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Raceland 4 Fairview 3 12 innings


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As for the 2nd post I didn't expect any of the older boys to miss prom for the game, you said that older players were taking a leadership role and I was saying that the older boys was not there, nothing else maybe you need to get that VERY LARGE CHIP off your shoulder, I'm glad for all your success and wish you all the best but I was not down grading you or anyone else just stating the facts. If we would have lost the game that would have been the first thing that was thrown up that all the older boys was not there.

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ok, I cant stand it any longer. I can only be nice so long. Pickoff seems to have an extremely high opinion of Greg Logan. That is admirable so my suggestion which is also polite its to start a thread on the attributes of Greg Logan and how he has and is going to in the future improve Greenup Countys baseball teams. I think he would think it was nice and the Greenup fans would also appreciate it. Now as for our players, yes we have lacked at time leadership, overcome some obstacles, and I hope the seniors are proud of those younger guys playing that game while they were at prom. I think they played a good game. To my knowledge there has not been not one negative remark to the younger ones for that game. Next the crowd is getting right behind our boys there were sure plenty in the stands last night with our blankets cheering them on. Last but not least alot of those same boys play basketball or football. They treasure our Ram Tradition so when you start talking about a Ram you better be able to back it up. Our record stands for itself. Be a supporter or start a different thread.Support the team of your choice. Thats what BGP is all about. NO BASHING being positive.

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This is not Ram bashing just plain truth. I am a Ram fan Go to all sports not just baseball, football, basketball, softball etc. I would LOVE to see the Rams go all the way and HOPE they do so. I thought this is about truths and things you see going on I didn't think it was all about tooting our own horn and brushing everything else under the rug. I have probally attended as many if not more as anybody and in talking with other parents and fans most say the same things that I have said on here and even in private messages, nothing negative was intended, just plain hard facts. Sometimes you, I don't like it but talking with others make it better: especially other fans who are RAM fans just because someone speaks their piece doesn't mean that they don't care about the RAMS or our school. My taxes go here too!!!!!!!!! They have really been playing a lot better as of late all aspects are getting better and I just hope we see it tomorrow against Greenup. When our own coach makes comments about our baserunning and mental mistakes I just thought that was common knowledge at least to the ones that have been there to see it , I am not Bashing at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes you do have a right to your opinion. Yes again I have questioned some plays at baseball, basketball, football etc. Didnt really get me anywhere i am not the coach. I have personally seen them put players in that have been picked off two and three times but they havent put anyone else in. I have questioned seniority doesnt always make a winning team. Greg Logan is an outstanding coach that has asked even some of my family to come down and play for him when he had a traveling team. My comments are about these boys read this stuff. Like it or not they do. They get down on theirselves they think the crowd is not behind them and we are. Since we are all going to get ourselves in trouble how about this one. How would you like to attend games where the first base or third base coach that is suppose to be calling plays or telling when to run is getting the kids picked off because his ear is hooked to a cell phone or the other coach is text messaging 24/7. Those are the things I get mad about. In order to have leadership in your team you have to show leadership. If those cell phones are the most important thing on the field that is just how the kids are going to feel. That said no more negativity on my part. Go Rams. Lets play some great baseball and keep the phones in the cars.

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