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Brandon May

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Just feel compelled to let Brandon know that I have enjoyed watching him play throughout his career. You have been an institution at Sheldon Clark High School and it will be strange to not see you gracing the court next year. It can now officially be said that an end of an era came to a close last night. I know that empty feeling that comes with knowing that you have played the very last high school game that you will ever get the chance to play, because I went through that many many years ago myself . It's tough to have to give up something that you truly love and have devoted most of your life to. You have had a phenomenal career and you have been one of the most enjoyable young men to be around that I know of. You have been a fierce competitor and a class act in all the times that I have ever seen you play on the field and on the court, and I have seen you many, many times going all the way back to the Little League and grade school ball days. Just wanted you to know that the way that you have handled yourself and what you have accomplished has been appreciated by even the fans of your competitors, and that your feats and achievements have been admired from all of us at Johnson Central High School. Best of luck to you and your family always. Hope you will stay in touch for many years on down the road.



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Very nice guys. too bad he didn't get to take his game to state. would have been able to shine for the rest of the state to see. maybe gotten some face time in front of some more college coaches. seems like yesterday he was a very good 6 yr. old. didn't get to see him as much as i'ld like to because i moved away long ago. would have liked to have taught him a little. not that he really needed it, but hey, we all can use a few pointers. hopefully he'll play on at the college level and get the right coaching, has the talent to go s far as his heart desires. work hard young man. your cousin Donnie.

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I enjoyed watching him over the yrs against Magoffin. He lit us up on occasions but what impressed me most is how he matured into a smart team player and held his emotions in check against defenses designed to stop him. I will miss him on the High school level but hopefully he will go on to the next level. Good Luck to a Great Player from a Hornet Fan. :dancingpa

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Brandon, you deserve everyones praise and accolades that they give you on here.I watched you play you heart out and lose some and win some,but after everything. I'm most impressed by you as the person not as the player.I wish your whole family even the newest addition a healthy,long,prosperous,& most of all a happy life together no matter what you may do or where you may go!!! You were indeed that shooting star that people sometimes see once in a lifetime.I'm happy I got to watch you shine even if it was just for what seemed to be a brief moment.Now lets go onto the next level and show them what you can do!!!! :thumb:

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I'd like to thank everyone for the kind words about my nephew. It means alot to him and his family.




He means alot to us.He is such a fine young man with a passion for the game!!! He is NUMBER#1 in my book !!!


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