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Refs need to stop trying to be Important.


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It would seem to me, that the referee association would have the integrity to have it's own requirement to ensure it's members are fit enough to do the job properly.


I don't think it has anything to do with integrity. I believe I heard from the ussf instructor (who refs ha) that they aren't allowed to require it because the KHSAA does not require it.

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It would seem to me, that the referee association would have the integrity to have it's own requirement to ensure it's members are fit enough to do the job properly.


I don't think it has anything to do with integrity. I believe I heard from the ussf instructor (who refs HS) that they aren't allowed to require it because the KHSAA does not require it.

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I don't think it has anything to do with integrity. I believe I heard from the ussf instructor (who refs HS) that they aren't allowed to require it because the KHSAA does not require it.


Actually, it seems like the KHSAA has a mandate in the other direction. A few years back, in a state finals no less, there was a AR in her 50's, and overweight. She was out of position all game long and at times it just looked like she was guessing as she often raised her flag halfway before lowering it again after she stopped lumbering behind the play.

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Was at a girls game last night and did not see the side official make one call the entire game. He deferred to the center official every time. Not sure if he was new or not confident in his abilities. Could be good or bad depending on how you look at it as the center ref was not always in the best position to make some calls. No glaring bad calls but in that case it's just a matter of time until that lack of confidence or ability costs a team a goal or game.

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Was at a girls game last night and did not see the side official make one call the entire game. He deferred to the center official every time. Not sure if he was new or not confident in his abilities. Could be good or bad depending on how you look at it as the center ref was not always in the best position to make some calls. No glaring bad calls but in that case it's just a matter of time until that lack of confidence or ability costs a team a goal or game.


No calls as in infractions? Or are you saying he didn't even call offsides?

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So let's get to the root of the original post . . "Refs need to stop trying to be Important" - -


I agree that there are some Refs, in all sports at all levels, who feel they're the reason for the event. However, reality is there are not enough people who are willing to put themselves on the line to be judged by a group of individuals who do not understand the rules of the game (i.e., watching 100's of games does not make one an expert). This is why the bad Ref's don't get weeded out and the good Ref's don't stay around long enough to become great.


So let's look at an even playing field with participants, parents and officials. . . the common phrase often heard within the parent section when a player isn't successful with a move, trap, pass, etc. is "UNLUCKY". . . I'm still counting the days when a Ref misses a call when the parent section passes the same praise to the Ref.


Let's quit with the double standards about how each game is called poorly and also acknowledge that each game is played at a different skill level and style which causes a lot of the inconsistencies that are often discussed on this board. Please let's pass on the "UNLUCKY" statement to Refs as much as possible because I don't want my grandkids having their games cancelled because there are not enough officials to manage the games.


Our continual questioning of Ref's at games and on these boards has diluted the value of sportsmanship and it's started to bleed onto the playing field. Kids receiving Red cards for their disrespect of Ref's is mind blowing, as the level of respect for authoritative figures has diminished. Let's get back to the day of enjoying a good old game and let the kids determine the outcomes.

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A couple of thoughts........just coming off of cold medicine


I hate "unlucky" because the majority of the time it is used to describe a mistake. A deflection off a post is unlucky.......not trapping the ball because you aren't using the correct form.....not unlucky......lazy, or some other phrase........to me, "unlucky" is like yelling "nice try". Just wrong at this level.


Telling someone to grab a whistle is not the answer, unless the question you are asking is "how do we get more people without the skills or the commitment to become refs."


Being a good ref takes a certain set of skills......pointing them out......or pointing out when we don't see them seems logical.


Also.........it is a paid position........not that you can make a living off of it, but it is a job.


With that said.......today at the CCH/summit game, the AR on the fans side was consistently out of position the first 10 minutes of the game. OTB......again, feeling bad due to sickness, yelled offsides. The AR then called it.........BUT.......he then turned around and gave the finger to mouth /sssshhhhhh sign.


Unwritten rule......if a ref turns and talks to the fans , the fans are allowed to talk to him............HOWEVER....OTB telling him that that he needed to be in the position to "do his job" was probably inappropriate...........if you are out there AR.......Apologies.......you were on your game after that.

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The refs are not the only ones that are the problem. How about the parents that do not understand the game? Have you really listened to the parents at a game, kind of a joke and embarrassment to the children and others around. Yelling at the refs only seem to make things worst.


I am a former one of those parents and currently in a 12 step program for it. Very rarely will I openly criticize a ref. Eventually, I hope to get it completely under control. I do get what you are saying and have been embarrassed by my fellow fans. Part of what led me to fix it. I have no idea how parents can watch hundreds of games as their players grows up and not understand the basic rules. Every time a player hits the turf IS NOT a penalty on the other team. Also, sometimes the ref doesn't make the call because they feel your team is in a better position by not stopping play.


I will, however, always come to places like BGP and complain when justified or I need to vent. Soccer is one of the hardest sports to ref. So many calls are subjective. In addition to knowing whether or not a foul occurred, they often have to determine "Advantage" or not. I feel for them in that regard. That said, I have no sympathy or patience for those that take the pay (NOT BAD BTW), but do not make the effort to get in position or pay attention. Sometimes AR positioning is a joke at the H.S. level. When good teams are playing, there is no way you can make the offsides call when 10 to 20 yards down behind the frontline.


My biggest point of frustration with any official in any sport (and the original point to this thread) is when they try to add their own rules or stretch "Sportsmanship" rules into something they are not.


To you Refs out there, I'll keep working on it.

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