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Rezko Reality: McCain misfires as he attacks Obama's home purchase

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And the same could be said about John McCain and his shady friends.
There are plenty of legitimate reasons not to vote for John McCain. If you will recall, a few months ago I was roundly criticized for McCain bashing. If the Democrats had not nominated such an extremist as its candidate, I would be content to just sit back and be a spectator. In fact, as I said during the primaries, I would have felt much better having Hillary in the White House as Obama. Obama's shady associates combined with his inexperience should scare any potential voter.
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Shady is a term used by someone who has failed to prove illegality. You have no proof of bribery, so you resort to insinuation with terms like "shady". If you have no proof of a law being broken, you have innuendo.
The Obamas could not afford the mansion that they wanted to buy. The buyer gave them a steep discount and agreed at the same time to sell part of the property at full price to an Obama financial supporter, who in turn sold part of the property to the Obamas. If such a transaction does not qualify as a "shady" one, then nothing does. This is politics not badminton and not a court of law. Democrats are very nervous about some of Obama's past relationships and they have been going after critics instead of refuting their charges.


You seem to care so much about criticism of Obama meeting the burden of proof ordinarily reserved for a criminal defendent, do you find Obama's attempts to intimidate and silence political enemies with attacks on their character equally deplorable? Should Obama be attacking Jerome Corsi personally or should he be attacking the specific allegations in Corsi's book?

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There are plenty of legitimate reasons not to vote for John McCain. If you will recall, a few months ago I was roundly criticized for McCain bashing. If the Democrats had not nominated such an extremist as its candidate, I would be content to just sit back and be a spectator. In fact, as I said during the primaries, I would have felt much better having Hillary in the White House as Obama. Obama's shady associates combined with his inexperience should scare any potential voter.


I would rather have Hillary in office as well, so we can agree on that. :lol:

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I have looked, and I couldn't find it.
The last count that I saw was that Obama had returned over $160,000 in campaign contributions to Rezko. I do not remember the exact figure but it has been cited in other threads. The Obama campaign also did not refund all of the money at once. They tried to downplay the amount initially and then gradually admitted that the total was much larger.
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You seem to care so much about criticism of Obama meeting the burden of proof ordinarily reserved for a criminal defendent, do you find Obama's attempts to intimidate and silence political enemies with attacks on their character equally deplorable? Should Obama be attacking Jerome Corsi personally or should he be attacking the specific allegations in Corsi's book?


I believe Obama's campaign has been addressing the specific allegations in the book, as well as questioning Mr. Corsi's character. From what I have heard of the guy, he is a bit of a crackpot.

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I believe Obama's campaign has been addressing the specific allegations in the book, as well as questioning Mr. Corsi's character. From what I have heard of the guy, he is a bit of a crackpot.
I have begun reading the book. It is very well documented and I have not seen Obama's people do anything but trying to portray Corsi as a crackpot. Apparently, the Obama effort is meeting with some success.
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If you want a lesson in character assassination, just read the email that Obama's organization sent to his supporters. Reading Obama's so-called rebuttal of Jerome Corsi's best-selling book, Obama Nation. Obama is using the same tactics against his critics as John Kerry did. Attack the author and avoid addressing the content of the allegations.




Obama was willing to lose a war to win an election. He also seems perfectly willing to run roughshod over the US Constitution to get to the White House. His attempts to intimidate the segments of the media that is attempting to actually do its job is just another good reason to just say Nobama!

I want to add that an offer was extended to Obama's camp to have one of their people on the show with Kurtz to counter any of his claims. Of course they did not send anyone. :lol:

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I have never seen any evidence showing that Rezko was a financial supporter of Barack Obama.



4. In 1995, Obama began campaigning for a seat in the Illinois Senate. Among his earliest supporters: Rezko. Two Rezko companies donated a total of $2,000. Obama was elected in 1996 -- representing a district that included 11 of Rezko's 30 low-income housing projects.


6. In 2003, Obama announced he was running for the U.S. Senate, and Rezko -- a member of his campaign finance committee -- held a lavish fund-raiser June 27, 2003, at his Wilmette mansion.


8. Eight months later -- in October 2006 -- Rezko was indicted on charges he solicited kickbacks from companies seeking state pension business under his friend Gov. Blagojevich. Federal prosecutors maintain that $10,000 from the alleged kickback scheme was donated to Obama's run for the U.S. Senate. Obama has given the money to charity
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I have never seen any evidence showing that Rezko was a financial supporter of Barack Obama.

This is the article I have already posted earlier in this thread.




Obama and Rezko have been friends since 1990, and Obama said the Wilmette businessman raised as much as $60,000 for him during his political career. After Rezko's indictment, Obama donated $11,500 to charity--a total that represents what Rezko contributed to the senator's federal campaign fund
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I have begun reading the book. It is very well documented and I have not seen Obama's people do anything but trying to portray Corsi as a crackpot. Apparently, the Obama effort is meeting with some success.


Obama's campaign has issued a 41 page response to the Corsi book. It is on his website here. It is quite detailed, refuting dozens of claims and statements made in Corsi's book with statements which are dated and available in the public record. Obama also makes a point of listing numerous factual errors in the book, suggesting it was not very carefully written.


As for the crackpot references, be your own judge. He seems to have a conspiracy fetish. Corsi is on record claiming that President Bush is trying to merge the United States, Canada, and Mexico and create a universal currency called the "Amero". Corsi has also claimed that the World Trade Center towers were felled not by the jet-fuel-fed fires that weakened their steel structure but by explosives inside the buildings. He is also on the record making inflammatory remarks about Catholics, Muslims, Jews and he has interesting theories about how oil is created within the earth. It has been reported that even the Swift Boat Veterans group sought to distance themselves from Corsi after his fringe views became apparent.

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I have begun reading the book. It is very well documented and I have not seen Obama's people do anything but trying to portray Corsi as a crackpot. Apparently, the Obama effort is meeting with some success.


You might want to check that documentation. I heard someone say that many of the early source documents are just past writings by him.


It strikes me as sad but typical that you would give credence to someone who is on record as being a bigot (does Mansour ring a bell to you?). This guy has been discredited by both Dems and Republicans. If you want to read it to help justify in your mind why you should not vote for him, fine. However, you'd look silly trying to use this guy as any justification for your beliefs.

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This is the article I have already posted earlier in this thread.




Rezko contributed to the campaigns of dozens of candidates, Republican and Democrat. It's being suggested (by failing to mention this fact) that Rezko only contributed to Obama's campaign, possibly in expectation of a quid pro quo benefit. Although Rezko's donations were overwhelmingly to Democratic candidates (I believe Illinois has predominantly Democrat-dominated state offices), some notable Republican recipients of campaign contributions were George W. Bush, Tom Campbell (U.S. Senate candidate, California), Spencer Abraham (U.S. Senate candidate, Michigan), and Rick Lazio (U.S. House, New York).

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