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Browns 17 Bengals 6

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The real issue with that is they need one of them to block. The O-line isn't moving people in teh running game, nor giving Dalton a lot of time at times. I agree they need to find a way. 3 step drops might work, but Dalton's height is an issue with that. I still think they force it to Green too much. When Bernard is in the game blitz protection is a poroblem, also. They just have to run the ball better, Dalton cannot do this alone, that is pretty evident, but they don't seem to be helping him as much as they can. Granted he can't miss wide open receivers like the bomb to Sanu last Sunday.


FC claimed that is all the Bengals offense is, a 3 step drop. Me personally I haven't seen that much.

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FC claimed that is all the Bengals offense is, a 3 step drop. Me personally I haven't seen that much.


Watch the games and you will see that. Better yet since we have talked a lot about the 2005 team and this team. Go back and look at the 2005 team and the deep drops they had Palmer take. Then go back and look at the drops they have Dalton take, they are short 3 step drops. Which are designed to have the ball come out quick, however when Dalton doesn't pull the trigger which he has seemed to be afraid to do because he can't fit it into tight windows, it will cause the rush to be right in on him.

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The thing that gets me upset and makes me want to toss Gruden off the suspension bridge is this; We have 2 great options at TE, yet it's every team we play that uses their TE's so much more and much better than ours and it drives me nuts. there is no reason our TE's shouldn't have close to 10 receptions a game.


Once again I can't disgaree with this either. They have not tried to use their TE's much at all it seems. Its either Dalton is not able to get the ball to them, or the plays are not right. Its probably a mixture of both.

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