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Everything posted by Killowatt59

  1. I don't know much about Corbin this season, but I figured BG would handle them by 21 or more.
  2. There could be a lot of factors in play so I think it's wrong to make assumptions. None of us were there all summer during practice and practice during game weeks. We have no clue . It's possible they may be saving him for offense during South Warren and the playoffs. Spader talked about the schedule in the post game interview after St. X and basically said they want to learn and get exposed during these tough non district games so they can fix them. They care about the playoffs the most. There could be any number of reasons why he's not on offense.
  3. Well there is lots of rumor and innuendo surrounding why Tisdale isn't playing offense. I won't go into them here because I don't know what's true and what's not. The main question that has to be ask is if it is Tisdale's decision not playing offense or the coach's? And I have no idea. I wish they would find a way to get him more involved on defense if playing offense isn't an option. I will say he tried his heart out to return punts against St. X even taking physical punishment for it.
  4. I don't really see why this is being hyped so much. South Warren wins pretty easily.
  5. Okay the Purples impressed a lot more than I thought they would. I really thought St. X would be too big up front on both sides of the ball. And to start the game it looked like it was going to be a blowout. Which is what I thought would happen. But the Purples adjusted quickly and really bounced back. I believe if BG doesn't have the 4 or 5 turnovers they win this game. In fact I think they were one stop a way from winning this game. Late in the third or early fourth it was 14-7 and St. X defense was done. They were completely spent and wore down. All BG had to do was get a stop on St.X's next possession and BG would have been able to fairly easily march down the field to tie the game. But the BG defense just couldn't get a stop on that drive and St. X scored. It was just too much to overcome in the short time left. St. X QB was able to put some long passes right on the money. BUT I hand it to BG and the coaches. The Purples are in shape and didn't tire the whole game. I also believe this rotating QBs every two series is a bad idea. Now after McCracken County I firmly believed that Cooper was the guy. However, against St. X is became clear early on that Payne had much more success than Cooper did and it wasn't close. I think it was a mistake not to keep him in once it became clear he was having more success. I just thought it was stubborn to keep subbing in and out. BG's line on both sides of the ball did a great job. Much better than I thought. Again if they don't turn the ball over that much, they win. And I believe if they keep Payne in at the QB spot for this game, they win. One thing that killed Purples was the cornerback play. On the longer pass plays they don't even turn around to look for the ball. They just blindly put their hands up to block the view of the receiver, but it didn't work. There were several passes that could have been picked off if the cornerback would have just been turned around looking for the ball. But I thought a great effort by BG and just a few plays away from winning this game. Still think they need to find away to get Tisdale more involved on defense in terms of making some plays. Doing some blitzs or something. I think he gets wasted way too much in safety spot and playing way deep.
  6. Bowling Green has visitor stands. It's on one half of the main stadium. The grass area is where BG fans gather in huge numbers. It has some small stands, but you'll have a lot of BG people standing in front of you. Visitors should sit on the visiting side of the stadium seating. If you are looking straight at it, it's the right side.
  7. I gotta go with St. X on this one. Bowling Green has improved a lot since the first game. And I think they found their QB/RB combination in Cooper/Bunton. I think they have a done a great job of moving forward and improving. If BG had this combination in the opening game against Father Ryan, they win that game. St. X. will be just too big up front on the Dl and OL for Bowling Green to handle. If a team can really control the line of scrimmage then most likely will win the game. Bowling Green's Ol and DL just aren't good enough this year and against good teams will really struggle. There is also the revenge fact as BG went up there and beat Wallace in his first year at St. X. I say St. X wins by 17+. Bowling Green just lacks experience at the QB spot right now and has too weak of an OL/DL to beat a team like St. X. I hope I am wrong.
  8. I'm headed from Bowling Green to McCracken County to if the Purples can rebound after their opening loss. I believe they will.
