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Purchased My First Bow!


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We were living in an apartment while my wife was in med school, but moved into a house a little over a year ago...I'd had one of my brothers hanging onto my bow up in NKY since we moved into the apartment, but I literally just picked it back up from him this past weekend.


I'm not sure whether or not you've got a spot to shoot where you live, but they have archery ranges in Cherokee Park (on Beals Branch Rd right where it meets Scenic Loop Rd near I-64) and Iroquois Park (on Rundill Rd, near the intersection with Sanders Gate Rd). EP Tom Sawyer State Park has one as well.


Cherokee Park's range is a swamp after rain, so there's that to keep in mind. All of the ranges are free to use, but the targets are frequently in pretty rough shape, so you might think about getting yourself a target. I've got one of those self-healing cube targets. They run about $100, and they're nice and easy to pack along in your trunk or backseat.

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We were living in an apartment while my wife was in med school, but moved into a house a little over a year ago...I'd had one of my brothers hanging onto my bow up in NKY since we moved into the apartment, but I literally just picked it back up from him this past weekend.


I'm not sure whether or not you've got a spot to shoot where you live, but they have archery ranges in Cherokee Park (on Beals Branch Rd right where it meets Scenic Loop Rd near I-64) and Iroquois Park (on Rundill Rd, near the intersection with Sanders Gate Rd). EP Tom Sawyer State Park has one as well.


Cherokee Park's range is a swamp after rain, so there's that to keep in mind. All of the ranges are free to use, but the targets are frequently in pretty rough shape, so you might think about getting yourself a target. I've got one of those self-healing cube targets. They run about $100, and they're nice and easy to pack along in your trunk or backseat.


Thanks! There's an indoor range here somewhere, but I didn't know about the outdoor ones. I'll definitely be buying a target and going to those frequently!

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That's awesome. I love to shoot. Had every intention of buying a new bow this year but have a wedding in Dec in Destin that was unplanned (my niece) so will have to put off the new bow until next year.


What bow did you get?


Here's the bow I got. I can't speak highly enough of the guy that helped me with it. He adjusted everything for me, I'd shoot a few, he'd adjust, I'd shoot, etc.. Did that for almost an hour.



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Would love to learn how to shoot, but I'm cross dominant...right handed, but left eye dominant. Makes it hard to shoot a rifle, so I imagine it'd be the same with a bow.


I'm right handed and left eye dominant. It's never been *that* difficult for me to shoot though, using my non-dominant eye. Just takes a little more concentration.


I did borrow my left-handed brother's bow for a time to see how I could do shooting south-paw. I was surprised how decently I did shooting it for the time I had his bow. I've considered going ahead and buying a left-handed bow on more than one occasion since then.


You should check it out at Cabela's or BassPro. I think you'll surprise yourself. They'd definitely let you try out a left-handed bow as well.

Edited by Colonels_Wear_Blue
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I'm right handed and left eye dominant. It's never been *that* difficult for me to shoot though, using my non-dominant eye. Just takes a little more concentration.


I did borrow my left-handed brother's bow for a time to see how I could do shooting south-paw. I was surprised how decently I did shooting it for the time I had his bow. I've considered going ahead and buying a left-handed bow on more than one occasion since then.


You should check it out at Cabela's or BassPro. I think you'll surprise yourself. They'd definitely let you try out a left-handed bow as well.


I may check it out. Here's my other dilema...getting old has forced me to start needing bifocals (or readers if I was wearing my contacts). Since I wear contacts 95% of the time, the doc put me in some multifocal lenses that allows you to see both far and near with both eyes. But they didn't work (too blurry). So, what I've been in for the past year is a split prescription. My left (dominant) eye is set to see distances, while my right eye has a different prescription and is set for reading. Believe it or not, it works out quite well. But, I've never been forced to try and use a particular eye for something other than what it's prescribed to do.


As to doing it left handed...I tried that with the rifle...seemed totally unnatural.

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Went and shot last night and realized you have to sight all three of your pins. :lol2:


I guess the guy at the store only did the top pin, at about 20 yards. Last night, I was shooting at 30 yards and shooting low. Then at 10 yards, I was shooting high. All off the top pin. So I plan on dropping the bottom two pins and setting them at 30 and 40 yards. But, a question I have for the resident archers... If my top pin was set at 20 yards, does that mean I shouldn't shoot at 10, or do I just need to aim lower when I'm that close?

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