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Mike Brown

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Continues time and time again to prove that he is a complete and total joke. I would like to use another word than joke but I don't want a suspension:



WhoDeyRevolution has learned from a high-level booster with knowledge of the negotiations that the Bengals would only let the Bearcats use PBS if they paid a rate that is over five times what the University of South Florida and University of Pittsburgh pay.

WhoDeyRevolution has also heard directly from a UC booster who has offered to pay in full for an indoor practice facility located at PBS (to be used by UC and the Bengals) if the Bengals offer the University a competitive lease offer. The Bengals have expressed that they have "zero interest" in paying for a practice facility at PBS or contributing too the one proposed at UC. The Bengals have rejected this offer unless UC pays over five times the going rate for use of the stadium.


According to high-level officials in the UC Athletic Department, the Bengals have expressed that they may be interested in occasionally renting UC's indoor facility but would pay none of the construction or development costs.



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Lance talked about this a lot today. With the NFL potentially expanding the season it would be very likely the Bengals would need their own with games going deeper into the winter. I think they are in a wait and see approach.

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Lance talked about this a lot today. With the NFL potentially expanding the season it would be very likely the Bengals would need their own with games going deeper into the winter. I think they are in a wait and see approach.


They don't play on a grass field. Heinz field is grass and is used for college and high school games. I think he is a greedy weasel who could care less about the community that made him filthy rich. I hope karma catches up to him soon.


Also they said they could use the stadium for a hefty price. Not wait and see that we don't need it first.

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What does playing on grass have to do with it. I am talking about an indoor facility.


My bad I missed what you were talking about.


I'm talking about the price they are charging for UC to host games at PBS.


The indoor facility is just as big of a joke. I could understand him not wanting one on UC's campus, but he could build it by PBS and split it w/ UC. He wants nothing to do w/ construction cost. He's a cheap weasel. He will never pay for his own indoor facility. Never.

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How is it a joke? What is the going rate for renting the field for a game? This all came from a big UC booster. I would like to hear GT's thoughts on this, he might have some inside insight.


If it's 5 times more than Pitt pays the Steelers and South Florida pays the Bucs it's a joke. Lance reported that it is way higher than the OSU game that was there a few years ago. If it is the same amount that UK is paying to play Miami there I take everything back I said. If it's a fair rate its a fair rate.

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This has been going on since Kelly arrived, because he wants an indoor facility. The Bengals have been asked numerous times if they would like to go in on one, and Brown continually says no. Then, he goes on to say how great Massilon's indoor facilities are, and that it's a shame the Bengals don't have anything like it. Now, he has someone else willing to pay for it, and put it next to his stadium, and he still doesn't like the idea? What a tool.

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^ That's what I'm saying I have no idea what a "fair rate" is. All this info reportedly came from a big UC booster that's all I'm saying.


All I am saying is Mike brown is and always has been a clown. W/ past history I'm going to assume he's at fault and if I'm proven wrong I'l eat crow. UC offered to pay for part or most of a practice facility outside of PBS. He balked. He will never on his own pay for something like that. I know that some team has to be the northernmost team w/o one, but it doesn't have to be his. A high school team a couple hours away has one that he envys. I doubt that high school is bringing in the millions a year he is.

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Why doesn't UC just build the practice bubble on campus and leave Mike Brown, the Bengals, Paul Brown Stadium out of the equation? UC could schedule some high school games on campus to add revenue, instead of giving it to Mike Brown and the Bengals.

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Why doesn't UC just build the practice bubble on campus and leave Mike Brown, the Bengals, Paul Brown Stadium out of the equation? UC could schedule some high school games on campus to add revenue, instead of giving it to Mike Brown and the Bengals.


Currently no room for it.

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