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Everything posted by Killowatt59

  1. Well this was the tale of two halves. In first half, I thought there was going to be a repeat of last week's South Warren/BG game with the same result. It was a back and forth grind fest with both offenses sputtering and the defense's shining. BG's offense was pitiful the last six quarters, but for some reason in the second half BG's coaches decided to actually open the playbook a little bit and that got them going. Letting Conner Cooper run in the second half was a big turning point. He's fast and beter mobile than sitting the pocket. When he started doing that he completed some passes and had some good runs. This spread the defense out and took some focus off Bunton. After that Bunton was able to run wild since the offense was no longer one dimensional. why BG waited 6 quarters to do that I have no idea. The offense still wasn't great, but the second half was much better than the previous 6 quarters. BG's defense was outstanding again. Once BG took the lead I never felt McCracken had a chance because they were totally shutdown offensively. Nice bounce back win BG!
  2. Great write-up Purple88! Well done and hard to argue. Going to the #3 spot, looking at the schedules (which both are pretty weak) who would you say has the better win out of #3 Owensboro and #4 McCracken County?
  3. I think BG's injuries and rigorous schedule continues to catch up to them and they lose this one. 17-10 McCracken County
  4. Completely agree here. And for some reason BG's offensive strategy was planned to go at South Warren's strengths. What? And they had two weeks to prepare too.
  5. Completely agree. Defense gave BG every chance to win the game, but the offense strategy and playcalling were a complete failure. Nobody is perfect and you have bad games, but the whoever was controlling the offense needs to understand how bad they did and work to fix it. Changes are needed.
  6. Completely disagree. It's pretty much one sided. And that's how SW is to pretty much every team.
  7. Only a few things that can be said. BG's defense is great. BG's offense should be absolutely embarrassed. Whoever was calling the plays for BG should be absolutely embarrassed. That was the worst called game I've seen in a very long time for BG. Thank goodness this was only the regular season game. South Warren continues to be one of the mouthiest and classless team in Kentucky.
  8. BG Defense was outstanding. The offense is going to have to step it up though, they are struggling.
  9. South Warren fans I've noticed tend to get real quite when they don't have a lot of confidence. Probably why they haven't been on this board much the last two seasons.
  10. Well, here's the official video broadcast with the official radio feed to go with it. It's a great broadcast and a really good picture. https://www.facebook.com/D93wdns Pre game starts at 6:30 pm CENTRAL. Just click the link to go to the page and the broadcast will be there at 6:30 pm.
  11. Good information and good points all around. As long as it doesn't hamper him BG should roll Friday.
  12. So is he actually hurt, but still playing? Not sure how they are handling attendance. I plan to watch the broadcast on the Talk 104.1 Facebook Page. It's a great Broadcast.
  13. If Cooper is anything but a 100 percent BG could be in trouble offensively and really be in trouble for the game. I was told he was 100 percent and had no issues but a few comments on here have me worried.
  14. Well if you've been able to watch both teams this far, it's a no brainier BG is a better team. Now was South Warren holding back because they were playing such inferior programs? Is Conner Cooper 100%? Those are the two factors. But based on seeing both teams play this far, BG is an easy pick. Now how will those two factors come into play? We shall see.
  15. From what I saw from SW Friday and what I've seen from BG the first two games. I like the Purples a lot. Bowling agree 28-14.
  16. Well BG beat them 56-0 last year. And this BG team looked like it is better than last year, at least after game 1. And for those that saw the game, it was definitely a step back from last week.
  17. Not BG's best offensive effort tonight. But a win is a win. Looked very lethargic, slow starting. Several dropped passes. I didn't think the playcalling was very good either. BIG step back offensively for the Purples tonight compared to last week. PRP had a lot more speed than St. X did. Defense was great tonight. They are big, fast and tough at every position. Last week everything was clicking for Bowling Green. Tonight not terrible, but a step back for sure. The Purples had a couple of injuries, I hope not too serious, but could be. Now a week off before the South Warren showdown.
  18. I'm glad PRP hasn't canceled as well. I have a feeling there night have been some other factors in play as to why the SW game was canceled.
  19. Well...........SW won't hardly even play its own class unless it's district. Doubtful they will play up, especially to a powerhouse. They like the 4A and 3A schools
  20. Yup. Game canceled. Too short of notice to find a replacement for SW.
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