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Bell County 24 Whitley County 20


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From what I heard on the radio TR really played well. I guess after reading on here many times that he wouldn't be missed that much was an understatement. Sounds like a good showing for Whitley, espcially when almost everyone had them as 40 point underdogs.

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Whitley looked good but Bell made a few more bigger plays than Whitley. Whitley moved the ball well but good not finish in the redzone. A touchdown called back in the first quarter hurt them. Bell just played a solid game. A great game!! Whitley will most likley go 0 and 3 at the begining of the season with bell hordin and shelby but will make a bunch of noise in the district. I'ts hard to say after a lost but i think after watching them play and seeing the number of kids playing(82) Whitley is BACK!!!

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Whitley looked good but Bell made a few more bigger plays than Whitley. Whitley moved the ball well but good not finish in the redzone. A touchdown called back in the first quarter hurt them. Bell just played a solid game. A great game!! Whitley will most likley go 0 and 3 at the begining of the season with bell hordin and shelby but will make a bunch of noise in the district. I'ts hard to say after a lost but i think after watching them play and seeing the number of kids playing(82) Whitley is BACK!!!


I would say one of two things. Either Whitley was overlooked this year or Bell is over-rated or alittle of both. Congrats to the Bobcats on the win and good luck to Whitley as well.

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Both teams played well. Whitley actually had a touchdown called back on a very questionable holding call. The call was made in the endzone after the ball carrier had crossed the goal line. The penalty had nothing to do with play but, no doubt there was a hold. Whitley ended up turning the ball over on downs that series therefore, the penalty ultimately decided the ball game. Whitley also failed on two extra point conversions, which also hurt them, as Bell convertred all their tries.


Whitley moved the ball well between the twenties but, had difficulty converting. Whitley will probably end up having to supplement their Franklin Offense inside the 20 with some type of power set. With only one back in the backfield, power running is difficult. Kentucky had the same problem with red zone conversions. Once inside the 20, the linebackers no longer have to drop very deep to cover the 4 and 5 receivers, which allows them enough time to respond to the run and it congests the intermediate passing lanes. This is the primary weekness in the system. On defense, Whitley played pretty well as they shut down the pass and allowed only one big yardage corner sweep.


Bell County's power running game was effective when it had to be. Bell took the ball down the field on a prototype Hilton drive inside the last 6 minutes leading 17 to 14 to take a 24 to 14 lead. Christopher is by leaps and bounds Bell's best offensive player. Corbin would have challeged for a state title with Christopher in the backfield. He is big, strong, fast and sees the field. He is a good one. Kyle Nelson played great in the secondary as well. Nelson had more big hits than any other player in the game. Nelson's crushing hits definitely resulted in some dropped balls as the game progressed.


Bell is as good as advertised. They are very well coached and they have good size and quickness. As usual Bell has 4 or 5 five college bound ball players capable of breaking a big play at any time. Whitley is a little better than many thought. Both teams will compete for a district title. Bell is one of the best 5 teams in 3A.

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Whitley is a little better than many thought. Both teams will compete for a district title. Bell is one of the best 5 teams in 3A.


I think you are right, Bell is a excellant team and executes very well. Whitley looked tenative at times and pressed to hard at times, but they have a new coach and will improve every game, in fact they got better as the game went on lat night.


I am sure if you ask Jim Black, he would love to line it up again in a few weeks, but thing is for sure both teams lived up to billing and it was a slobber knocker from the get go.

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Whitley radio guys made it sound like the Colonels should have won the game...Some short hopped completed passes and some questionable calls in their opinion cost the Colonels the upset....I am sure the Colonels will bounce back at North Hardin...

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I agree Apex, the hitting on both sides was outstanding. Lots of leather popping and head cracking in this one. A very entertaining game to watch.


I also agree with you that Whitley will improve significantly as the season progresses. Everything is new for the Whitley kids and they did not have spring pradctice to begin acclimating to the system. I think the redzone efficiency will definitely improve as Coach Black puts in more of his offensive scheme and adjusts the system to his players. We have to remember Coach Black has only had these kids for about a month.


Whitley also has a couple of key players that will be returning from injury. Jason Powers has been out about a month with a sprained ankle. He should be back in the starting lineup next week. Jason is a big hitter and has a nose for the ball, his return will be noticable. Mark Teague should be back by September, Mark will probably start both ways. He is Whitley's fastest player and he should excel in the new offense.


I am excited about Whitley Football. This should be a very entertaining season.


I did not mention Jordan McCumbers above. Has he been terrific or what? Jordan has really shown a lot of poise and maturity running the offense. I knew he had a very good arm but, his ability to run the ball and his willingness to take a lick has surprised me. Jordan is tough little hombre and a fine QB.

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Mastermind, I do not think the referees can ever be blamed for a lose but, there were a couple of calls that really hurt Whitley. The holding call on the touchdown was definitely an iffy call. I do not think the refereeing was any worse than you or I would have guessed before hand. With Hilton and Greer on the sidelines in Bell County playing a non-district game, I do not think anyone that knows a hoot about Mountain football would have expected any better. Whitley played well and they had a chance to win the ball game until the final whistle. In Whitley County, the result would have probably been different but, the Bell kids played well enough to win. The last Bell County drive really showed a lot guts. Whitley had the momentum and had beat up the Bell line the whole game. Despite the adversity the Bell kids stuck in there and did what they had to.


A very good high school ball game.

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I know the Colonel announcers sometimes see the game differently than the average fan....good showing by the Colonels....you stoled a good one in Coach Black. He will have a strong team soon. Sounds like Lawson made the play of the game for the Colonels..good to see him out and playing a nice role for the team. He has the genes to be an impact player for the Colonels this season. :thumb:

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Why is there this feeling of discontent every time Bell wins a game. They have a strong tradition, but I think it unfair to those kids to say every time they win a game it is due to the officials. Give it a rest. Hilton is probably won of the best coaches, if not the best, to have ever coached in Ky. Any doubters? Look at the wins column for his career.

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