CCH's staff (but they are all very close). As far as his velocity, we'll see. I hope he throws 90 (well, not against Ryle, of course :D) - that would be fun to see. But I would have pegged him around 80 mph last season and that's a big jump to 87. And I've seen way, way too many posts on this site claiming that this kid and that kid throw "mid-80's" and almost none of them do. So, yes, you tend to get very skeptical when you see numbers like that thrown out. Again, please be clear that I am in no way, shape, or form "anti-Schumate." Not in the slightest.

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No problem with me, Coop. I have no dog in this fight other than I coached Adam in AAU basketball and he is a great kid with a big league body. Do you know him? Like Banana Slug, I was prompted to respond (something I really don't do very often), because I thought you, Coachg and Norm were very harsh on him by saying "what has he done"? You and I both know that is a back-handed way of saying he didn't do anything.

I think his performance last year as a Soph on that CCH team speaks for itself, and the faith his coaches had in him to pitch him in those situations tells me more about the player than anything I read on here. I talk with his coaches (the Colonels coaches more frequently) and they tell me he is a very coachable kid with a tremendous amount of upside, and quite frankly, like Banana Slug, I often question the motive of some of the things I read on here.


Of course he didn't play last year as much as many of the players on the "list", but how many of those players played behind the Senior-laden talent that CCH had last year? It is certainly no surprise to me that he played behind Isler, Darner, Maile, Nutini, etc, not to mention the very talented class behind those guys (Gerwe, Warning, Martin, Seimer, Schlagbaum, etc). (By the way, FWIW, I am told he handled his role very well last year with no complaints about playing time, etc.).


As good as Conner Hempel is (and he is another great kid with a big time body), would he have played 3rd last year if Ryle had Ryan Darner? Coachg, would Josh Bertke (another great kid) have played 3rd if Darner played for the Tigers? Would the pitchers on that list have gotten many innings over Isler, Nutini, Krumme, Gerwe, etc.? Would any of them have started and won a District seeding game and a tournament championship game with all that other pitching talent on the roster? Adam was a Soph last year, so I am certain he had his moments where he struggled, but his body of work overall and his upside look pretty good to me.


Coop, I know one of your pet peeves is in regard to posts on pitching velocity. I, too, am often skeptical (I'm certain that not all radar guns are accurate), but in this instance, I can only tell you that 87 m.p.h. was what I was told by one of Adam's pitching coaches who also happened to be one of the people running the radar gun at the Colonels' try-outs last summer. This same coach also told me that Adam was invited to a showcase put on in part by Penn State and Pitt last month and was clocked in the "low to mid 80s". This was not surprising to the pitching coach because times tend to be higher at the end of a season than in the off-season.


By the way, my friend tells me that Jackson Laumann of Boone County and Vance Sullivan of Walton-Verona also need to be on that "list".


Apparently your glass is half empty. My comment was not intended to be any thing other than finding what the young man has done other than what I know about. Therefore the question "what has he done". Do not try to make the words out to be what they are not. Remember, I said he would be on the list from the get go.


I, like you was told some things that happened. I guess it depends who you talk to. There was nothing back handed about my comment. I do not attend many CCH games to see for myself.


I will say the 9 th region is loaded with junior talent. If they were able to make one team of these kids I feel they would challenge for a state title.:thumb:

Edited by Coachg13207
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There is more than one junior @ Boone that will be contributing this season. They might not have got any varsity time last season but, they did play very well and took Boone's JV team to the regional championship and won the region.

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There is more than one junior @ Boone that will be contributing this season. They might not have got any varsity time last season but, they did play very well and took Boone's JV team to the regional championship and won the region.


Is Crabtree and Carzoli juniors?

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Wow. Sensitive bunch on here. Shumate had a solid sophomore campaign. He seemed to be used more early in the year than late in the year. Krumps seemed to place him in situations where he could have success. Often times he did. Others, not so much which is not unusual for a sophomore. Like all pitchers he needs to work on a 2nd pitch that can be effective. His heat is not at Isler's level and kids can hit fastballs. Solid base on the kid - pretty strong physically. I don't buy 6'4 though.


The Colonels will need him to be good this year and need him to be able to go up against the Dixies, Conners, and Ryles. It will be a new experience for him. He and all of the pitchers will not have as much wiggle room this year either. Against good teams they're going to have to be really strong. This team will be a traditional (unlike the last 3 years) Krumps small ball team without a lot of pop.

