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Confederate flag dress gets teen booted from prom

Jim Schue

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First, I agree that if she was told not to do it, the school has the right to enforce their own version of dress code.

Second, I am from the south, and I don't think the confederate flag means that much anymore. Maybe tied to the exhaust of mudbuggy in one of those mud pit races.

Lastly, if you can't parade around with the confederate flag, then you can't parade around with a Malcolm X tshirt, a homosexual symbol, a swastika, etc.


You can parade around in it. Just not at that school as a prom dress.

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Regarding the state's rights issue, I still see it as contradictory to simultaneously assert that the federal government is not doing a good enough job in bending states to its will (enforcement of fugitive slave laws by northern states, prohibiting the freedom allowed to black persons in the north, policing the underground railroad, etc.) and that the federal government has no right to tell states how to operate within their borders (the issue of slavery).


I agree with you that, if you take a moral relativistic position, that it was logical for the Southern states to secede - they weren't getting what they wanted from the federal government and in short order the powers of the federal government were going to be used against them. But, that doesn't mean that the protection of slavery wasn't the single, overriding concern for the Southerners and their Confederacy.


This is why I do not believe one can make the "states' rights" claim when waving the Confederate flag without invoking the cause of slavery. They were inextricable during that time. That doesn't mean anyone who asserts the issue of states' rights agrees with slavery or that it is a "cockamamie" issue in general terms. But, when your choice of symbol for states' rights is a relic from the period when the people who claimed states' rights for the explicit purpose of protecting slavery then you aren't going to be able to avoid appearing as a proponent of their cause.



Moral relativism? Yes? Did someone call for me? :D

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Yes. I don't think there are any more flags that stir up the emotions of people like the confederate flag does. For the most part people are tolerant towards different ethnic groups and their expression but most people aren't tolerant of rednecks and redneck expression.


Well the Swastika would, but that is neither here nor there I suspect.

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