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Chelsea and Monica

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I agree that is was probably an inappropriate question for Chelsea but I would love to hear somebody put the same question to Bill at every campaign appearance.

Oh I think we would see his nose turn red, his eyes swell as he gets irate.

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Guest Bluto
That is what I was going to say. In the world of politics nothing is off the board. Politics can just be plain nasty... and the Clintons are perfect example of that plain nastiness.

DENNIS MILLER: "Listen, the Clintons run with rough guys. When you're talking about Skeletor [James Carville] here, he plays rough. You better wear a cup."

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Guest Bluto

Here's Miller's next quote:


O'REILLY: Skeletor?


MILLER: "Yes. I always look at Carville, and he's like a Muppet that was accidentally washed on hot or something. There's never any rational discourse with Carville. You just ask him a question and you might as well yank the pull starter on that ugly garlic knot of a head of his. He starts yipping away like some satanic Chihuahua under a strobe light. And he's PO'd here. He's more unhinged than a tater cellar door in a Cat 5 hurricane. [bill] Richardson got under his skin."


[James Carville referred to Bill Richardson as a Judas]

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Here's Miller's next quote:


O'REILLY: Skeletor?


MILLER: "Yes. I always look at Carville, and he's like a Muppet that was accidentally washed on hot or something. There's never any rational discourse with Carville. You just ask him a question and you might as well yank the pull starter on that ugly garlic knot of a head of his. He starts yipping away like some satanic Chihuahua under a strobe light. And he's PO'd here. He's more unhinged than a tater cellar door in a Cat 5 hurricane. [bill] Richardson got under his skin."


[James Carville referred to Bill Richardson as a Judas]

Two words can sum this up... Vince Foster.

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For no reason whatsoever, my Economics professor asked us what Harry Truman's Oval Office motto was, it being "The buck stops here." Then he asked us what Bill Clinton's motto was. He claims it was "Monica is under here."

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Yes Vince Foster, boy that was washed under the bridge in a flash flood.

And Monica should thank her lucky stars that the bride of frankestein tape recorded all their converstations, or she would've been washed under a bridge!

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And Monica should thank her lucky stars that the bride of frankestein tape recorded all their converstations, or she would've been washed under a bridge!


Oh good Lord. Do you people even read the stuff you spew? Are you worried that if Hillary is President the CIA will use BGP to track you down and eliminate you?

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Oh good Lord. Do you people even read the stuff you spew? Are you worried that if Hillary is President the CIA will use BGP to track you down and eliminate you?

I have a BGP cancel order already in place for November should Hillary win the election.

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