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2007 Bourbon County


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They had around 70 kids on the sideline last year that is a good sign, they are still young, small, and very weak. Against Franklin County they had starters asking FC kids not to hit them. That is a big concern. I think the coaches need to set up alot of incentive programs and let the kids be rewarded for success however small that might be, and find a way to win a game early in the season.

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I have been told that they have about 90 kids showing up in shifts for weightlifting. I think the winter program has been absent for the past three years, but looks like it is on the right track, or trends to be going to the right track. So the interest is there regardless of being 0-34 (or whatever it is).


Their program is behind like 3-4 years... I think they will eventually catch-up.

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I have been told that they have about 90 kids showing up in shifts for weightlifting. I think the winter program has been absent for the past three years, but looks like it is on the right track, or trends to be going to the right track. So the interest is there regardless of being 0-34 (or whatever it is).


Their program is behind like 3-4 years... I think they will eventually catch-up.


I don't know if a lot of 4A schools, and very successful ones at that, could claim to have 90 kids in winter weight lifting. How can Bourbon be so bad?

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I don't know if a lot of 4A schools, and very successful ones at that, could claim to have 90 kids in winter weight lifting. How can Bourbon be so bad?

I guess due to the "Post Hilton Seasons"...

I have read that the coach after Hilton, ran a lot of kids off, he only wanted the "elite" players, and at that time they had some really good and big kids- but at the end of his final season I think he only had "17" kids left dressed on the team- This coach left after a lot of scandal, supposively he was hired "illegally"??? A board member and the Supetd. hired him, without the HS Principal and AD...

Another guy took over that is supposively a really good person, but not a "coach"- So the weightlifting went down the tubes and the interest. They were/are small in size (a few nice size kids) but not your typical 4A line, more like a JV/freshmen looking line... They were worn out by halftime.

Now another coach that played at UK and Denver Broncos and Some foreign leauge... So he must have their interest, if he is really turning those #s out...

I would guess to say he will have them in much better shape by the next season. Goodluck to them!

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They started getting the number back under Dahlstrom he hads around 60 or so when he was there. If you want to know what happened to Bourbon, "its" Name is Chuke. He ran it in the ground.

I was tempted to say that.... I just tried to keep it simple....

But due to the Chukester interest was lost with the program and credibility was lost. He and his staff literally took BCHS' program, below ground zero.

But I would say there are some that was happy with the outcome.

Just hope their administration will support the new coach and how the team needs to come alive again...

BCHS has always struggled, due to facts, football is not the top priority in sports at BCHS- WHen Hilton came to town he took it to a new level, but when his SALARY was revealed- faclty., staff, parents, spouses of staff, came undone.... SO the down fall of the BCHS program has a lot of hands in it- The Chukester can take a lot of the credit and go down in History for the majority of it, but there are some others too that should be menitoned in the foot-notes....

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