  9. I don't want to dwell on the opening game for the Purples. But it's not all doom & gloom. That Father Ryan team was a good team. They just play monster teams every week in the Private School Division so their record doesn't reflect it. And there were some good things to take away for BG. But it will be interesting to see what happens with the QB situation. I wonder if we will see a different QB this week? They've gotta find a way to get Tisdale more involved. If it's just defense that's fine, but he's got to be more involved. I think BG rebounds this week. From what I hear McCracken County is down a lot. And BG still has a strong team, just need to cleanup some things. The Purples just really need to take one week at time with the brutal schedule they have. I know all teams say that, but it's not true. Teams look ahead. But with BG right now, just focus on the next game. BG wins this one 28-14. I'm just purely guessing on the score here. Too many unknowns for me.
  10. I'll give a few thoughts and then I just want to move on from this game. First the positives 1. I thought the effort was there. At no time did I feel BG's effort dropped at least from my view from the stands. And it was a battle all game. Even when they got behind early I thought they kept fighting. 2. BG didn't looked like it got tired. They looked like they were in good shape. They didn't have a lot of issues with cramping and things like that. That's a good sign. 3. And at the end of the day, BG lost to a private school from Nashville on a last second field goal. Some negatives and I will refrain from being just flat out blunt. 1. BG's got some problems. Maybe somebody can explain the QB situation to me because I've heard different things. But BG's offense was extremely limited. The playbook seemed to be very small and very predictable. FR had a lot of plays sniffed out before BG snapped the ball. 2. There were A LOT of errors in the defensive secondary. Guys getting lost, guys letting their man get behind them, the same sideline pass plays killed them over and over. 3. I hear a lot of rumors and innuendo with regards to Tisdale. And I don't know what's true and what's not. But regardless, it is frustrating not to have Tisdale more involved in the game. It seemed tonight he was just out there in the deep secondary as a last resort man. I mean it seemed like he might as well have not been out there. They ran at least one blitz play with him and he made a heck of play. It's just a shame that he wasn't more involved in the game. He should be the major player out there and I feel like he was wasted tonight. 4. Their offense seemed to find the holes in our defense a lot when it mattered most, on third down. FR was able to drop it in a hole in the defense every time. So that's just a few thoughts. I have a lot more, but I just want to move on from this one.
  11. Kickoff should be about 8 p.m. unless the first game runs long. D93 will have a good live Facebook feed for those who can't make it.
  12. I was at this game since it looked like the better game in my area for opening night since the main event in the Rafferty's Bowl tonight. Neither team was very good. Franklin looked bad to be honest. They were spent by the third quarter. I didn't pay attention to how many guys they had going both ways, but heck in the first quarter they had guys going down cramping. By the end of the third quarter the defensive guys looked like they were going to collapse. I'm just assuming they lost a lot from last season, but someone who knows the team better would have better insight.
  13. I feel a little lost this season as I don't have a good handle on this BGHS Team. I do think this will be a competitive game. BG's offense isn't the high flying shotgun attack down the field that it has been in years past. Which we saw that last season. With the QB situation (and that's an unknown to me), I believe we will see a more balanced approached of shorts runs up the middle, outside runs and some passing too. The run game should be very solid. With the QB situation, I'm really not sure, but I'm guessing we will see more safe passing plays that consists of shorter, more open throws then we will see the timing routes. I was at the scrimmage against Male and it looked like BG had success moving the ball and putting together drives, but I thought they struggled to score once they got near the goalline. At least against Male's starters. From what I could tell of the defense, BG's defensive line is going to have to pick it up this season. They've got to be able to put pressure on some of these qb's while also finding away to plug the holes to stop the run. i think improvement of the DL will be a big key this season. I think 5A is the toughest class now from top to bottom. With FD and Scott County dropping down, it's going to really hard on schools like BG and South Warren, Owenboro and others to win a title right now. With the rise of Highlands added to the dropping down of FD and Scott County combined with the already strong Covington Catholic, the class is a loaded class. I can't wait to see what's in store for Bowling Green this season. It's a brutal schedule, but hopefully they will have a great season!
