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No Prison for Libby

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Unlike Clinton and his pardons. :rolleyes:


Libby deserved punisment, no doubt about that but from what I can tell no one was ever charged with the leak, it was an inquiry. Libby besides the $250,000 fine has lost his licsense and privlige to practice law, has been stripped from him for good.


Bush will no doubt feel the heat from this just like he has been feeling the heat from the Dems on everything he does, no suprise there. One side is going to slam the other side in Washington no matter what the subject or what is said. Has been that way for ever and will always be that way.


Clinton commited pergery as well, was impeached but remained in office -no jail time

Libby commited pergery - was fined and had his privlige to practice law stripped - no jail time.


I am not going to get into any debate with anyone on this. Just voicing my opinion and that is Wshington has ALWAYS worked this way and imo always will. Matters not whether it is Republican or Democrat - one side is going to blast the other side. That is imo a big reason why nothing gets done no matter what the issue / problems are.

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Clinton, immediately upon taking office, fired all of the US Attorneys. The media said nothing.


Bush fired eight US Attorneys and the press acted/acts like it has never happened before and must be something highly illegal , which it clearly is not.





Clinton pardoned Rich, MacDougal, and many other rogues and political buddies. The media said little.


Bush commutes the sentence (not a pardon) of Libby and the media will go wild. Get ready for the trashing.


I commend Bush for having the backbone to do it. I only wish that this backbone would be more visable in battling the other party.

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I'd pay real money for you to show me where you said Clinton had no shame after his pardons.


How many times do I have to say it? I don't like Bill Clinton. Never have. Just because I'm registered as a Democrat doesn't mean I think all elected Dems are somehow saint-worthy and incapable of wrongdoing.

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Did Clinton run on a platform of 'restoring dignity to the office?'
I am no longer a Bush fan, but I'd still have to say that he restored much of the dignity to the Oval Office that Clinton threw out. Bush has made some bad decisions, but IMO, commuting Libby's prison sentence is not one of them.
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Did Clinton run on a platform of 'restoring dignity to the office?'

Did Clinton run on a platform to bring disgrace to the office or is the fact that Lewinsky now has a whole new meaning something to be proud of?


What is your view of the Mark Rich pardon? He thought so little of this country that he fled rather then face a trial.

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Did Clinton run on a platform of 'restoring dignity to the office?'



No, Clinton didn't talk about "restoring dignity". He boasted that his administration would be "the most ethical administration in history."

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