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Wow. Sensitive bunch on here. Shumate had a solid sophomore campaign. He seemed to be used more early in the year than late in the year. Krumps seemed to place him in situations where he could have success. Often times he did. Others, not so much which is not unusual for a sophomore. Like all pitchers he needs to work on a 2nd pitch that can be effective. His heat is not at Isler's level and kids can hit fastballs. Solid base on the kid - pretty strong physically. I don't buy 6'4 though.


The Colonels will need him to be good this year and need him to be able to go up against the Dixies, Conners, and Ryles. It will be a new experience for him. He and all of the pitchers will not have as much wiggle room this year either. Against good teams they're going to have to be really strong. This team will be a traditional (unlike the last 3 years) Krumps small ball team without a lot of pop.



I like Shumate and the way he pitches but some of the things being said on here is absolutely unbelievable. Do you know Isler last year was only getting clocked at 85 mph on average. So some of you on here are saying Shumate is averaging 2 mph faster than Isler did last year? I dont think so. Shumate did great things last year for the Colonels but by no means was he gods gift to pitching like some of you all are saying. He's a very good pitcher and I hope the absolute best for him but do you guys not remember him getting beat by a very mediocre Dixie team at best last year? I say he throws MAYBE 82mph consistently. Good luck to young Mr. Shumate and the Colonels this year.

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Shack, it was stated that he was clocked at an average of 87 or so at the Ky. Colonels tryout. I agree with you that perhaps it's time for that gun to be recalibrated. I don't think anyone implied that he did 'great things last year', that he's gods gift, or that he's faster than Isler. I believe he will be the #3 or #4 starter on a team with pretty decent pitching.

When the poster asked, "what has he done"; regardless if the intent was facetious, demeaning, or just honest curiosity, I tried to provide an answer based on his experiences and merits, not just potential. Again, although his performance was decent but not stellar last year, he certainly did more than many of the kids on the original list; one of whom hasn't even gotten enough playing time to merit a varsity letter. I really don't know if he deserves to be considered, because I'm not familiar with all of these kids. But that's my point; there are some kids that are mentioned that I've never seen play, and I saw their teams play at least 7 or 8 games last year. BTW, Isler was very consistently 87 or 88, I don't think he was ever in the low 80's. There were recruiters at several games that he pitched, and I stood next to coach with a gun during a game when he topped out at 90. I was told that he hit 91 when working out for a UC coach.

...why don't we move on .:thumb:

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Shack, it was stated that he was clocked at an average of 87 or so at the Ky. Colonels tryout. I agree with you that perhaps it's time for that gun to be recalibrated. I don't think anyone implied that he did 'great things last year', that he's gods gift, or that he's faster than Isler. I believe he will be the #3 or #4 starter on a team with pretty decent pitching.

When the poster asked, "what has he done"; regardless if the intent was facetious, demeaning, or just honest curiosity, I tried to provide an answer based on his experiences and merits, not just potential. Again, although his performance was decent but not stellar last year, he certainly did more than many of the kids on the original list; one of whom hasn't even gotten enough playing time to merit a varsity letter. I really don't know if he deserves to be considered, because I'm not familiar with all of these kids. But that's my point; there are some kids that are mentioned that I've never seen play, and I saw their teams play at least 7 or 8 games last year. BTW, Isler was very consistently 87 or 88, I don't think he was ever in the low 80's. There were recruiters at several games that he pitched, and I stood next to coach with a gun during a game when he topped out at 90. I was told that he hit 91 when working out for a UC coach.

...why don't we move on .:thumb:


I never said he was in the low 80's. Im not trying to criticize Adam at all im just saying some of the things people say on here are down right crazy...As you said lets move on. Monday is February 15th... :dancingpa

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1. Popham- Dixie

2. Sexton- Dixie

3. Dematteo- Dixie

4. Barnhorst- Dixie

5. Abeling- Dixie

6. Riddle- Dixie

7. Meyer- Dixie

8. Wiley- Dixie

9. Muntis- Dixie

10. Harris- Dixie (Basketball) But I think he's playing baseball. He's really good pitcher. His velocity is great. Ive heard he tops out around 87mph.

Edited by nkychamp21
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