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NY Gov's Tax and Spend Shocker Adds 137 Hikes While Increasing Budget to $121B

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So drinking a Coke is a natural born freedom?;):sssh::cool:


The rhetoric is going off the charts here Hoot.

Yes it is. Our government does not grant any rights to us - it only restricts those with which we were born. When you accept the premise that freedom is granted by government then you accept that government has the right to take that freedom away at will.
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I agree with you about being against it forever, regardless of the odds of it happening.


I just don't get how you justify changing your political beliefs because you say that it "won't be overturned". Personally, I think you should support what is best no matter what the likelihood.


I have misled you somewhere if you think I am changing my political beliefs because of it not being overturned.


Either I was unclear or you misread something.


I don't believe I will ever support a candidate that is pro-choice.

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Yes it is. Our government does not grant any rights to us - it only restricts those with which we were born. When you accept the premise that freedom is granted by government then you accept that government has the right to take that freedom away at will.


So, is the makers of Coke restricting your natural born freedom to drink Coke by putting a price on it and not allowing you to drink it free of charge? Are you willing to accept their right to restrict your natural born freedom by putting a price on it?

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I have no problem with taxing those things that are not a basic necessity of life.


And that would include taxing my favorite Diet Mt. Dew.


Oh no, they cannot tax my diet Mt Dew. (Although, the income generated from my purchases alone could pave a new highway!

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So, is the makers of Coke restricting your natural born freedom to drink Coke by putting a price on it and not allowing you to drink it free of charge? Are you willing to accept their right to restrict your natural born freedom by putting a price on it?
I am born with the right to make my own Cokes if I so choose. You are confusing the economic freedom of individuals and companies to create and sell products with government greed.


It may seem trivial to you but I feel strongly that government has no moral right to unreasonably infringe on our right to eat and drink the foods and beverages of our choice. To me, this seems like one of those basic, self-evident freedoms that the framers of the Constitution had in mind when the affixed their signatures to the documents. The surrender of personal freedom is a slippery slope, regardless of how trivial those freedoms seem to you on an individual basis.

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I have misled you somewhere if you think I am changing my political beliefs because of it not being overturned.


Either I was unclear or you misread something.


I don't believe I will ever support a candidate that is pro-choice.

I am not speaking about this statement:


I agree with you but we both know that is never going to happen, so instead you have to look for a system that best works.


I know that it is not abortion. I am speaking on the idea that you would settle for 2nd-best because you know that it won't happen. If people took that attitude, then abortion would be legal here forever. Fortunately, a lot people don't think in terms of likelihood but instead of what is right. I just disagree with your aforementioned statement.

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This is what liberals do and why they should never be put in charge of government. Note the proposed 18 percent tax on non-diet sodas. Those of you who think taxing soft drinks is wrong but still support skyrocketing cigarette taxes - shame on you.


If you cannot find a proposed tax or fee hike in Paterson's long list of revenue enhancements to hate, then you deserve the fleecing that awaits you. Need a haircut? That will cost you an extra 4 percent under the NY plan.


This may just be a ploy to get in on the federal bailout action but either way it illustrates how little liberals understand about our economy and individual liberty. The power to tax is the power to destroy and liberals are on the attack.


Yeah, we should just let conservatives run the government, always. That would solve everything. Sarcasm off.

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Yeah, we should just let conservatives run the government, always. That would solve everything. Sarcasm off.
You're right, we can just continue to print money and pump it into the economy. Of course that course of action has always resulted in hyperinflation in the past, but the liberals running this country are too smart to let that happen here. Right?


Just in case, I think that I will invest in a decent wheelbarrow while I still have a job, just in case I need it to haul around my worthless paper money in a few years.

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This would be a good time to take this thread another direction.


I have no problem with taxing those things that cause additional costs for a government.


Fast food that is unhealthy, tax the snot out of it. People still want a triple Whopper, that is fine, just offset the cost that a society constantly eating such monstrosities is going to cost the government.


Put a tax on ho-ho's and the like. No problem with an 18% tax on soft drinks.


Tax alcohol and cigarettes. I have no problem with it.


Adults can still choose to do it but their poor choices can be at least partially offset by the tax revenue that can be raised by it.


I have no problem in taxing the luxuries in life.


THe Basic necessities, no taxes on at all. Everyone should be given the opportunity to have what they need to survive at the lowest cost possible. Luxuries, you can tax.


With this thinking tax how much time you are sitting at a computer, as you you are sitting and not exercising. This is all about big brother trying to contol people's lives.

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To a point, I disagree.


I think it is obvious that the taxes taken out of the economy and put into creating the interstates in this country has risen our standard of living not lowered it.


A program like road builing helps all and does not infringe on individual liberty, whereas the taxes mentioned in the article actually start to infringe on on an individual's decisions. So choices that you make are really the government's decision and not your personal decision.

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A program like road builing helps all and does not infringe on individual liberty, whereas the taxes mentioned in the article actually start to infringe on on an individual's decisions. So choices that you make are really the government's decision and not your personal decision.


You can make the decision if you want.

Just might cost you a little more to make it.

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Hoot, does it disturb you at all that I pretty much agree with you on this, and share your disdain for artificially created foodstuffs? :lol: I'm not necessarily disturbed, but it has given me a lot to think about today. :lol:


Hoot and RM agreeing, I think I might have read that somewhere in Revelations.:D

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