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McCain: U.S. can win Iraq war within 4 years

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I've listened to him speak. You don't need to be psychic, you just have to listen.


Well we are in a world of trouble because I think the same thing when I listen to Clinton and Obama.... let's just be thankful McCain is the "Liberal" Conservative... imagine how horrible it would be if he were only the Liberal!

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He said this was a 50-100 year war earlier in the campain, now it will take 4 years to win... Flip flop...


He said it would be fine with him to have a troop presence there for 100 years. He clarified that to mean a base such as we have in Japan, Germany, and any number of places that allow us a quick response to a situation in a particular region. How do you get a 100 year war out of that?

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Oh bull. It comes from the extremes of both parties with the same frequency.


That is 100% untrue.


There are twice as many posters on here that are "right wingers". And the ones on here have ran off many people who do not share their views. I know more than a couple of posters who have stopped posting in P&R because of the conservatives on this board...

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That is 100% untrue.


There are twice as many posters on here that are "right wingers". And the ones on here have ran off many people who do not share their views. I know more than a couple of posters who have stopped posting in P&R because of the conservatives on this board...


How would you characterize me, as a conservative? Just curious.


And yes there are probably more conservatives on here. But that is not the issue. What is the issue is the number of people spinning things to fit their partisan beliefs. And while I will certainly admit that some of the conservatives on here do cross the line and spin and twist, I truly think that if we examine poster by poster doing the spin, there is a liberal for every conservative doing it.

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Oh bull. It comes from the extremes of both parties with the same frequency.


Like the whole explaining away of Dubya's "Mission Accomplished" thingy with the "major combat operations" mantra? It's hogwash and you know it. Bush had that banner flown because that's what he wanted everyone to believe -- that it was over. And those misguided sots Dubya/Rove/Rummy/Cheney genuinely believed it was over, and that all troops would be coming home soon thereafter. They had no doubt in their teeny little brains that it was done, because they thought it fell right in line with another classic line of bull: "We'll be greeted with open arms as liberators."


Like you and HE and many of the others say, "spin it however you like it."

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How would you characterize me, as a conservative? Just curious.


And yes there are probably more conservatives on here. But that is not the issue. What is the issue is the number of people spinning things to fit their partisan beliefs. And while I will certainly admit that some of the conservatives on here do cross the line and spin and twist, I truly think that if we examine poster by poster doing the spin, there is a liberal for every conservative doing it.


Granted, I've not been on here long but this site is extremly conservative and to say there is a liberal for every conservative spinning facts is just not true.

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He said this was a 50-100 year war earlier in the campain, now it will take 4 years to win... Flip flop...


With all due respect I humbly and thoroughly disagree...



McCain was praised by Democrats when he was the first Conservative to take a staunch that change was needed in Iraq......


McCain urged hard, much to the shagrin of the strict conservatives, that we were losing the war in Iraq and either we should completely pull out or increase troop flow.


Troop flow increased. The surge of the war turned drastically.


Now, the same Democrats who praised McCain for bucking the system and calling for change are the very first to throw that he is "Pro-War". If anything, McCain has been the only one who hasn't flip-flopped on the Iraq issue.


McCain is not "Pro-War"...he is "Pro Completion"...

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Iraq is as winnable as Vietnam. We all know how that turned out. We learn history so we don't make the same mistakes as other did. Bush must have slept through that class too... :irked:


Great post! It's Vietnam revisited, only worse.

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Like the whole explaining away of Dubya's "Mission Accomplished" thingy with the "major combat operations" mantra? It's hogwash and you know it. Bush had that banner flown because that's what he wanted everyone to believe -- that it was over. And those misguided sots Dubya/Rove/Rummy/Cheney genuinely believed it was over, and that all troops would be coming home soon thereafter. They had no doubt in their teeny little brains that it was done, because they thought it fell right in line with another classic line of bull: "We'll be greeted with open arms as liberators."


Like you and HE and many of the others say, "spin it however you like it."


I wasn't explaining away a dang thing. Quite to the contrary, I pointed out exactly what Bush said; his exact words. Period. It is people like you that have tried to twist his words to make it seem that Bush was telling the U.S. that everything thereafter was going to be easy in Iraq. He said no such thing, he implied no such thing. What he did say was that our troops had done a fantastic job in the invasion, that the major combat operations were over and we faced a very difficult job in bringing security and stability to Iraq. Yet every time there is some skirmish in Iraq, the partisan hacks and haters try to rub "Mission Accomplished" in Bush's face.

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Granted, I've not been on here long but this site is extremly conservative and to say there is a liberal for every conservative spinning facts is just not true.


I acknowledged that there are more conservatives on here than liberals. However, I do not think that every poster spins facts. When I assess posters, there are some liberals that do not spin in my opinion and there are some conservatives that do not spin. However, there is a small cadre of folks from both sides that are quick to post attacking things of the other side using a lot of spin. As you get better acquainted, you'll quickly realize who they are and while there are more conservatives on here, you may come to my opinion that there are as many liberal spinners as conservative spinners on here.

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I acknowledged that there are more conservatives on here than liberals. However, I do not think that every poster spins facts. When I assess posters, there are some liberals that do not spin in my opinion and there are some conservatives that do not spin. However, there is a small cadre of folks from both sides that are quick to post attacking things of the other side using a lot of spin. As you get better acquainted, you'll quickly realize who they are and while there are more conservatives on here, you may come to my opinion that there are as many liberal spinners as conservative spinners on here.


Have you looked at the opinions of Barack Obama on this site?

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