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Another Billion-Dollar US Company Just Moved Across The Pond

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The Obama administration is chasing companies out of this country with the its constant demonization of the companies and people who pay most federal taxes. To wit:


And an April report from Reuters said that since 2008, two dozen U.S. companies have moved their legal base abroad as part of a merger, the same number that did so over the previous 25 years.
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The Obama administration is chasing companies out of this country with the its constant demonization of the companies and people who pay most federal taxes. To wit:

What Uncle Sam should do is load all the company's file cabinets, potted plants, etc. on an old coal barge, then set it adrift in the Atlantic Ocean. What's the old expression -- love it or leave it? Applies to companies as well as individuals now thanks to our erudite Supreme Court.


Why don't we all get a post office box in some Caribbean Island "nation" to avoid paying taxes? Surprised there aren't ads in this regard at right-wing wacko websites.

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What Uncle Sam should do is load all the company's file cabinets, potted plants, etc. on an old coal barge, then set it adrift in the Atlantic Ocean. What's the old expression -- love it or leave it? Applies to companies as well as individuals now thanks to our erudite Supreme Court.


Why don't we all get a post office box in some Caribbean Island "nation" to avoid paying taxes? Surprised there aren't ads in this regard at right-wing wacko websites.

That is what "Uncle Sam" is doing now.. Driving corporations out of the country with over taxation and regulations..
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What Uncle Sam should do is load all the company's file cabinets, potted plants, etc. on an old coal barge, then set it adrift in the Atlantic Ocean. What's the old expression -- love it or leave it? Applies to companies as well as individuals now thanks to our erudite Supreme Court.


Why don't we all get a post office box in some Caribbean Island "nation" to avoid paying taxes? Surprised there aren't ads in this regard at right-wing wacko websites.

Thank you for articulating the liberal policy of dealing with evil corporations that try to maximize their profits for shareholders while providing jobs to their employees. However, you left out one key part of the liberals' strategy. You also must raise taxes on the businesses that decide to stay in this country and deal with our confiscatory tax policies to offset the loss of tax revenues from the corporations who leave for greener pastures.


You would be a great fit in the Obama administration. It is obvious that you are as well qualified to be our Treasury Secretary as Obama is to be our president.


One would have thought that liberals might have learned their lesson from how they destroyed Detroit's economy as American auto jobs fled Michigan's high tax rates.


Treasury Secretary Jack Lew this week urged Congress to act to prevent the move by U.S. companies.


"Congress should enact legislation immediately -- and make it retroactive to May 2014 -- to shut down this abuse of our tax system," Lew wrote in a letter to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat. - link

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Thank you for articulating the liberal policy of dealing with evil corporations that try to maximize their profits for shareholders while providing jobs to their employees. However, you left out one key part of the liberals' strategy. You also must raise taxes on the businesses that decide to stay in this country and deal with our confiscatory tax policies to offset the loss of tax revenues from the corporations who leave for greener pastures.


You would be a great fit in the Obama administration. It is obvious that you are as well qualified to be our Treasury Secretary as Obama is to be our president.


One would have thought that liberals might have learned their lesson from how they destroyed Detroit's economy as American auto jobs fled Michigan's high tax rates.

I feel so sorry for these companies that have to relocate by paying $95 a year for a post office box in some island "nation." Boo hoo hoo. Boo hoo hoo. They want to enjoy the fruits of liberty but want to pay zilch. Maybe they can get a 5-4 group hug from the Supreme Court.

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I feel so sorry for these companies that have to relocate by paying $95 a year for a post office box in some island "nation." Boo hoo hoo. Boo hoo hoo. They want to enjoy the fruits of liberty but want to pay zilch. Maybe they can get a 5-4 group hug from the Supreme Court.

I guess you missed the part that Abbvie had a 1.3 BILLION tax expense last year ? geez :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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I feel so sorry for these companies that have to relocate by paying $95 a year for a post office box in some island "nation." Boo hoo hoo. Boo hoo hoo. They want to enjoy the fruits of liberty but want to pay zilch. Maybe they can get a 5-4 group hug from the Supreme Court.
You should feel sorry for the hordes of employees who find themselves jobless because of this nation's punitive tax rates and regulations. But, please, if it makes you feel better to echo Obama's demonization of corporations then go right ahead and do so.


Most Americans are realizing that Obama's failed policies are hitting their collective wallet or purse. Maybe liberals will someday be more successful in keeping corporations captive within out borders than they are at keeping illegal invaders on the right side of the Mexican border.

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I guess you missed the part that Abbvie had a 1.3 BILLION tax expense last year ? geez :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Boo hoo hoo. Abbvie only made x billions last year instead of y billions. It must be rough. So the answer is to "move" overseas, pay far less in taxes ... and increase the waits even more at our VA hospitals.

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We need to have a tax avoidance Wall of Shame posted on this thread, listing all the companies that are paying $95 a year for a post office box in order to pay billions less a year in taxes and properly fund our programs for vets and build new Ohio River bridges.

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I assume they could lay off z amount of people and stay in the US , then you could whine and cry over that . Why do you get to choose how much profit is acceptable for a company .. they must provide some service or goods or something to make that much money . And right on cue the big spending lib cry's " its underfunded " WE ARE 18 TRILLION IN DEBT .

Now I'm coming back to my senses , lib's dont care whether its 9 T or 21 T , or 121 T .. its just a number , nothing more , nothing less . Just do what your feelings tell you to do .

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We need to have a tax avoidance Wall of Shame posted on this thread, listing all the companies that are paying $95 a year for a post office box in order to pay billions less a year in taxes and properly fund our programs for vets and build new Ohio River bridges.
If you want to post a Wall of Shame, why not start a list of voters who voted twice for Barack Obama? I don't think that you have a firm grasp on tax law to compile any kind of list on that subject.


Don't you think that if all that was required to avoid U.S. taxes was a P.O. box in the Caribbean, all corporations would have such a box and leave their corporate headquarters on U.S. soil? You should not take President Obama's campaign rhetoric about the evil rich so literally. (Make no mistake, Obama is in constant campaign mode, except when he is in campaign fund raising mode.)

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Twotoplace said it best - if you don't like it, get out. Those Republican policies led us to a lot of financial problems in 08 and Obama is still trying to dig us out of the mess that Republicans got us in.

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