  14. Now that we are a little closer to the start of the season I will comment on this. This schedule is a nightmare for BG fans. Other than a lot of the tough games are at home. I'm still trying to figure this new BG team out. I think they have a chance to be solid, but man that's a tough schedule. The season opener in the Rafferty's Bowl Father Ryan, they only won two games last season I think. I know they were playing some really tough teams, but maybe they aren't as good as their name would suggest. The schedule is loaded. And I am all about having a hard schedule, but I also don't want to beat the team to death the whole season either. Than you end up with a mediocre record, a beat up team and maybe a confidence problem. I was at the Warren Central (Indianapolis) game last year. Just seemed like we never recovered at that one. Up until that game BG really surprised me how well they did in the first part of the season. So maybe they will surprise me this year too. I'm just not too sure what we got.
  15. Not to wish my life away, but I am ready for the 24th to get here!!
  16. I think this is where the South Warren train will stop. Against a team like CCH is where SW simple playbook will come up short, Spurrier's soft passes and inability to hit receivers that are covered will stall out the offense and likely have them playing from behind. If SW has to play from behind more than a score I think they will be in trouble. Their OL and DL have be so much better than anyone they have played this season they have just been able to run simple plays and win. I don't think that will be the case with CC. I'll take CC 36-17.
  17. The key wording in this story is "running game". Just about any team that has to rely on their running game to beat South Warren is finished.
  18. This was not surprising at all. I did not expect this to be a contest. Owensboro didn't have near enough weapons to compete with SW. Owensboro's running offense had absolutely no chance against the front line of SW. I didn't expect this game to be much after the first and that's what happened.
  19. Hold South Warren to under 25 what?? Not points, right? Cause then you would be implying Owensboro will score more than 25 points on South Warren? I can't see anyway that could happen. Owensboro won't score more than 14 and I believe 7-10 is more likely. Owensboro could prove me wrong, but South Warren rolls in this game. And when I say roll, I mean Owensboro will be in no serious position to win.
  20. This is my thinking as well. I don't see this game being close and I don't see Owensboro being in a position to win it. I have seen Owensboro play multiple times and South Warren play multiple times and the question shouldn't be what will South Warren's OL do with Owensboro DL, it's what will Owensboro DL do with South Warren's OL. And I am predicting not a whole heck of a lot. It may not be a running clock, but I don't think the game will ever be in doubt. I may be in attendance for this game, at least the first half. No sure which side I will sit on though =) South Warren 28 Owensboro 7
  21. The offensive play calling has been bad most of the year, but Friday's offensive play calling by Bowling Green was a new level of awful. I don't even know what to say. I try to keep it in perspective because it's high school it's about kids and coaches don't make a ton for coaching in public schools. With that said in the realm of football discussion, Bowling Green's offensive coordinator either needs to go to a bunch of clinics during the off season or he needs to be demoted to another area he might be good at. It was unbelievable bad. I was shaking my head most of the game, especially in the redzone possessions.
  22. Just telling it like it is, South Warren should roll Owensboro.
  23. Okay it's game day! We are planning to depart later this afternoon for a pregame meal at Old Hickory than head over to Rash. Thankfully it looks like the rain is not going to impact that game. It's been poring in Bowling Green all morning. This should be a knock down drag out. Bowling Green has looked out of what for the last four weeks. I think they are the better team and more talented than Owensboro, but they just haven't been playing well. The coaching staff needs to ease up a bit on the stubbornness of establishing the run game. I think they get too hung up on that philosophy and it hurts them at times. With the offensive line issues I really think they have to pass to setup the run against good defensive teams. Bowling Green also needs to fix its issues in the middle of the defensive line. I think Owensboro can take a real advantage here if BG doesn't come up with a plan to fix that. Also BG seems to be vulnerable to over the middle pass plays. Owensboro hurt them with this at the earlier game this season as well a lot of other teams. They have to find a way to fix that as well. I am going to predict a 28-21 win for Purples tonight, but I think it's 50/50 unless BG has found a way to improve.
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